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Bare Bones Mafia


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Day 5 is over.




Something was not right about today, some people thought. And they'd be right. A member of the audience proclaimed something in an attempt to further the point he was making, to which people began to reply - before the words mysteriously disappeared in to time and space, as if they'd never been mentioned.


As this happened, God looked down upon this tiny town and decided that this was far too strange to be permitted on Earth.


"Why, if anyone should have magical time disappearing rewindy strange power stuff, it should be me, and me only!" he thought to himself, and with this, he smite down upon the member of the audience foolish enough to meddle with the space-time continuum.


Coolness Bears is dead. He was good.

(Coolness Bears has been modkilled due to breaking a foundational rule of Mafia, and this is that you must not delete your posts. Earlier on in the day Coolness made a post which was then deleted. Preceding this event Coolness had also been warned for lack of activity in the past and thus I feel this is justifiable.)


The town were in shock, but this did not change their opinions of what the now frazzling corpse had said. Tellyn was apparantly a Mafia member, and to test the dead man's theory, they decided to put him up for lynch, y'know, to see if he would survive and stuff. Well, he didn't. And as he died, a silenced 9mm weapon dropped out from under his coat, and the town heard him scream part of a word before the gun was picked up by an audience member and was used to shoot him in the head:



Tellyn is dead. He was a Mafioso. He is now a dead Mafioso, with a bullet wound to the brain, poor chap.

(Yes...he's really dead...)




Day 5 is over. Night 5 begins now. Please PM me and all that crazy shit.

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Night 5 is over.



A certain villager was unable to sleep tonight. As she roamed the street, lost in its' emptiness, she had noticed two things. For one, there seemed to be a man following her, but every time she looked around, she was unable to see anybody. Second of all, she thought she could a familiar playing in the background..but very faintly.


She was right on both accounts, the hooded figure was listening to a certain Moby song on his iPod, so that he wouldn't forget who his target was. He was waiting for a perfect chance to strike, and it came. She turned around, and he verified it was her - the shocking blue hair was a dead giveaway.


Raining_Again is dead. She was good.


As the town arose, they found the discarded iPod with only the one song on it. Someone secretly pocketed the iPod and ran home to put it on N-Europe for a quick sale, stating that the previous owner "No longer has a use for this item."


The town re-emerged and convened at their regular meeting place.




Day 6 begins now.


25 villagers remain. 13 is a majority.

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Well...Since I'm all for voting off the non-voters...


Vote: Brian Mcoy


I mean, even if he comes here from time to time, he's not really participating frequently, is he?


I would ask someone to investigate chairdriver during the night. There's something about him that I find untrustworthy...


Oh, dyson, could you post the list of the remaining players, please? Makes it easier to remember who is dead, and who's not.

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Well then Mcoy please post more often, or you will be voted off. You must realise how annoying it is when you don't say anything?


Seriously, though, the goddam doctor is doing nothing and frankly it's getting annoying. The "no posting today" thing is clearly a punishment for not participating, but it not only means that the mafia can narrow down targets but also that the town has one less protector at night!


Whoever you are, Mr can't post because you are asleep, I strongly advise you don't check the thread too much in case the mafia members see you checking and not posting.

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This is getting daft now, the few people with powers are not using them. C'mon, we've done well so far but lets not let things slip. As for voting, well I have no idea who to go for at all. This is proving a difficult one so I shall leave my options I can see anything worthwhile.


Did anybody get any info at all?

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Mcoy apologizes for not posting so often, Mcoy will try and make more of an effort, Mcoy is at work ALL day tomorrow though so Mcoy hopes you will let him off for then.


Mcoy has college from 12 to 5 and Mcoy has work from 5.30 to 9, Mcoy will post after then :)

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I found Wildo is good.



Brian Mcoy

Chairdriver - cop

Cube - cop


Domjcg - town



Gizmo - town


jayseven - town



Maase - town

Maddog - town





Shino - town




Wildo - town




And seeing Mcoy is now posting, let's Vote : Strider. He's not said much.

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I have nothing interesting to add...


Vote: Brian Mcoy as it's better than nothing.


Mcoy vote: Cube


Mcoy sees Cube's reason of lynching to be nothing other then to perhaps be lynching random people to help secure his own personal goal

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