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Death Penalty


Are you for or against the death penalty?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you for or against the death penalty?

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I think if it can be proved with zero doubt that said person commited such a terrible crime to warrant the death penalty, then yes they should have to under go the sentence that has been given to them.


I don't see any reason in allowing such people who commit such terrible crimes to live when they've killed innocent people.

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Is this the same British public that buy Coldplay's "music"?


Coldplay are good.


Anyway, bring it back, sod human rights.


Re-forming them would be a waste of time. If they've murdered before or done something equally as bad then they will be up for doing it again.

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I think it has to be seriously thought about when someone is sentenced to several life sentences worth of prison time. What's the point in letting them live, when they aren't even going to get day release no matter how good their behaviour? It's simply sapping the money. Why does the tax payer have to pay to keep the guy alive, paying for his food and shelter?

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This is a hard one. Purely because it depends on how you 'see' Death, as everyone has a different viewpoint.


To a patient who is terminally ill and in agony, death might seem like a relief to them. Would death also seem like a relief to a murderer who knows that he'll be spending the rest of his life in a prison? I think it may do.

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Doesn't surprise me. I heard that 99% of The Suns readers want it back xD

I just think it is such hypocrisy to have an attitude like: They killed someone so they must DIE. Why not try and reform these people?

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I'm opposed. There have been far too many instances in the past where men that were only proven innocent many years later would have received the death penalty. There also have been instances in places such as Texas where people have been proven innocent posthumously. Dead men don't fight appeals.

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Doesn't surprise me. I heard that 99% of The Suns readers want it back xD

I just think it is such hypocrisy to have an attitude like: They killed someone so they must DIE. Why not try and reform these people?


Whos to say they don't?


Despite reforms, there was that rapist who was released, and went and did it again

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I voted against, I don't really know why tbh. I think people who do mass murder etc shouldn't be allowed to live, but at the same time killing them saves them from the guilt. Provided the bastards have a conscience and the prison actually keeps them locked up for years.



Life in prisonment should mean that, with very little luxuries. Not the shit they get in Uk prisons, free gym and sky tv, thats more than I've got!!

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Can't argue with the majority ;)


Watch me! :D


Did you expect any other? i just wonder who the 40% are really...


Sane people like iPaul.


I just think it is such hypocrisy to have an attitude like: They killed someone so they must DIE. Why not try and reform these people?


Coldplay are good.


Anyway, bring it back, sod human rights.


No they aren't. But you really shouldn't be concerned about what anyone but yourself thinks. :wink:


A peedo rapes and murders 5 kids, and you consider a painless lethal injection somewhat barbaric?

Why brush the issue under the carpet with a lethal injection when you could try and find out why the person did what they did. Maybe we could prevent it from happening again.

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I voted against, I don't really know why tbh. I think people who do mss murder etc shouldn't be allowed to live, but at the same time killing them saves them from the guilt. Provided the bastards have a conscience and the prison actually keeps them locked up for years.



Life in prisonment should mean that, with very little luxuries. Not the shit they get in Uk prisons, free gym and sky tv, thats more than I've got!!


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A peedo rapes and murders 5 kids, and you consider a painless lethal injection somewhat barbaric?

Yes, and the babarism is magnified a hundred fold because it's carried out by an authority, rather than a lone and crazed individual. In addition, killing someone is only arguably a punishment - what does killing a murderer actually achieve? Yes, it "stops them from doing any more damage", but that reeks to me of a easy yet dubious way out. It's true that keeping people alive saps money from the state, but if the alternative is killing them, then I'd rather some taxes be spent on prisoners.

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well, the death penalty has been shown to not deter violent crime, which is one major argument for knocked down.


the second argument which a friend posed at me was that it was better then paying to keep the prisoner alive. except that prisoners on death row have such lengths of extra investigation and appeals, that cost the tax payer, that too seems a flawed argument.


what remains for the death penalty? revenge is the only thing i can think of, and that seems a rather flimsy reason to kill.


point is, taking a human life is the worst thing you can do, and shoulden't be done unless absolutely necicary.


even proving guilt is a tircky buissines. from just a little studying of the investigative process and the way evidence is used, it is supprising just how little can be proven from it. DNA being one of the worst culprits, showing only that some body was at the scene of the crime, or came into contact with the victem, or some one close to them at some point. this obviously increases the problems with ordering the death sentence.

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I'm against it, but more on a political level than a moral one.


In the days of mass media, it's sort of bred an overly emotional public who want somebody convicted of crimes such as murder and rape as fast as possible to the fullest extent of the law. This leads to false convictions and, if capital punishment was introduced, innocent people given the death penalty.


The justice system should work without involving emotions. The death penalty will taint that.

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Why brush the issue under the carpet with a lethal injection when you could try and find out why the person did what they did. Maybe we could prevent it from happening again.

Some people may be beyond help. Some people don't feel like, or even want to explain themselves. There isn't much point keeping these people alive if they're going to rot away in prison for the rest of their lives with no chance of parole.

but that reeks to me of a easy yet dubious way out. It's true that keeping people alive saps money from the state, but if the alternative is killing them, then I'd rather some taxes be spent on prisoners.

Of course it's an easy way out. It's a genius way out. As much as I admire your humanitarian attitude, I really don't see the point. HOWEVER! each to their own. :)

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No they aren't. But you really shouldn't be concerned about what anyone but yourself thinks. :wink:




Meh, anyone could say that about any band so it really doesn't matter either way :heh:


As for the death penalty... if they've commited a really inhumane crime then I think they should have to live with what theyve done in prison, and if they are the sick type who still doesn't care that what theyve done is so barbaric then maybe they should have the same things done to them to what they did unto their innocent victims. :blank:


But then what would that make the people dishing out the same punishment?


Nah fuck it, kill all the evil people. :heh:

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