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Football Season 2008/2009


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I hope so, because right now he's on my list of players who I wouldn't play because they're wankers. :heh:


Current people are, in no particular order, DJibril Cisse (for spitting on people loads of times), Joey Barton (for being a thug), Lee Bowyer (likewise), Mutu (cocaine), Artur Boruc (shit-stirrer) and possibly a few others I can't think of.


Add to this Kenny Miller, for having no loyalty whatsoever, Diouf, for being a twat in general, and that Krygiakos guy who used to play for Rangers, for being a diver. Oh, and Deco and most of the Seville Porto team for the same reason.


Can you tell I support Celtic? :indeed:

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Please Artur Boruc only gives out half the shit he takes ;)


and I love him for it :D



It really is a case of "he started it" here though.


Add to this Kenny Miller, for having no loyalty whatsoever, Diouf, for being a twat in general, and that Krygiakos guy who used to play for Rangers, for being a diver. Oh, and Deco and most of the Seville Porto team for the same reason.


Can you tell I support Celtic? :indeed:


OH yeah, whap Kenny Miller right on there. And also because he can't actually score goals.




speaking of Mutu, what do people make of the fact FIFA have ordered him to pay Chelsea £13 million?

I think it's total bullshit tbh, if you sack someone you can't come back 3 years later and say oh now you've got your life sorted we want money from you.


It's Chelsea's own fault, he's hardly the only Premiership player doing drugs, he's just the only one unlucky enough to be caught


if they really wanted a fee for him they should have held onto his registration and forced someone to buy him from them


I think it's perfectly fair. He took drugs knowing fine well what could happen if he was caught. Chelsea were absolutely right to sack him for doing cocaine.

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Looks like we'll be starting Denilson and Ramsey for our premier league opener. What pisses me off is Wenger's quote in the link above: in fairness I am not in a position where I can make many changes at the moment.


WTF? Of course you can't make changes if you haven't bought any new players! Once you buy players, Arsene, you usually have more options??!!


Last season we had Flamini and Cesc in the middle of the park. Now we have Ramsay and Denilson. I really think the lack of spending is due to the cost of the stadium. No matter what the chairman says about money being available, we're still not getting anyone in.

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I havn't got a clue what is going on at portsmouth....we have sold Pedro Mendes to Rangers and also brought in Jerome Thomas on loan...


You lot are gonna be fine! Really impressed by Portsmouth...if the Crouch/Defoe partnership kicks off then you're going places.

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I havn't got a clue what is going on at portsmouth....we have sold Pedro Mendes to Rangers and also brought in Jerome Thomas on loan...


Thomas is a quick player but not up to premiership standard. Be interesting to see if he does well.

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Spurs top 4 finish off to a cracking start I see....


No doubt the papers will quietly brush it under the carpet and make excuses for them tomorrow, get that out the way so they can concentrate on the "TOON IN CRISIS! MORE PRESSURE ON KEEGAN!" seven page pull-out when we lose away to Man U tomorrow, as fully expected, and ignore the fact that supposed top-four challengers were flacid against a team of no-marks and Everton collapsed to a supposedly rudderless Blackburn at home.

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wasn't that impressed by what I saw of Arsenal today, the midfield seemed very weak


but still back to the old days, 1-0 to the Arsenal ;)


Heard some of it on the radio whilst at work, and from what I heard, we seemed to be back to the original 'unable to kill teams off' mode. But it was the opening game, and win was all that was needed to get the ball rolling.

And a fantastic start for Nasri, backed him to be one of the stars of the season, already had my shirt with his name ordered, so all in all, I'm happy (besides, I put him in my fantasy football team too.)


Spurs top 4 finish off to a cracking start I see....



I said pretty much the same thing, was tempted to call my friend about it, but there are still 37 games to go.


And Newcastle are always more likely to be hounded by the media than Spurs, even if it (hopefully) goes well for the Toon tomorrow.

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Fook, Liverpool looked clueless today.


24 Million pounds worth of foot won them 3 points. Oh well. Still stand by my notion that Benitez is shite and Liverpool are only where they are due to the individuals they have, not his tactical nous nor anything else. He looked clueless today and didn't know how to change anything. Alonso was the difference. (Nearly scoring a blinder from his own half too!)


We (Sunderland) are in desperate need of a striker though, (Jones injured thanks to Calamity frikin' James) we looked excellent at times. - Apart from up front. Great start to the season though. I can't fault the lads, they gave 100%.

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Sunderland did look pretty good today. I'm expecting them to have a solid second season. Don't really see them as relegation candidates, but you never know.


Am I the only person who think that Tottenham played better football and were more easy on the eye under Martin Jol? Don't really rate Ramos at all.

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I watched most of MotD up until the Liverpool game in which I knew Torres scored a late winner. I didn't want to watch that.


Where's Daz? :D


My £5 bet on them not finishing in the top four is shaping up well already hehe.

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Am I the only person who think that Tottenham played better football and were more easy on the eye under Martin Jol? Don't really rate Ramos at all.


Yeah Ramos is rubbish winning the UEFA cup 2 years in a row :indeed:

Also I really don't think Artetas free kick was that great, if Robinson didnt have shit positioning he would have saved it.

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