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Forum Mafia Mk.II

The fish

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Guest bluey
You know the majority's been reached, right?


yeah but this is my first mafia and i havent voted before so... ^___^ i was practicing...its like, you guys already killed him, i'm just poking him with a stick... dont mind me :smile:

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A majority has been reached.


"Wait, at least hear my side of the story!"


"Sorry, the people have spoken, and this is a democracy."


Oxigen_Waste has been banned. He was Chairdriver, a mob boss. He wanted to start a new mafia. Until he could get people to join his cause, he worked alone.




Night 2 beings now. PM me if you're meant to, bitches.

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I don't really get what your power is? You say you are an enabler and have investigative powers, but you won't use your power? Eh? :confused:


Well if I was to survive I had to fool people, right? If my role is to survive what does it matter if I investigate or not? As soon as I put out info, I become a target for the mobsters, honey, so why bother? :heh: But of course... that was lie, I wasn't a survivor.


How funny that yoou have a job role that means people need to keep you around.... I doubt any mafia organiser would make everyone useless if you died.


Are you dumb? It's not everyone, it's just a particular group of players (as in doctors, for example, I could be a doctor enabler). Of course it was all a lie, but you can't point your finger at me for not making sense.



Seriously, though, this got on my nerves. I mean... come on!? First day? Arrrgggg. =s

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Night 2 is over.


Two men intercepted a third in walking down a busy street.

"Please", said one the of the pair, "come and a have a little chat with us..."

As they left the area together, a hooded figure followed.

He felt a grip on his shoulder, and stopped

"Oh no you don't..."




A grenade smashed through a bedroom window. Unfortunately for the person sleeping inside, the pin was still in the hand of the thrower.

A player has been silenced for today. They will not count towards the vote majority.




An attempt to leave a house went badly wrong. Someone had boarded up all the doors and windows.

"Ah well, no problem," said the owner. "I guess I'll have to be alone", and he got to work.




The bullet struck the target in the lower back, and the assailant, some distance away, silently fled. The location, a busy park, wouldn't keep the shooting quiet for long. A man stepped from the rapidly gathering crowd around the victim, and announced, " stand back! Someone call an ambulance! And the police!"

He started CPR.

"Come on, buddy, stay with me!"


Two players will be occupied all day, and cannot post. They will not count towards the vote majority.




The download finished.

"Hello, and welcome to the N-Europe podcast! I'm your host with the most, Wildo! With me today, I have another forumite, though I can't name him for, well security reasons, what with the recent, tragic, deaths and all... Anyway, tell us about yourself!"

"Well, I don't have any problems with, well, anyone, so I'm trying to help those who I can."

"What have you been up to recently?"

"Well, last night I did a bit of research, and found that someone was a really nice guy, albeit a little violent..."




Participants - 33 (16 is a majority)




Coolness Bears

































Day 3 begins now.

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Not silenced, and I have no information that is of any use today. Please come forward if you have something useful, we have nothing else to go on today...


And Raining, you've made yourself a bit of a target by saying that :S probably better not to tell people you have info if you're not going to reveal it...

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