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The censoring looks to be done in a comical way for this video. As we've already seen Man-darts and a Caution sign through the head.


That really does look fantastic. The only thing holding this game back for me, is that it could get pretty repetitive. Looking forward to some more previews.

That really does look fantastic. The only thing holding this game back for me, is that it could get pretty repetitive. Looking forward to some more previews.


Yeah, I was a little worried about variety. Although to be honest, this latest trailer does quell some of that worry.


I think the best way to look at it might be to see it as a 3D roaming beat 'em up.

  • 2 weeks later...

Same here, looks pretty fucking cool. I don't have anywhere near as many Wii games as 360 games, so when something cool and different comes along I usually pick it up.




Controversial Wii game MadWorld has been given an 18 rating by the British Board of Classification, with no cuts made.


"Contains very strong, stylised, bloody violence," surmises the classification, highlighting the reasons behind Mediawatch-UK's outcry to the Daily Mail last year.


Support for the SEGA-published game proved strong, however, as showers of hostile emails from fans littered the media watchdog's inbox.


Nintendo also seems rather proud of the "sheer creativity" on offer in MadWorld, a title the platform holder hopes will appease the disgruntled hardcore Wii crowd during 2009.


Newly-formed developer Platinum Games is behind the game, having been formed in 2006 by ex-members of Clover Studio, which delivered gems such as God Hand, Okami and Viewtiful Joe.


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