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Beyond Good and Evil 2


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As for BG&E being graphical, I remember at the time people already saying it had subpar graphics.


I think you are all misunderstanding me. To achieve it's look required a fair amount of graphical power. Especially considering the draw distances at the time and as I remember, the poly could be quite high on screen at given points. But yeah, maybe I should have said "visually dependent" or something.... u get the point though right? That it was likely to go next-gen on us?


To be fair CSI's pretty good since it's made by Telltale Games. It just suffers from a terrible, terrible framerate.


And a lack of good game design and some very poor animation. But I have only seen one of their games. Was shockingly bad.

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Some Ubisoft Wii games

Driver: Parallel Lines

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII

Far Cry: Vengeance

Monster 4x4 World Circuit

Open Season

Pawly Pets: My Animal Hospital

Prince of Persia: Rival Swords

GT Pro Series

Red Steel

Splinter Cell: Double Agent

My French Coach

My Word Coach

Rayman Raving Rabbids

Rayman Raving Rabbids 2

Surf's Up

The Dog Island

Cosmic Family

Petz: Horsez 2

Petz: Dogz 2

Pippa Funnell: Ranch Rescue

Top Trumps Adventures

Who Wants to be a Millionaire


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Hard Evidence

Victorious Boxers: Revolution


Add Dogz 2008 to that. :p

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You know what, I really stuck up for Ubisoft, but they can fuck themseleves; their behaviour on the Wii has been nothing short of disgusting, truly. That coupled with Midway's latest comments really fuck me off. Ill get it on PS3 anyway, but I want to play it on the Wii, with the Wiimote.


Really pisses me off when publishers shit all over the Wii, use it to make them money and constantly supply it with shit whilst puting all their efforts on the "next-gen" machines!!! Fuck em

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For one more time,it is proven that publisher's atittude is pathetic towards Wii.


But,I would blame Nintendo also.

It's Nintendo that allows all this shovelware from Ubisoft and other 3d parties on the Wii.


If Reggie has the guts he must call Ubi and demand PoP,BG&E2 and high profie titles for Wii in order to give permission for their pathetic shovelware.



I really miss Yamauchi nowadays.Anyone remember how he pressured Square for FF:CC for Gamecube?That's the spirit.


Publishers think that Wii owners are morons.No matter what crap they release,we'll keep buying it and our money will give them the profits to develop high profile games for the other consoles!



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There are riots going off online right now. The GoNintendo responses are awesome. Ubi have done something stupid, and that's NOT given Wii owners anything of note past day one.


After the commercial success of Red Steel and the first RRR you would think they would see the Wii as a viable business model. Obviously they are numb when it comes to making shrewd business decisions.


They will spend a good 1-2yrs making BG&E2 - primarily establishing it as HD and fantasmagorical in the gfx department. Yet they could have had it up and running on wii already and working on the input mechanics. AND having it to A) an established fanbase and B) An action (or "game") starved demographic. Fools. Utter fools.


And anyone who thinks the character design on Pey'j looks good needs glasses...He looks stupid and in one fell swoop the character loses all suspension of disbelief due to the graphics making him look "too" human.


Major meh-age.


And to think they tried to buy us off with promises of "Nintendo-like quality."

They must be living in a different world to everyone else!

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Nintendo should prohibit Ubisoft from selling that shitware for the Wii, and then we'll see how long they'll last.


This is so bloody true. They shovel out sub-sub-sub-sub par games that somehow make them money thanks to the Wii's low dev costs and large casual and gullible younger gamers.....or clueless parents/family who think "oh look a game about "horses" would be great for little Johnny/Jane.


They take the money they (somehow) make off their Wii/DS games to fund projects on PS3 and 360. Nintendo should not stand for this and should refuse to license their games so why the hell don't they

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Where's everyone getting this 'BG&E sold best on GC'?


It sold like shit on everything, difference is that it has now become a cult classic...........and that audience has moved on and is now split between the 360 and PS3.


Makes no sense at all to put this on the Wii.


Nintendo should not stand for this and should refuse to license their games so why the hell don't they

Because Nintendo make a 'fuck ton' of money from licensing fees and for every cartridge sold (in the DS's case).

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Not on Wii? :(


What makes me even sadder is that in the past few days they've announced games like Rabbids 3 (I like the Rabbids... but maybe they should expand them into a new genre...?), that Snowboarding game which doesn't look amazing- even in terms of what the Wii is capable of, and that Babiez game or wtvr it is. Veeediots!

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It sold like shit on everything, difference is that it has now become a cult classic...........and that audience has moved on and is now split between the 360 and PS3.


Makes no sense at all to put this on the Wii.

I bet the game will flop or sell average on those, and I'd bet it would sell better on the Wii, if anything due to broader userbase, and starved userbase. Oh, and due to being a Zelda clone; this appeals to them.


As for "those hardcores" who own multiplatform, chances are they own a Wii too.


Makes all the sense on the Wii, as a load of games do; problem is that developers are stupid, Ubisoft in particular.

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This is crazy. Why make games for the PS3 at all, let alone make a game that is naturally only going to hit a small percentage of the installed userbase.


The Xbox 360 I can understand as it is the right sort of platform for the more hardcore titles, but to leave the Wii out is utter brainlessness. Maybe it's not as powerful, but it is the current world-leader.

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Where's everyone getting this 'BG&E sold best on GC'?


It sold like shit on everything, difference is that it has now become a cult classic...........and that audience has moved on and is now split between the 360 and PS3.


Makes no sense at all to put this on the Wii.



Because Nintendo make a 'fuck ton' of money from licensing fees and for every cartridge sold (in the DS's case).


That's bull and you know it, with the numbers Wii has, the audience most likly has a Wii along a ps3/360. It didn't sell best on GC that's true, but it was the lead platform for development.

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Well the rather iffy art direction that this iteration is taking is a worrying sign of Ubisoft's lack of faith in the charm of the original. I guess it does make sense that they want this one to sell, but I still don't see why they don't at least put the game on the console that has the widest user base, and that's Wii.

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When the original came out it was first on PS2 and Xbox, it was later ported to the GC as it didn't sell to well and they obviously wanted to recoup development costs.


It then sold more on the GC due to a lack of anything else that was third party and decent at the time, the thing is all three consoles of this generations were close in technical capabilities.


This generation, they are not, so Ubisoft are just doing the same thing as what they did with the first and thats releasing it on all platforms that can run it, the Wii quite simply can't.


Regardless of where the fanbase of the original is Ubi are still gonna only release it on PS3 / 360 but it doesn't matter so much as a large proportion of gamers who only owned a GC in the previous generation or that played the GC as their platform as choice over the others now own either a 360 or a PS3 or both.


Why? because quite simply you need either two or all consoles if you want to be able to play all of the decent games, a sad fact but also a true one.


The Wii may have amazing first party games but they are too few and far between and so people want to play the other big exclusives on the other platforms too.


The bottom line? if people really want to play BG&E2 that badly they will allready have the console to play it on, those that either aren't that bothered or who refuse to swallow their "pride" will soley own a Wii and no other console of this generation.


It's your choice, make it... but all I know is that I'll be playing the sequel to one of the best games of the last generation, on a console thats not Nintendo and it doesn't bother me one bit.


I bought a Wii for Nintendo games, there currently isn't much in terms of retail games from them on the horizon and I refuse to play nothing while I wait as thats completely nonsensical.

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That's bull and you know it, with the numbers Wii has, the audience most likly has a Wii along a ps3/360. It didn't sell best on GC that's true, but it was the lead platform for development.

Some of you lot seriously need to wake up. No one bought No More Heroes.......it bombed, and you're wanting a game like this exclusive to the Wii and thinking it'll sell better than on 360/PS3 combined.


Ubi's done their numbers, and they of course know what's best.


Edit - The post above. So true.

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Some of you lot seriously need to wake up. No one bought No More Heroes.......it bombed, and you're wanting a game like this exclusive to the Wii and thinking it'll sell better than on 360/PS3 combined.


Ubi's done their numbers, and they of course know what's best.


Not entirely true. It may have failed utterly in Japan, but worldwide, figures have passed 300,000. Rising Star (publishers of the game in Europe) stated that they were "weeping with joy" at it's success.

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Not entirely true. It may have failed utterly in Japan, but worldwide, figures have passed 300,000. Rising Star (publishers of the game in Europe) stated that they were "weeping with joy" at it's success.

Considering how big Rising Star are, then it's no surprise that they were overjoyed. That game had loads going for it, and a lot of the core Wii audience were going to buy it..............but 300,000 worldwide - don't think much else needs to be said really.


The 300,000 that NMH sold worldwide won't exactly attract Ubi to release a game that's making a comeback on the Wii........and one that did sell poorly in the first place.

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NMH sold at a better ratio than Killer 7 did and is Suda's51 best selling game. Are we talking about the same thing? NMH is great and I wish it would have sold through the roof and all that... but is it a masses game? not really or at least it didn't reach them.


Anyone who expected that and now is going after the platform is pretty... well, delusional.


As for Ubisoft... NMH sold pretty well in US considering they didn't even do advertising for it.



Ubisoft has no excuses; neither for not investing (their launch FPS's/adult games/crappy ports with waggle sold like mad) neither to spit on us, they're just third rate bastards.

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