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No luck with the job hunting. Hardly anyone has gotten back to me yet. Really really angry. I apply to so many places, places which are relevant to my past experience and skills and still, I have hardly received anything back...I don't see myself getting a job this summer.



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I'm pretty sure most companies don't read all of an application form anyway. For instance there was a section on the form that I filled in for my current job that asked for likes and dislikes, and under the latter I put, "Filling in application forms. Seriously." It never came up in the interview.


I need to start looking for a second part-time job, but it could prove tricky as I'd ideally like to keep my weekends free. Well, that and the fact it took me over 6 months to get my current position, something which doesn't exactly have me brimming with hope when it comes to finding a second.

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Clintons took 5 days to get back to me. I was quite impressed. As soon as I saw the phone number on my phone I was feeling optimistic [if it were a local number I would've had it saved - because I'm that damn popular.]


I was starting to lose hope earlier this morning/last night. However I'm sure they spunked their eyes off while reading my CV.

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I'm doing terribly. Several branches of Waterstone's, Blackwells and Cycle Surgery have failed to get back to me. Blah.


The job im at took a year to get back to me.


Its all about the optimism :p

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The job im at took a year to get back to me.


Its all about the optimism :p


Yea, I applied to my first job and had long forgotten about the application.... a year later they called me for an interview and i got the job.


Their interviewing organisation skills seemed to pretty much follow throughout everything.. :/

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I've got an interview with Sports World tommorow, where, if I get the job, I will be working for, wait for it.... £3.40 an hour! Hell yeah =P The annoying thing is that all of my friends wages will gradually be going up this year as they reach 18 - my birthday is on the 20th August so I will be seeing no increase for quite a while in any job I get =(. Oh well, could be worse I suppose. I read somewhere that one billion people in the world live on less than one dollar each day :(.

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I've got an interview with Sports World tommorow, where, if I get the job, I will be working for, wait for it.... £3.40 an hour! Hell yeah =P The annoying thing is that all of my friends wages will gradually be going up this year as they reach 18 - my birthday is on the 20th August so I will be seeing no increase for quite a while in any job I get =(. Oh well, could be worse I suppose. I read somewhere that one billion people in the world live on less than one dollar each day :(.


Get yourself a hat and start busking outside the local shopping centre, hell if you sing the theme tune to Baywatch I'd make sure you got more than £3.40 for a 3 minute song, let alone an hour.

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Alright, I'm looking at the Codemasters website and they have sweet FA as far as testing goes by the look of it but they do have a customer service position available.


Check it: http://www.codemasters.co.uk/corporate/careers/featured-jobs/


Now, a few questions. Do you really think that speaking another language is required and at the end there is stuff about travelling over seas. How often does that sound to anyone?

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Speaking from experience, I startd my job in a well known department store over 2 years ago, worked my way up from the bottom and now i'm the one doing interviews. Everyone says the best way to write a CV or fill out an application from is to basically speak bullshit and make yourself out to be far more awesome than you really are, to me it's now the way to go. When i'm looking at application forms, i look at the people being honest, i've no time for bullshitters. I've generally found it to be a successful formula so far, if you're honest about what you can do, what you've done - I think you'll get better results.

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I've got an interview with Sports World tommorow, where, if I get the job, I will be working for, wait for it.... £3.40 an hour! Hell yeah =P The annoying thing is that all of my friends wages will gradually be going up this year as they reach 18 - my birthday is on the 20th August so I will be seeing no increase for quite a while in any job I get =(. Oh well, could be worse I suppose. I read somewhere that one billion people in the world live on less than one dollar each day :(.


Jesus christ thats just skimming over minimum surely? Get yourself another job as soon as you can chuck!

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I'm kinda giving up hope really.


I'd like a job, I really would. My bank account is at an all time low but I can survive. Its just that no one wants to take on someone who will only be available to work for the next month or two before going off to Uni. I can see why no one is willing to take me on.


But in saying that, I have had a number of call backs about various jobs I have applied for...but all of them require something like 6 months minimum...I know some of you will probably say to just not tell them (about going to Uni) but IMO it wouldn't be worthwhile working someplace for only a month or so. You'd hardly get settled before you'd be off again someplace else, and for me, I'd rather not do that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its kind of annoying how I got this new job with footlocker. I basically stepped in with no cv/app form on a wednesday to ask for vacancies, manager says yes blah blah blah and tells me to come in on Thursday for an interview, after a weak interview (by me imo) he tells me I got the job and now Friday I gotta get in and drop my passport, NI number etc... :D


Its annoying because some of you probably have been struggling searching for a job while on the very first day I set out to look for one, I get it... Life is hard indeed.




(Don't kill me).

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