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The Resident Evil Series

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I have them all; and I also prefer CV to 2 & 3.


I've only done 2 as Leon, and i'm stuck on that boss, larvae thing in the graveyard on 3.


And on CV I'm on the part where Chris fell down the crubbling stairs or whatever happens and you take control of Claire again.



Erm....there's been RE4Wii & REmake....and REDS....and that's it.


REmake was well worth it though, and it's just pointless doing th others since there wouldn't be that much change other than graphically.


Don't forget RE:Director's Cut and CV:X :P only minor alterations, but then the same can be said for RE4Wii, I guess :)


I did find RE4 the least scary, certainly more focus on action than adventure or puzzle. The wider spaces make it a lot easier to avoid the enemies -- but then, it's not strictly a zombie game... RE4 did have the biggest "woah" factor -- I remember the first time I saw the big fish thing in the lake.


I guess we should be thankful there's no "Redent Evil: The Movie: The Game" games out there ;)

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Hmm, I only own (and have played) 4, but I'm interested in the older titles, because eventhough the controls might feel clunky, they seem to be a lot scarier than 4. So, let me see if I got this straight (please correct me if I don't):


There are 5 "normal" RE games, and they're all available on the Cube.

In chronicle order they are 0, 1, 2, 3, and CV somewhere around.. 3?

0 is originally for the Cube and 1 has been remade entirely for the Cube, making these 2 the best on the Cube in terms of presentational quality etc.

2 and 3 haven't been remade, but are instead direct ports of the PS 1 versions, making these graphically least interesting titles. CV, being a port from the.. DC? Falls somewhere in between I assume.

The games that have been enjoyed most by fans are 1, 0 and CV?


Ok, if got this straight.. Which games should I add to me collection? They're all easy to find I think, but I don't think I'll buy them all, or not at once at least. Then again, the reason I'm interested is the story, of which you don't get much in part 4.Oh well, I probably should hunt down Beyond good & evil first before going after these RE games :D.

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The ports of Resident Evil 2 and 3 are from either a PC or Dreamcast as they are graphically sharper than the rough looking PSOne versions. Code Veronica is ported from the PS2 version as it has all the extra scenes that were missing from the Dreamcast version.


As for which ones the fans like the most then I would think that it would easily have to be Resident Evil 2. You just have to ask most R Evil fans on any forums and the majority will give you the same answer, its why all of us what a remake. Sure its not as good in the graphics department compared to 0,1 and CV but the story, gameplay and value for money makes this easily the best R Evil for me and many others.

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As for which ones the fans like the most then I would think that it would easily have to be Resident Evil 2.


I still think CV was the best >.<


Wish i could afford to get all the GC versions and try them again, but cash is tight lol

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I still can't get on with the games. It's just the wandering around not really knowing what to do that I hate about them. Because you didn't have enough ammo to kill all the zombies when it came to back tracking it was all the more harder.


I do like the idea of them though. That's why I have Resident Evil on Gamecube. Also quite like 4 but got stuck and then sold it rebought it and never really bothered to play through again.

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I love Resident Evil. I own every single one of 'em (including RE Raiden on the GBC)


Best one: Code Veronica

Worst one: Gun Survivor (if you don't count Gun Survivor then None)


I would love JUST RE2 and RE3 only to be released on the Nintendo DS, that would be just awesome. I'm still playing Code Veronica for the Dreamcast and RE1 for DS.


Would anyone play RE2 or RE3 for DS if it came out? I certainly would!!! =D

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I still can't get on with the games. It's just the wandering around not really knowing what to do that I hate about them. Because you didn't have enough ammo to kill all the zombies when it came to back tracking it was all the more harder.


I do like the idea of them though. That's why I have Resident Evil on Gamecube. Also quite like 4 but got stuck and then sold it rebought it and never really bothered to play through again.


im going to guess you dont like metroid prime game either? they all share that little puzzle element to them.

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I went back to play REmake on Cube the other day, and I just cannot play it for more than half an hour at a time, the atmosphere is so oppressive it just makes me want to curl up into a ball in a corner of my room. Love the game though, but the design seems hella archaic after...well, it's been 10+ years now.

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Its not really resident evil anymore though is it..... Resi should be full of puzzles, stupid keys that open doors 3 miles away that when opened give you another key for a door which is where you just came from.


Its going more 3rd person shooter now, its not survival horror. While thats not a bad thing, because i really liked resi 4, a classic resi would be nice.

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Man its been a looooooooooooong time since I've posted here. Anyway I have all the RE games for the CUBE aswell as RE4 for the Wii.


RE2 will always be my fave of the series. So many weekends my friend and I would play the crap out of it trying to get complete times as fast as we could. I think I managed 1 hour 15 ish mins for Leon A mission.


CV is also a corker. Alfred = one of the greatest characters ever.

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I have 0, 1 and 4 on Gamecube, finished and returned CV, big mistake. Have RE2 on N64. Only one I've never played or finished is 3.


REmake is the scariest, RE4 is the best and CV the most underrated.


I wouldn't mind completing the collection on Gamecube but I don't want to be ripped off on 2nd hand lazy ass ports from older computers. Even RE2 is the PS port when the N64 was the better version.

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I only played the first. I got stuck just into the second disc. Im in a room with no bullets and my survival knife is in my box (Not that it would help me, I have a sliver of health left) >< Have to get through a number of rooms to get back to my box, one of them has 4 dogs. I cannot make it for the life of me, have tried so many times. :( Never been bothered to start again, although i did love the game.

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My Dreamcast version of CV was stolen in a burglary a few years back :( If i'm on the lookout to replace CV, which format's most recommended?


GC version? upgraded port... basically like the PS2 version, except you get to play it with a better control pad. :indeed:

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bought resi 2 and 3 from gamestation the other day, two for £20. Completed Resi 2 in a day and gonna start on 3 in a bit which ive never played. Should I play hard or easy mode? prob gonna go for hard.....


I always avoided 2 and 3 because of the fact they were not remakes....


but are they literally the EXACT same as the ps1 versions? even loading times?

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yeh they are exactly the same except for theres a rookie mode on resi2 which I donty think was on the original, great games nonetheless though.


The GC version of at least RE2 is slightly sharper and I also think that it ran smoother...Have not played the GC version of RE3 yet, but it is waiting on my shelf...Just got them both


RE2 and RE3 are worth buying even though they are ports, but not for full price...RE2 still looks pretty good today and it was a blast playing through it...Very interesting knowing the background of the events in RE4(Ada etc)


The controls were also easy coming into, even though they had taken away the quick-turn


One question though...Code Veronica, is it 2 discs where you can save before changing the disc? I mean, it comes change disc on screen and then let me save? I am playing everything on my Wii right now, and my Wii cannot play multi-disc GC games if I cannot save, pop in the game, and then load the file from disc 2 and continue from there...If I pop in a game without that option, it just stands "an error has occured"

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>Anyone else here got the full chebang? Yeap, I have all Resident Evil games across GBC, PS1, PS2, Cube, DS and Wii.


PS- Play Resident Evil 2 and then Resident Evil 3.


PPS- The port of Resident Evil 2 for the Gamecube was the 'Dual Shock version of the PSone version of the game' which featured the 'Rookie mode'. The best versions graphic-wise of RE2 I believe are the Sega Dreamcast and PC versions. Also the N64 verison is quite good but it did depend on the number of enemies on the screen.

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