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Banjo Kazooie (XBLA)


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Trying to do the Canary Mary Jiggy on Cloud Cuckoo Land....the only way I can see of winning is getting someone with parkinsons to push on the x button...but I don't know anyone like that


Pace is the trick...


Go only fast enough to keep up with her, then near the end, power it as fast as you can to the end.


For the second race however I did that one by hammering the X button for 5 seconds, pausing to recover and then rinse and repeat till the end. :)

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100% game completion get! :grin:


I'm glad to have finally completed Banjo Tooie after all this time, it's still not as good as Banjo-Kazooie but I enjoyed it a lot... well apart from Grunty Industries of course but that's a level to be loathed. :heh:


Anyways, yay. :)




All achievements got as well. ^^

Edited by S.C.G
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Trying to do the Canary Mary Jiggy on Cloud Cuckoo Land....the only way I can see of winning is getting someone with parkinsons to push on the x button...but I don't know anyone like that

I thought this was pretty easy when I played it on the 64 last year, but I guess I'm just used to button mashing.

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Ok, played a bit more of Kazooie and I'm on the Clanker level. What in the hell do I do? He wants clean water and I believe you have to climb up to the thing above the water to do it but I can't see any possible way to do it. I mean I can see where I need to get to to get up to it but you can't jump high enough out of the water to do it. Am I missing something? I haven't found Bottles in the level to get the move so I'm guessing that's what's wrong.


Oh and the swimming controls are just awful. I mean really bad. If it's going to be a part of your game at least make it work properly. And the camera control is pretty bad too. Have to fight the damn thing to get a decent angle on things.

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The camera control is fine, not the best but I find that you get used to it, as for raising Clanker you need to swim down right to the bottom - just follow the chain all the way down - and swim through the key three times, if you are low on air just grab some of Gloop's - the fish - bubbles. :)

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The camera control is fine, not the best but I find that you get used to it, as for raising Clanker you need to swim down right to the bottom - just follow the chain all the way down - and swim through the key three times, if you are low on air just grab some of Gloop's - the fish - bubbles. :)


Bottles is located inside Clanker, you will need to raise him to get to Bottles.


The hard bit is unlocking that chain, but with Gloop's help giving you air, that should ease this trek.

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I forgot what a hassle this game ( TOOIE ) is to play, there is far too much going backwards and forwards to different levels. I've managed to 100% the first 5 levels, just 3 to go now. Im thinking of getting enough jiggies so I can finish the game as I really don't want to go through the whole of the Gruntys Industries world.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Yeah i know what u mean, from what i have played of it so far im already seeing that there will be alot of moving between worlds to get all the jiggies.


Yeah, it really drains the fun from the game. I thought I might like it more now that im older but my first impressions of the game when I was younger seem to be right. I really want to finish this off as ive just snapped up Fallout 3 today and refuse to start it until this is done and dusted.

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Yeah, way too much back and forth. Some of the stuff is quite cool, like the Ice Cube in CCL --> Cool the water in HFP --> Warm the pool in JRL. But other stuff, like the lone Jinjo in Mayahem that you can't get until after getting the move from Glitter Gulch Mine, is just frustrating and a waste of time. Generally the things that require a move from a later level are annoying, but the simple links are fine.

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I forgot what a hassle this game ( TOOIE ) is to play, there is far too much going backwards and forwards to different levels. I've managed to 100% the first 5 levels, just 3 to go now. Im thinking of getting enough jiggies so I can finish the game as I really don't want to go through the whole of the Gruntys Industries world.

Yeah, that's what made me dislike this game a little. I suppose if you were to just play this game casually you might mildly enjoy it, but for people who like to play the whole game it's a freaking ballache. I can't stomach playing this game so soon after 100%ing it some months ago... :heh:

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Yeah, that's what made me dislike this game a little. I suppose if you were to just play this game casually you might mildly enjoy it, but for people who like to play the whole game it's a freaking ballache. I can't stomach playing this game so soon after 100%ing it some months ago... :heh:


I think thats what put me off Tooie to begin with, and why i'm probably not playing it at the moment either.

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So I've done this game to 100% now, all jiggies, notes etc. So I thought I'd try Stop N Swop. I did all those long winded codes on the N64 a few years ago, so I thought I'd try them on the XBLA version.


When I entered the ridiculously long code in Treasure Trove Cove, Bottles warned me that the game wouldn't save and wouldn't be posted to the leaderboards etc, but I though that would be no big deal and got a couple of eggs. Anyway, switched over to Banjo Tooie to try them out and Heggy tells me that I don't have any eggs from the first game, when I bloody well do!!


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

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Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


I would have thought that BT would do it - have you tried just looking where the eggs are without entering a code since getting it? If so, you may need to buy/rent Nuts & Bolts.

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I believe you need to have either a Nuts & Bolts save or a Banjo Tooie save for it to work


Yeah i think your right coz i remember when i completed banjo kazoozie i was unable to get any of them but when i went back on it after getting nuts and bolts i could...

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I believe you need to have either a Nuts & Bolts save or a Banjo Tooie save for it to work


I believe that to be true as well, i did play Nuts and Bolts before Kazooie and Sharkfood Island was risen and all that. But it wasn;t in the original version of Kazooie on the N64.

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