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Lylat Wars

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Well, after reading a thread about Starfox in Wii Discussion, I decided that as I was home and my N64 was nearby...I thought I'd play a few of the golden oldies.


I've been playing No Mercy, and then this morning I popped this back in.



This is still truely an incredible game. On first impressions, it doesn't take a long amount of time to get from the beginning to the "end." The end being the credits screen after beating Andross. But, when you think about how much more there is to this game, you could spend months and still not truely get everything out of this game.


There's the multiple routes, the different bosses and events depending on these routes, collecting medals, and even using the Landmaster in multiplayer. I didn't spend enough time playing this game when I was of a younger age, so I've decided to dedicate some time during this week to attempt all of this again.


The dialogue is superb, and this is not only an ode to videogaming, but also to Science-Fiction. Particularly with such things as the Independence Day siege on Katina, and even the idea of a maniac taking over the galaxy. It's brilliant.


What are your views?

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The amount of times I've played this game must be somewhere in the thousands. I loved the entire game from Corneria to Venom (heh), and it was all just brilliant. :grin:


I really ought to play it again. See if I can still notch up a high score on it...

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Guest Captain Falcon

For me this is one of those games that I appreciate more now than when I first got it and I think that it's hardly aged at all - even the graphics still cut it thanks to good design on the main crafts and the bosses, a slick pace and that the lower polygon enemies are normally turned to a blaze of smoke and flame too quickly to notice that they are low poly in the first place.


Also, some cracking music that really gets you going (Area 6 and Venom Easy being my favourites) yet perfectly suits the atmosphere - though nothing quite beats Corneria or Space Armada from the first.


But above all that, it's still a blast to play through and the fact that you can play through it twice in one sitting and only visit one planet twice means it's great for both short runs and extended periods.


Despite my gushing though, I still can stand Sector Z - it was the last level I got the hard medal on and avoid it like the plague when playing.

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This is one of my favourite games ever and I have been from beginning to end many times (and even then I have only picked up 2 or 3 medals..)


It has been a while since my last play through.. but I know if I stick it on some day I'm gonna play all the way to the end... at least once :yay:

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^That route is probably the most popular route, people always seem to take that one. People also like to go through Katina, but if you do that you can't get on the hard route until Area 6, and you have to do badly on one of the first 2 levels to get to Katina in the first place. It's ashame you can't go from Katina to Zoness. Although, having Bill AND Katt on one level would make Zoness even more chaotic than it already is, around the search-light elimination and Falco's consistent flirting.


My favorite level is Sector Z (which also happens to be one of the least popular levels in everybody else's eyes). I don't really know why I like it. I think it's just that I find it quite cinematic, and it is one of the levels that features the most interaction with the other members of your team, and all of you head to destroy each missile one by one (ofcourse, that does complicate things when it comes to the medal, and they steal all your points). I can't express how thrilled I was to see Sector Z in SSB. I was over the moon (no pun intended).


My favorite character in the game is Katt, from Zoness, Macbeth and Sector Z (hence my avatar), and that's probably a major reason as to why I like those 3 levels so much. I also particularly like Katina and Area 6 (glad to see the music from this in Brawl). People always say how levels in certain games are epic, but there actually were epic. Venom (if you went there from Bolse on Expert Mode) was very thrilling, although Andross was quite easy. Bolse too, was great, if you didn't pass through Fortuna.


This is one of my favorite games ever made, and seeing a demo of it in Brawl made me quite happy. :) I just love everything about this game, and I would love to have a game just like this on the Wii, but with more levels, longer levels, more characters, etc. This game was made in 1997, and I'm still playing it in 2008. Nintendo seem to want to try something new with some of their series, but I think Star Fox should just revert back to the original formula. It was the best.

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This is yet another Classic I missed out on (the other being Perfect Dark!)


I've been meaning to get it off the VC.


I've played the first level several times but never got any further than that. I didn't have nuch money to buy N64 games back then I mainly borrowed (and eventually kept) the games off my friend. :)


It has some great dialogue though. :D

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This is yet another Classic I missed out on (the other being Perfect Dark!)


I've been meaning to get it off the VC.


I've played the first level several times but never got any further than that. I didn't have nuch money to buy N64 games back then I mainly borrowed (and eventually kept) the games off my friend. :)


It has some great dialogue though. :D


Yeah, for it's time it was magnificant. Plus, I see or hear the phrase 'Do a barrel roll!' nearly every day, so it's had some lasting impact on us all. :)

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...back then I mainly borrowed (and eventually kept) the games off my friend. :)


So that's where my games went! Why you little...!


Yeah, for it's time it was magnificant. Plus, I see or hear the phrase 'Do a barrel roll!' nearly every day, so it's had some lasting impact on us all. :)


Use the boost to get through!


Lol, there are tons of great lines in the game, you can't help but love it. I remember I used to play it pretty much daily back then because you could blast through it in one sitting- after school each day it was perfect for a play through.


Favourite route? Corneria > Sector Y > Katina > Sector X > Macbeth > Area 6 > Venom. There were a fair few times that I just went for it through Bolse because despite loving Area 6, I sort of lost the knack of beating Andross on the hard route.

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Corneria>> Sector Y>> Katina>> Sector X>> Sector Z>> Defence Satellite>> Venom


used to play through this all the time back when i had my N64. Now that its on the VC I can play it any time ^_^

Only ever beat it using the hard route once. I felt like i found a cure for cancer when i finally did too.

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Guest Captain Falcon


To this day i always quote " you cant beat me i'm the great leon"




Of all the lines to quote, that is the one you picked? Unless of course your name is Leon and you are great, then fair enough, go with it.

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Lylat Wars had tons of good lines. I liked the ones on Titania and Macbeth when Falco ranted on about the sky being better than the land. And also Katt on Zoness, Macbeth and Zoness, when you did something good she said 'Beautiful! I could kiss you for that!' That was total lol when I first heard that.

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Yep, loved the game too.. In those days I still rented a game from time to time, and I loved this games so much, that even after renting it twice, I still bothered to buy this game. The guy from from the rental store was even surprised I rented it twice. I had to buy it, to see the last planet I didn't visit on my run-throughs when I rented the game, Zoness, which I think may be my favourite planet. I love Macbeth also. Least favourite is Sector Z. I don't think I liked Aquas much when I first played it, but I think it just takes some time to get used too. It's the most tiring planet for me though, but gotta abuse those unlimited torpedoes ;).

Agree on the lines, they make me chuckle every time I hear them (or somebody quotes them ;)). Another one to add: "Daddy screamed real good before he died" :D.

This is also one of the few games I managed to finish 100 %, in other words all medals on normal & hard, which unlocked me the on-foot mode in multiplayer, the soundtest, the alternative titlescreen, and the hardmode obviously.. I've seen the 2 extra endingscreens in hard mode, and I've seen the alternative ending to Katina.

My hi-score is a little over 1500, which isn't spectacular compared to the world rankings it seems :D.


Last few notes on this great game:

- Great collection of bosses (and the best of all Starfox games, but that's not hard to achieve unfortunately).

- Best rumble experience ever.. I should buy some batteries for that thing again.

- Too bad they couldn't use the Starfox title in the ehh title at that point, that's what I rented at the rental store (Japanese version in a much cooler box).

- The only gripe I have with the game.. Voluntarily going to that desert planet results in the biggest goof of the game.. Somehow Slippy has been captured from right under your nose on your way over there.

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Of all the lines to quote, that is the one you picked? Unless of course your name is Leon and you are great, then fair enough, go with it.


Its not Leon, i dunno why but I just loved that line, its great to shout out during any multiplayer game :yay:

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