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Mafia Experiment #2 - Mafia: Live!


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So I just fired up my copy of mIRC for a quick once over to revisit some old channels, only to find that of course, the #cube-europe channel isn't too energetic and most of the others I used to frequent a year or so ago have kinda died.


Anyway, I was about to shut down my PC and close IRC when I had a brainwave. For a while now we've faced several problems whilst trying to host a Mafia game, the problems being time constraints, lack of people participating, and keeping people interested in the game.


What I'm trying to say is this - why not have a game of Mafia live on mIRC? A channel can easily be set up (or several - another for the mafia to communicate perhaps?) for the purpose of the game and it might work well. It'd keep people interested in the game, it would move fast and it'd be an experiment I'd like to give a shot.



This thread is simply to find out who is interested in this idea with me. Once I have an idea of who is interested, I'll think of a theme, a time and a date for how to do this. From my personal experience of real life mafia games of 15 people, they can take up to half an hour, so I suspect that this game will take as long as an hour/an hour and a half.


If you are interested stick your name down and let me know. If enough interest is shown then I'll make the actual game thread soon. Cheers! : peace:


(PS. Likewise, if you do not think this is a good idea please let me know in this thread. I'd like to get a gauge of how people see the idea. Thanks!)

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I'm afriad I have literally no idea how to use this IRC of which you speak. In fact, I barely even know what it is! :) But if someone can give me a crash course I may well get involved.



It's (very) basically a chat room. :P

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It could work but:


the problems being time constraints, lack of people participating, and keeping people interested in the game.


I dont think its really that. I think that the games start to drag on after a while, with days and nights lasting for days on end. When they start to drag on people lose interest. This is in no way a dig at anyone, everyone knows that life tends to take over, and things get in the way. As an example Forum Mafia Mk II is on day 9 and started on 25/4/08 which is like 6 1/2 weeks.

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It could work but:




I dont think its really that. I think that the games start to drag on after a while, with days and nights lasting for days on end. When they start to drag on people lose interest. This is in no way a dig at anyone, everyone knows that life tends to take over, and things get in the way. As an example Forum Mafia Mk II is on day 9 and started on 25/4/08 which is like 6 1/2 weeks.


Aye; but with a game that takes an hour or so that problem is eradicated, yes? :smile:

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Aye; but with a game that takes an hour or so that problem is eradicated, yes?


Very much so, but it will be with a more limited audience. I know that i cant spare a solid hour for a game :( I barely manage a half hour for my PS3 & Wii.

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Well Dyson I suggest you pick a time/date and people can sign up rather than trying to please everyone. If you make each day/night phase a fixed length of time, say 10mins, then it will ensure a tense game (time of day to be experimented with, I guess). Y'know, I'm sure it'd be real easy to make an ircbot to be a judge in this game... that is, easy for someone who knows how to program them.

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But wouldnt the gamemaster need to sort out who's targeted who, how it affects them, silenced people etc.? or would it be kept very very very basic?



It wouldn't have to be basic at all the way I see it. It can all be worked out at the time. I'd like to give something more advanced a shot following my bare bones but not insane : peace:

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Definately interested in this, I think it could work very well. Only thing is for the GM it could be tricky keeping up.


Oh, and make sure to have the mafia / other group channels invisible + password protected.

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