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Nintendo64 Appreciation Day

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Ok, there's far more demand here than I originally expected, so...how about extending the idea from an appreciation day to a week?


So, Monday we could bash out Goldeneye

Tuesday could be Mario Kart

Wednesday could be Banjo Kazooie

and so forth.


What do you think guys?


Also, it would be quite handy if people could post a basic list of the N64 games that they have. If a lot of people have Jet Force Gemini, then we could give that a bash, especially as it probably didn't get as much coverage as it should have.


Tapedeck has also talked about this getting some coverage on the mainsite. :)


Better still, we could even start kicking arse tomorrow or Thursday, and then finish during next week?



Ok, dudes. After much thought, here is my proposed idea:


Thursday could be our Go Day. We'll strike whilst the iron is hot.


Thursday could be aimed at a whole day of Goldeneye.

Friday could be Mario Kart

Saturday: Banjo Kazooie

Sunday: Ocarina of Time

Monday: Diddy Kong Racing

Tuesday: Jet Force Gemini


That's a basic list. How is that looking, what should we replace with what? Is Thursday a good day to start with? I'm thinking we go for Thursday to Thursday.


The last day could even be a free-choice. This is where gamers play a lesser-known N64 title of their own, and then post their impressions. Best ones go on the mainsite.



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I might want in on this but I put my N64 away not so long ago after having it out for a while. Banjo day will rule because I will be able to either play nothing, or actually play something good! :heh: And I see Ocarina is in there... I might play it on the Windwaker bonus disc because I have a file on it that's getting towards the endgame, and it might be a good opportunity to play on with it.


Some other titles:

- F-Zero X

- No Mercy

- K.I. Gold (well done to everyone who mentioned it so far! :hehe:)

- Duke Nukem 64

- Lylat Wars

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I might want in on this but I put my N64 away not so long ago after having it out for a while. Banjo day will rule because I will be able to either play nothing, or actually play something good! :heh: And I see Ocarina is in there... I might play it on the Windwaker bonus disc because I have a file on it that's getting towards the endgame, and it might be a good opportunity to play on with it.


Some other titles:

- F-Zero X

- No Mercy

- K.I. Gold (well done to everyone who mentioned it so far! :hehe:)

- Duke Nukem 64

- Lylat Wars


I was just playing K.I. Gold the other day. The music on the mainscreen is awesome, and it is a good game...but the SNES version is much better. Gold is pretty...clunky. A bit too heavy.



*music kicks in*

*guitar* "naaa nooooow na nooowwwww nana nowwwwoooooo

naaa nowww na neoowwww naaaaaaaaaaow eeeeeee"


Kicks arse.


I'm at uni, my N64 is almost 4 hours away...


Better get traveling then. QUICK!

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If I could have a 4 player multiplayer session on the N64 again, it would be with The World Is Not Enough. Much better than Goldeneye's multiplayer and the bank, with it's elevators was a great stage and the sticky grenade was a fun weapon! The single player mode was also excellent.


I LOVED THIS GAME! :grin: Cost me £50 back then. :o


It has some great levels and I loved multiplayer. I never beat my sister. :p


I vote for this as well. Though I'm not sure how many people would have it.


I love this idea Flinky I think this idea is great. There are so many great games to choose from for the N64. :grin:


I choose:


Super Mario 64

Zelda: MM

Zelda: OoT


Mario Kart 64



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I'd have to go with Perfect Dark, World is Not Enough, Banjo Kazooie and F-Zero X. Spent a lot of time on these titles as well as the usual ones like Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Ocarina Of Time and Majoras Mask

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Thursday could be aimed at a whole day of Goldeneye.

Friday could be Mario Kart

Saturday: Banjo Kazooie

Sunday: Ocarina of Time

Monday: Diddy Kong Racing

Tuesday: Jet Force Gemini


Sounds like a great idea, but to accomodate not everyone having all the games listed, could you modifiy it to something like:


Thursday = your choice of FPS

Friday = your choice of kart racing game

Saturday = your choice of 3D platformer

Sunday = your choice of adventure



Should get more variety & cover more games on the impressions too.


Some other titles:

- F-Zero X

- No Mercy

- K.I. Gold (well done to everyone who mentioned it so far! :hehe:)

- Duke Nukem 64

- Lylat Wars


darksnowman didn't mention DK64? *gets out the stethoscope*

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Sounds like a great idea, but to accomodate not everyone having all the games listed, could you modifiy it to something like:


Thursday = your choice of FPS

Friday = your choice of kart racing game

Saturday = your choice of 3D platformer

Sunday = your choice of adventure



Should get more variety & cover more games on the impressions too.




darksnowman didn't mention DK64? *gets out the stethoscope*


Good idea, we'll definitely take that into account, because as you rightly say...not everybody has a certain game.


Good call, dude.


The idea is now that we're going to postpone this to the Saturday. That means we get enough time to plan this more effectively.

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I like the idea.. but I don't think I'll have time to participate (especially with Brawl coming out tomorrow..) but I will likely play each game for a bit to relive some great memories. In the case of Lylat Wars, I would probably play to the end :heh:


I'll definitely be reading everyone elses input and probably add some of my own from what I remember of the games..


The N64 is just too good :yay:

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I think we're going to be aiming this at those of you who maybe won't be playing Brawl this weekend...I think there will be a lot of people, mainly because so many imported it, or just don't have the money (me:()


So, it's something else to do with your free time. If you just fancy taking a few hours break from brawl, then playing something on the 64 for a few hours and writing a little impression, then that's cool, too.

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I agree with whoever said it before but the N64 days were some of the happiest times of my childhood/adolescence....My first game was Goldeneye, then Diddy Kong Racing, then Lylat Wars, then Mario 64......


Top 3 games are


1. Zelda OOT

2. Goldeneye

3. Mario 64


but there are some close calls...I do love Lylatwars and Majoras Mask which im playing at the moment.

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I remember how good the FPS games were on the 64 - Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Quake and Quake 2, Duke Nukem... it was amazing!


Also, I loved the 3D adaptation of Command and Conquer, that was awesome. Would love them to remake the original for Wii with online and pointer controls!

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We have to have a day dedicated to shooters, ie. Star Fox 64. It's a game that's often overlooked in retrospectives, but it's easily the best 3D shooter to have appeared on a Nintendo console and surely ranks as one of the finest sequels ever. It was also a landmark in that it was the first console game to feature rumble (the rumble pak was bundled with it). I still have the game's huge box on my shelf - I remember walking around town with it after I bought it, thinking how awesome it was. :cool:


EDGE did a brilliant feature on the game in their last issue, it's well worth a read.



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