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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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But I'd rather have better Heroes and get rid of Pushing Daisies. And because of that the world is in balance again.


Heroes is alright. Ambling through. Its not dredful but Pushing Daisies come on! I enjoy watching PD, its like a treat. Hell, its like a hug from a big fluffy creature (Scully from Monsters Inc for example). Warms my heart and a feast for the eyes.


Heroes is turning into All My Children...particularly as they all seem to be Angela's children.

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Another great episode. But really, how can Peter be so stupid as to do what he did? I could see that coming a mile away (granted I had seen what had become of Adam) but even still. However I have a feeling that it'll work out better for Peter than for Mr. Petrelli. He may have lost his powers, but I'm sure he'll get them back with a little help.


And I have to think Adam is properly dead now. It would be up to Mr. Petrelli if he wanted him back (presuming he could do as such) but I don't see it happening although Parkman's future vision shows him in it.

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Not much to say.


Merideth still hasn't said "asshole." Am most concerned.

Hayden is looking very...plain (in comparisson to how she normally looks)

Kristen Bell's thumb biting = win

I can't believe they missed a self-mocking joke ("I thought you were dead." "Don't you know nobody really dies Peter")

Veronica Mars reference :D (well, Wizard of Oz reference but as "go see the Wizard" was something said a few times, and once to Veronica, I'm taking it as a VM reference :P)


Oh yeah and actually lol "No Claire he can take my power" *Runs*

Then camera cuts a bit and you see Kristen Bell casually strolling in the building.



So Elle and Sylar were either together in the past, or are in the future. Can't quite figure out which but it makes sense...well Kristen Bell did talk about how she's working with Quinto more this year anyway.


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Ubisoft has confirmed to MTV Multiplayer that the company is no longer publishing the “Heroes” video game based on the NBC television series.


Here’s the statement from public relations director Jaime Cottini:


“The rights to the ‘Heroes’ video game have reverted back to NBC Universal. Ubisoft will no longer produce a video game based on the TV series.”


The game was officially announced in July 2007 and slated to release in late 2008. Ubisoft’s announcement follows NBC’s firing of the program’s executive producers, reported by Variety this past weekend.


The series is currently in its third season, and despite being a huge hit and a critical darling in its first season, it has received low ratings. Many fans have soured on the show due to increasingly convoluted plotlines.


Ubisoft has also published other games based on TV shows, such as ABC’s “Lost” and CBS’s “CSI.” The high ratings of both series haven’t exactly translated into high Metacritic scores.

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I actually enjoyed every bit of ep 8. And I loved how the title sequence was changed to "Villains" to match the episodes title/theme.


It was good going back and seeing just how some people ended up becoming what we know them as. Arthur and Sylar in particular of course. Seemed odd to focus on Meredith and Flint though was surprised they are brother and sister... though really should have seen that coming... interesting that they are now suggesting that Flint is the guy Claire saved from the burning train.


It was nice seeing that Sylar didn't go super Evil straight away after getting is first "stolen" power and that he had some conflict about the situation. And very interesting HRG actually helped push him towards evil and created him. Though would have been nice if that was hinted towards in the past. Also that Sylar knew Elle again was interesting seeing not only Sylars inner conflict but hers too... but again there was no indication they knew each other before when they met in Mohinders place at the end of Season 2... a little "It's You" line from Sylar would have helped.


Seeing how Arthur ended up on life support and that he was the one who tried to kill Nathan in the car was awesome. But once again I'm left asking... what happened the "suicide" thing which is what was said in season 1 as to how he died? Someone suggested after ep 7 i think that Nathan told Peter it was a heart attack so he wouldn't be upset if he knew it was suicide or something but now we know suicide had nothing to do with it????


The ending was bloody shocking too, they bloody went and killed Mufasa (I know that's not his name but it's what I call him), and it looks like Hiro is gonna lose his powers, that would suck on so many levels. Arthur is bloody taking everything.


I'm hoping the ending was actually part of Hiros spirit-walk as a warning to get the hell out of there as soon as he wakes up.... damn 7 more days to wait... least I'm off work next Tuesday so will be watching it early morning


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I actually enjoyed every bit of ep 8. And I loved how the title sequence was changed to "Villains" to match the episodes title/theme.


It was good going back and seeing just how some people ended up becoming what we know them as. Arthur and Sylar in particular of course. Seemed odd to focus on Meredith and Flint though was surprised they are brother and sister... though really should have seen that coming... interesting that they are now suggesting that Flint is the guy Claire saved from the burning train.


It was nice seeing that Sylar didn't go super Evil straight away after getting is first "stolen" power and that he had some conflict about the situation. And very interesting HRG actually helped push him towards evil and created him. Though would have been nice if that was hinted towards in the past. Also that Sylar knew Elle again was interesting seeing not only Sylars inner conflict but hers too... but again there was no indication they knew each other before when they met in Mohinders place at the end of Season 2... a little "It's You" line from Sylar would have helped.


Seeing how Arthur ended up on life support and that he was the one who tried to kill Nathan in the car was awesome. But once again I'm left asking... what happened the "suicide" thing which is what was said in season 1 as to how he died? Someone suggested after ep 7 i think that Nathan told Peter it was a heart attack so he wouldn't be upset if he knew it was suicide or something but now we know suicide had nothing to do with it????


The ending was bloody shocking too, they bloody went and killed Mufasa (I know that's not his name but it's what I call him), and it looks like Hiro is gonna lose his powers, that would suck on so many levels. Arthur is bloody taking everything.


I'm hoping the ending was actually part of Hiros spirit-walk as a warning to get the hell out of there as soon as he wakes up.... damn 7 more days to wait... least I'm off work next Tuesday so will be watching it early morning


had his mind fully wiped clean by Arthur because already has Hiro's powers from Peter.


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NBC continued to bleed viewers Monday night as its onetime hit Heroes drew the smallest audience in its history. The show attracted 7.82 million viewers versus 9.87 million a year ago. Nevertheless, Heroes was the highest-rated show in the NBC lineup. The network's new My Own Worst Enemy attracted just 4.25 million viewers, producing schadenfruede for the avid fans of the canceled Journeyman, which drew 5.13 million viewers in the same spot a year ago.

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I actually enjoyed every bit of ep 8. And I loved how the title sequence was changed to "Villains" to match the episodes title/theme.


It was good going back and seeing just how some people ended up becoming what we know them as. Arthur and Sylar in particular of course. Seemed odd to focus on Meredith and Flint though was surprised they are brother and sister... though really should have seen that coming... interesting that they are now suggesting that Flint is the guy Claire saved from the burning train.



I'm finding the whole Villians thing woeful, it just seems so forced.


Also Flint jumped well before train went on fire, it was just some random dude Claire saved (I went back and checked, he had hair)..


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Just watched episode 7 I think it was on BBC2. Not as good as last week but I'd love to know how in the hell Peter survived that fall. I do have my own ideas but with Heroes, you never know what the truth is because it could be completely out in left field. Likewise, I have an incline that what Sylar is now doing is just an act. But I guess I'll have to wait to find out whether I'm right or wrong.

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Just watched episode 7 I think it was on BBC2. Not as good as last week but I'd love to know how in the hell Peter survived that fall.
They pretty much told you in the episode; Peter felt Sylar had slowed him down and Sylar's reaction when asked about it by Arthur pretty much confirmed that's what had happened.
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NBC continued to bleed viewers Monday night as its onetime hit Heroes drew the smallest audience in its history. The show attracted 7.82 million viewers versus 9.87 million a year ago. Nevertheless, Heroes was the highest-rated show in the NBC lineup. The network's new My Own Worst Enemy attracted just 4.25 million viewers, producing schadenfruede for the avid fans of the canceled Journeyman, which drew 5.13 million viewers in the same spot a year ago.



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Couple of Questions:


- Do we assume that when Angela wakes up she's gonna want to know what the situation is with Adam, because that whole story got closed off really quickly and we don't know what the importance of Adam was.

She told Hiro that he held the key; was that key that he knew where Adam was?

Did Angela just want Adam with her, so he wouldn't join up with Arthur? If so it was kinda built up too much!


- Going back a bit; Angela told Peter that he got his first power from her [dreaming the future], yet didn't everyone assume up until that point that Peter most likely got that power from Charles DeVaux[sp?]? Seeing as he didn't, do we have any idea what Charles' power was?

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^ was Charles DeVaux the black guy in the wheelchair who died early in the first season, and he sees future Peter who is standing watching the past, and is the only one?


And I presume Angela saw what would happen to Adam and so had Hiro dig him up so that he would die like he did. That's how I see it. Angela could see the future in her dreams before Arthur took the power and paralysed her.

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^ was Charles DeVaux the black guy in the wheelchair who died early in the first season, and he sees future Peter who is standing watching the past, and is the only one?


And I presume Angela saw what would happen to Adam and so had Hiro dig him up so that he would die like he did. That's how I see it. Angela could see the future in her dreams before Arthur took the power and paralysed her.

Yeah that was Charles DeVaux.


Also Angela wouldn't want Arthur back, they are on opposing sides. Ep.8 will explain that more for you.

Surely she meant for bigger things for Adam, otherwise she wouldn't have built up the importance of Hiro's role in it all.

And had Angela and Hiro not gone and got Adam everything would still be ok.


I get confused about that whole part...

Hiro didn't just teleport Adam straight back to Angela, which surely he was meant to?! Why did they let Adam take them to that bar, and how did Knox/Daphne turn up there etc...

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It is confusing. Why would Angela want Adam back? He didn't have any use really other than being used as a blood bank to cure/heal people if it turned to all out war.


As for Knox and Daphne being there, Arthur did steal Angela's 'power' and so perhaps he saw what see was doing and had them go there.


On the Charles DeVaux thing though, I doubt we'll ever find out what the power Peter got from him was but I'm thinking perhaps Peter hasn't lost it. As we don't know what it is, and I'm sure Peter doesn't know what it is, we don't know if it's gone. Hell, we don't know if all of his powers are gone. Arthur knows Peter will come back for him, so he obviously didn't remove Peter's ability to absorb powers.

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