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This is weird.I find myself wanting this game to be published by Nintendo as Nintendo desperately needs a new FPS IP in their portfolio.But on the other hand,I think that this game is more suitable to a 3d party because Nintendo doesn't know or care about how to market a game of this type (Geist,anyone?)

and this will hypothetically affect the sales.:(

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This is weird.I find myself wanting this game to be published by Nintendo as Nintendo desperately needs a new FPS IP in their portfolio.But on the other hand,I think that this game is more suitable to a 3d party because Nintendo doesn't know or care about how to market a game of this type (Geist,anyone?)

and this will hypothetically affect the sales.:(


Geist and No More Heroes show that whether a good game's published by Nintendo or not, it can still sell below expectations.


Big marketing budgets are what sell games in big numbers. Sad but true.

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As someone's already said, with the ammount of buzz the game has caused with Wii gamers, the Red Steel Theory can be brought into effect, and we can logically predict that the chances of this bombing are extremely low. Besides, The Conduit probably deserves those sales more than Red Steel.

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As someone's already said, with the ammount of buzz the game has caused with Wii gamers, the Red Steel Theory can be brought into effect, and we can logically predict that the chances of this bombing are extremely low. Besides, The Conduit probably deserves those sales more than Red Steel.


Not really sure that word belongs in that sentence. It should probably be replaced with "REALLY".

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Not really. Some people (including myself) still maintain that Red Steel is a fun game that is possible to get used to. I also know that some people are widely put off by games that appear to be generic, alien blast 'em ups. So I'm pretty sure that there are a small handful of people out there that would say Red Steel > The Conduit.

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Not really. Some people (including myself) still maintain that Red Steel is a fun game that is possible to get used to. I also know that some people are widely put off by games that appear to be generic, alien blast 'em ups. So I'm pretty sure that there are a small handful of people out there that would say Red Steel > The Conduit.


Basically, because Red Steel wasn't as revolutionary as many expected, it disappointed. It was still a very fun game, but it was far from polished, and did have loads of room for improvement.


If anything, Ubisoft should take pride from that game. They proved that third party games can generate interest on a Nintendo Home Console. They offered something, and the fans were interested. The same with The Conduit. The developers are giving the fans what they want, and so it will probably sell pretty decently. The difference is that they're not giving the fans what they "think" they want.

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As someone's already said, with the ammount of buzz the game has caused with Wii gamers, the Red Steel Theory can be brought into effect, and we can logically predict that the chances of this bombing are extremely low. Besides, The Conduit probably deserves those sales more than Red Steel.

Not really sure that word belongs in that sentence. It should probably be replaced with "REALLY".


You should probably replace that word with 'REALLY'. Argh - Infinite Loop generated!

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You should probably replace that word with 'REALLY'. Argh - Infinite Loop generated!

You should really replace that word with "really".


So there, I stopped it.


Seriously though, I enjoyed Red Steel as well, despite some flaws. But you just know this is gonna be so much better.

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Hey guys I thought this might interest a few people. HV have a competition to come up with a control scheme for the game, the one's that they think are good may be included in the final product.


The contest rules are simple. Using a standard Wii remote and nunchuk combination, fans should send in what control mapping they think would be best for the following functions:


1. Move Forward/Back

2. Strafe Left/Right

3. Jump/Activate

4. Shoot Weapon

5. Target Lock

6. Crouch

7. Reload Weapon

8. Scope/Binocular Mode

9. Switch Between Weapons Carried

10. Switch Between Grenades Carried

11. Pause Menu

12. Swap Between Weapon Carried and Weapon on Ground

13. Equip ASE (All-Seeing-Eye) / Special

14. Aim Reticule/Turn Camera

15. Melee Attack

16. Throw Grenade


More details are here

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That control scheme is pretty much the pefect fit. Doesn't seem like any point in doing alternative ones really since it'd be hard to surpass that in any way.


The only other thing really might be using the Prime 3 style of switching between visors and what not, where you hold a button to display the options onscreen and then you quickly point to the one you want to use.


It's not really any more intuitive though.

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I think its actually just button mapping type stuff though. They're not going to make a new interface, just change what buttons do what. And since you can customize it for yourself, I don't really see that much point in entering the contest. Its really just for publicity.

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Personally I would prefer this:


1. Move Forward/Back - NUNCHUCK

2. Strafe Left/Right - NUNCHUCK

3. Jump/Activate - A

4. Shoot Weapon - B

5. Target Lock - Z

6. Crouch - C

7. Reload Weapon - SHAKE NUNCHUCK (So I can keep aiming whilst I reload)

8. Scope/Binocular Mode - UP +

9. Switch Between Weapons Carried - LEFT AND RIGHT +

10. Switch Between Grenades Carried - DOWN +

11. Pause Menu - +

12. Swap Between Weapon Carried and Weapon on Ground - A (it's the action button so should work fine in this context)

13. Equip ASE (All-Seeing-Eye) / Special - 1

14. Aim Reticule/Turn Camera - WIIMOTE

15. Melee Attack - SHAKE WIIMOTE

16. Throw Grenade - HOLD - SHAKE NUNCHUCK (So can aim with wiimote)

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dazzy just about got what I would put.


Map the weapon swap to A aswell, make the grenade throw with the nunchuk (but also while holding "-") so the throw can be aimed. Also, give the option to quick swap on the pause menu between A and B's functions, like Metroid Prime. When you need to fire quickly B just doesn't cut it, but B feels much more natural the majority of the time.

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Personally I would prefer this:



12. Swap Between Weapon Carried and Weapon on Ground - HUH?


It means that you replace your current gun, with a gun thats found on the floor, e.g. an enemy's gun, as you can only hold a certain amout of guns at one time.

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Yeah, like a REAL weapon :heh:


Fuck reality :)


It just works so well in Umbrella Chronicles


dazzy just about got what I would put.


Map the weapon swap to A aswell, make the grenade throw with the nunchuk (but also while holding "-") so the throw can be aimed. Also, give the option to quick swap on the pause menu between A and B's functions, like Metroid Prime. When you need to fire quickly B just doesn't cut it, but B feels much more natural the majority of the time.


Yeah I like the grenade idea, holding - will still mean I can reload with the nunchuck! I'll change it accordingly :)


Don't agree with the A B though, I love the trigger feel of the B button. But yeah, in my game you can swap them around ;)


It means that you replace your current gun, with a gun thats found on the floor, e.g. an enemy's gun, as you can only hold a certain amout of guns at one time.


Okay, then surely the ACTION button could do this no?!?!?!

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