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Ever Done Something Dumb?


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At the weekend I won a dinosaur egg where you put water in, and then you leave it there for 24 hours + and it doubles in size.


About half an hour ago I poured the water into a glass that was on my desk, and took the dinosaur out.


About 2 minutes ago I absent mindedly drank some of the water.:blank:

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Guest Stefkov

I went over the handlebars on my bicycle knocking out my two front teeth thinking something about braking just before hitting a car. Brakes locked and over I went.

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I couldn't think of one untill someone mentioned a bike. So here is my bike story.


I was crossing the local leisure centre on my bike and decided to try a jump someone had made out of mud. Well what did happen was i came full speed from the top of a hill, cleared the gap between the two jumps, landed, couldn't turn for some reason and hit a thick wooden post head on with my front tire. Consequently my bike flipped forward launching me over the pole while ripping my chest quite badly on a pointy bit on top.


Well thats my dumb thing. I broke my bikes frame doing that aswell :(

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Guest Stefkov
I did that and landed on my elbow. :shakehead


I'm an unbelievable klutz. Its scary..

Well I landed on my face. The ground is out to get me.

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Guest Stefkov
Face was next! XD


My elbow swelled up twice the size it should be and was purple for weeks :(


I don't own a bike anymore thankfully :D

I had to have stitching on the inside of my mouth and quite a bit outside.

I just rememberd I've done it twice. I was going down a hill, I was partially afriad of bikes but I did it anyway. It was wet, luckily there was a massive rose bush/thorn bush in the way otherwise I would have gone down the side of a small vertical hill.

I take it back, the ground is there to protect, bikes are out to get me.

I am now really afraid of riding bikes.

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Went skiing and decided to try a jump. But just at the top one of my skis flew off resulting in me flying straight into the air and landing on my back.


Another time I was snowboarding and there hadn't been much snow meaning everywhere was icy and I was in a rush. Which resulted in the back end of my board hitting a clump of ice about a foot wide and flying through the air and landing on my coxic. Didn't do anymore snowboarding for the rest of the holiday.

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I often open my mouth before thinking. Regularly as well. I feel fucking stupid afterwards.


I feel off a jetty and into a river, I wasn't drunk. Got a massive cut up my arm and still have the scar today.


I'll top that, went to jump over a two foot wall, tripped as I landed head butted my arm and broke it. ;)

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Dislocated and broke my elbow, whilst trying to kick my matey in the face in rollerblades.


Locked my keys inside my room.


Fell down the stairs at work with a tray of 4 hot chocolates, and they went all over me/the wall/the floor.


Tombstoned off a 30ft cliff with goggles on... (my eyes nearly exploded, I swear!)

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