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Guest bluey

hahaha ~ ive just had a lovely sunny sunday afternoon here in tokyo... wandered to the shops in my jeans, flip flops and a t-shirt :wink: buahahaha!

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Not a peck of snow in sight! And I live in Iceland!


Man am I happy the snow is gone...


We still have some snow in the part of Canada I live it. We just got a light dusting the other day. I can't wait until its gone. Its staying latter than usual.

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Geez, hit Cambridge hard didn't it? and if your not in Cambridge, where fucks the snow gone? here i am at home having been in cornwall earlier, and there's no sign of any bit of snow having ever been here >.>


In cornwall the weather went like this


Goes crazy at 8 when i was having brekkies


8.01 = snowing heavy

8.05 = Sunning!

8.07 = raining...

8.10 = sleet...

8.13 = sunning



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Geez, hit Cambridge hard didn't it? and if your not in Cambridge, where fucks the snow gone? here i am at home having been in cornwall earlier, and there's no sign of any bit of snow having ever been here >.>

I'm in Hertfordshire at the moment, but I'd imagine it's pretty similar (if not worse) in Cambridge. Ah well, it melted pretty quickly.

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Geez, hit Cambridge hard didn't it? and if your not in Cambridge, where fucks the snow gone? here i am at home having been in cornwall earlier, and there's no sign of any bit of snow having ever been here >.>


In cornwall the weather went like this


Goes crazy at 8 when i was having brekkies


8.01 = snowing heavy

8.05 = Sunning!

8.07 = raining...

8.10 = sleet...

8.13 = sunning




How do you think I feel I live there...

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We apparently got some snow too, since my window is covered in the white stuff right now.


Snowed earlier today as well apparently (according to my sister), but it never stuck to the ground. Doubt it'll stick this time (even though it's freezing cold).


Edit: I was wrong; it is sticking right now. I would take a picture but it's too dark outside. So I made a picture of a snowball I just made, with snow I collected from the roof.



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Guest Jordan

Its quite deep here, even in Lerwick. We usually don't get much snow due to being near the sea and the amount of wind.


I woke up this morning, freezing my ass off due to the cold (it was like -3C last night) and theres snow up to my ankles outside.


Outside of Lerwick must be crazy, where Letty lives in Quarff for example shes completely surrounded by hills and they get a tonne of snow fall.

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