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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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How Bryan Fuller Will Fix Heroes (mild spoilers)....cancelling it and bringing back Pushing Daisies?


Pushing Dasies was one of the most boring American shows I have watched of recent times. It felt like Desperate Housewives (with how perfect they tried to make it look) but covered in cheese.


I don't care if there are countless faults people can find with Heroes - all I know is that it beats the shit out PD and for me is far more fun to watch.

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To each their own eh (although PD deserves credit for the expression "pissjitters"). Heroes to me has just been ambling on all muddled up trying to be genres its not. Hopefully they can put it on the straight and narrow but they've promised that before...


I think it does work better as a DVD show; watch them all back to back so you have less time to think about its inconsistences.

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I just think they need to figure out the canon for the series and stick to it. It's all over the place and full of contradictions. It's like they use a different writer for each episode (or block of episodes), there's so many different ideas floating around with little connection or purpose.

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I just think they need to figure out the canon for the series and stick to it. It's all over the place and full of contradictions. It's like they use a different writer for each episode (or block of episodes), there's so many different ideas floating around with little connection or purpose.
[Even worse] I think they actually use a different writer for each character and then bring all the ideas together!
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^ after the shooting? Didn't really need explaining. Well perhaps it did. Anyway, it was to do with the fact that Adam had given Nathan some of his blood to help him recover from the nuclear explosion and so it must have still be in his system and that's why he came back to life. Perhaps his body is synthesising the blood that allows him to heal. Who knows.

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Well I really enjoyed ep 13


Slyars little game of cat and mouse was awesome and sadistic, almost like a horror movie plot.


Ando's powers are pretty cool, wonder what would happen if he supercharged Peter? Would he instantly absorb every power in the world?

And it looks like they're not giving Hiro back his powers which will be weird, but they did say they didn't want to mess with timetravel in volume 4 so that's that problem solved.


Peter got his powers back too which is cool, and since his cut didn't heal it looks like just his original power came back. And they cuz he was near Nathan he could fly.


Nathan then has now become the uber bad guy and now instead of trying to give everyone powers it looks like he just wanna start a new Company and round up everyone.


Wonder what happened to Merideth and Sylar though? I doubt that's the last we've seen of Sylar, bet something silly like during the explosion the glass was somehow knocked out of his head and he healed.


Merideth should be alive fire should not hurt her after all... though I think they'll do something stupid like "the building fell down and crushed her", shame cuz I liked her.


And they killed Knox, WTF? Their getting rid of all the cool people, Adam, Elle, bloody hell... I was kinda hoping for something like while Hiro was in the past he would burn the formula and change the future making everything that happened so far not happen and Adam and Elle would be alive again :heh:


Also about Issac's notebook Mat and co found, surely there must have been more stuff in it? I doubt it ended with Hiro hanging from the pole....why didn't they just flip the page? :heh:





Overall though I enjoyed the episode, now anyone know how long this winter gap will be and when the show returns?

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I think last week's episode, "Our Father," would have made a better way to end Volume Three of Heroes. It had a strong emotional pull, an effective look into the past, some kick ass moments with Sylar and a frightening glimpse at what may be in store for a future filled with super heroes. But instead of ending there, the volume ended with "Dual," which was an episode with some interesting ideas but clunky execution.


Each segment suffered from the weak storytelling and a lack of believability in the characters. This lack of believability stems from the paths taken in the episodes that preceded this. It's been my big complaint all season, that characters make choices to service the plot instead of making logical decisions based on character. Nathan, for one, made no sense to me. He was shot moments before revealing he had powers, then he was born again, then he was out to stop his father, then he was out to fulfill his father's dream. The reasons for all these changes of mind were weak or nonexistent and it made his actions in this episode fail to resonate.


Why he suddenly hated his brother so much that he would have refused to save him from the burning building is beyond me. I just don't get it. But now that he's in this state of mind, he can kick start Volume Four by turning in his brother (and the rest of them) into the government. The "Fugitives" idea seems like a great next step, but the process by which we've reached this point has been less than satisfying.


Other interesting ideas that surfaced in "Dual" included Peter siding with Flint and Dixon to destroy the formula and the lab. Peter was doing it to save the future, the others were doing it to remain special. In those moments, with Mohinder put in danger, you couldn't tell which side was good and which side was evil. But, again, the execution prevented the idea from reaching its full potential.


Sylar trapping Claire, Noah, Meredith and Angela inside Primatech was another interesting concept that never really made much sense. Sylar's speeches were meant to be deep and existential, but it all kind of sounded lik e gibberish. When he finally got around to setting up some difficult choices (save yourself and kill Meredith; save your grandmother or your father) there's little tension or drama. Part of this was due to there being no real sense of where people were. Sylar was broadcasting from some undisclosed location, Meredith was with Bennet one minute, roaming the halls alone the next. I also found it ridiculous that Mr. Bennet released some villains from Level 5 as bait, but then apparently never left Level 5. So, again, we had some interesting ideas, but poor execution.


Ando injecting the formula in an effort to save Hiro was a huge step for the character, so it was too bad the whole thing was sort of treated as the comic relief of the episode. Elsewhere, the episode lacked any emotional reaction. Sylar gets a shard of glass in the sweet spot in the back of his head, but you can't invest yourself in the character being dead. Even minor character Meredith could have survived the huge fire she started. The series has established that there's always a way out of any given predicament. If anything makes this episode worthy of being a Volume finale, it's the hint of what's to come in Volume Four. And it's not necessarily the fact that the heroes are now going to be hunted -- or that Worf is president -- it's that things can start anew. All the problems people have had with the first half of season three could all be forgotten with an incredible, mind-blowing second half. Can it be done? We'll have to wait until February to see.


6.6 out of 10


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Yeah I really didn't like 13. Well okay it was alright, a nice way to spend 44 minutes but really random. Although it amused me how Resident Evil-esque it was at times.


But come on Sylar. How does anyone like him. Oh boo hoo you had parent issues and someone used you and broke your heart. Because you're the only person whose ever suffered from that. As Angela said, he's a child throwing a tantrum. That's all his done since the show started, throw a massive tantrum. So fucking sick of him now.


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Well, that was actully quite fun, although it had an awful lot of the nonsense that Heroes is filled with these days. Ando's power is a cool one (and also fits with his sidekick character) - hopefully they'll do interesting things with it. However, they got special relativity wrong - going fast makes you go forwards in time, not backwards. Going backwards is a hell of a lot harder.

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Just finished watching episode 13. It wasn't bad but it is getting a bit stupid.


They really didn't seem to know what they were doing with Nathan and now that Arthur has gone, all they've done is basically shove Nathan into that position and with the glimpse at volume 4, it seems he's changed again into Noah and so looks like a retreading of previous storylines. Sylar and Merideth are definitely not dead unless the building 'squashed' them but I can see them only killing one of them.

:shakehead It'll be interesting to see how Peter turns out. Did he just get the power to fly from the formula or did the formula connect with the existing traces in his genes to give him his ability to absorb again? I do look forward to volume 4 to see what happens there but I can see it being a little bit boring if they are doing the 'round them up and lock them away thing'.


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Just finished watching episode 13. It wasn't bad but it is getting a bit stupid.


They really didn't seem to know what they were doing with Nathan and now that Arthur has gone, all they've done is basically shove Nathan into that position and with the glimpse at volume 4, it seems he's changed again into Noah and so looks like a retreading of previous storylines. Sylar and Merideth are definitely not dead unless the building 'squashed' them but I can see them only killing one of them.

:shakehead It'll be interesting to see how Peter turns out. Did he just get the power to fly from the formula or did the formula connect with the existing traces in his genes to give him his ability to absorb again? I do look forward to volume 4 to see what happens there but I can see it being a little bit boring if they are doing the 'round them up and lock them away thing'.


I think they're both still alive. Meredith said fire can't hurt or something and I know Sylar is in the next volume because

He meets his real dad.


I think Peter only just got his Empathic Mimicry restored and needs to re-absorb his powers again. When he injected himself, he knew he could fly so it would be his Mimicry restored. If it wasn't, he wouldn't know what power he had and how to use it. This would mean he got Flints flame power aswell.


If the 'Heroes' get rounded up, he'll just end up re-absorbing their powers anyway, since as you said, they're getting rounded up and get put on a plane.


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