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Thriller Mafia


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If you really feel it necessary you can go ahead and kill me, then you'll have two targets to get in exchange. Also, Dom has either unreliable info or links to those two aswell.


Then again I'd rather you didn't kill me >_>


I'm hesitant to vote for you.

Either you ARE the sniper and that would justify you lying, or 3 baddies have just exposed themselves.


Wich means... if you die, we either:


A:kill 1 bad guy.




B: kill 1 innocent and 3 baddies.


Aww fuck it... I'm sorry Gizmo, just look at the odds. :heh:

Vote: Gizmo

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Mundi's behaviour. I think it would be very stupid of him to put himself on the line like this if he, indeed, was in the Mafia along with darksnowman, because we'll know soon enough wether or not Gizmo is good, and from that moment on... if Gizmo turns out to be good, that will result in 2 deaths for the mafia, instead of just one. So, if Mundi is from the mafia, this is either incredibly dumb, or... knowing him, incredibly smart. All we left to find... is wich one it is.



Why the fuck would Gizmo claim to be the protector if he wasn't the protector? It's just too fucking dumb... wich leads me to this little conclusion: maybe he's being targeted by the sniper. But that wouldn't make much sense because the sniper was roleblocked/protected. Wich leaves the question: Why would Gizmo lie?


And now we have a third person backing up Darksnowman, which means if Mundi is wrong they will all be going down...


Well I'm not sure he's part of the mafia (besides, do we know now if they can communicate or not?), all I know is he's a delinquent or whatever.

Besides, whether the mafia target me or not, I'll be dead tomorrow anyway if I don't get help.


I see... well in that case you need that cure, I didn't realise it was only a day you had or whatever, in previous games infected people get a few days. And yeah maybe more info on this person would be good before you reveal them, unless we have literally no information on a day or something and it's our only lead.


Oxi_Waste Just curious and forgetful lol... did you die? And then you came back to life? Or am I just confused? You died and are now back in the game again...or did I just make that up and you never actually died and have been alive and well all the way through? I'm sorry I'm so forgetful/lazy to read it back :)


Edit (doublepost) I have to admit, when Oxi puts it like that it does seem like a good exchange. Sorry if we're wrong Gizmo :(


Vote: Gizmo

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And now we have a third person backing up Darksnowman, which means if Mundi is wrong they will all be going down...




I see... well in that case you need that cure, I didn't realise it was only a day you had or whatever, in previous games infected people get a few days. And yeah maybe more info on this person would be good before you reveal them, unless we have literally no information on a day or something and it's our only lead.


Oxi_Waste Just curious and forgetful lol... did you die? And then you came back to life? Or am I just confused? You died and are now back in the game again...or did I just make that up and you never actually died and have been alive and well all the way through? I'm sorry I'm so forgetful/lazy to read it back :)


Edit (doublepost) I have to admit, when Oxi puts it like that it does seem like a good exchange. Sorry if we're wrong Gizmo :(


Vote: Gizmo



I died. I was Dr. James Marcus, I was neutral and my objective was to revive 5 people. But I never got to revive anyone because I died before any good guys died. I didn't want to revive any mafiosos, so there are no zombies around... EXCEPT... myself. I used my last vial and turned myself into a Zombie, yet again, I'm neutral, I can't be night-killed and my objective is to survive until the end. Don't worry, I'm not contagious, I won't bite others... I'm locked in my lab, apparently. So yeah, I can help either side to win, my only objective is to stay alive (wich sucks, it makes it too easy to win, since I can't be nightkilled because I'm already dead and all). But I chose to help the goodies, because it's hard to help the baddies when you don't know who they are. Besides, I wanted to clear the name of Zombies. Not all of us are evil. :(


So yeah, that's me. Don't worry, I'm on the good side.

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I'm not the robot and don't claim to be. Maybe I should check my character to be sure, but why should I if Mundi says he's the robot? I have no idea what the robot is, but I've told you what I know and thats that I was under the control of the sniper since yesterday. I didn't post yesterday because I wasn't told to, I didn't use my night power last night because I wasn't told to.


And theres no way I'm connected to Mundi or have been communicating with him. Didn't that EMP at the very start of the game put an end to any communication?


Edit: Sure I helped lynch Raining_Again! I was able to tell you she wasn't good and it turned out she was evil.

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oh, so I am dead. Goddamn you Darksnowman. I'll leave y'all alone to have a kick-ass game! *dissapears*


Lol, sorry Jacob. I didn't know why your name was there either... it coulda been that you were phoenix downed... but I guess not. RIP and I'll see you in the next life/ mafia game.

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Alas, it was worth a try. I was gonna die today anyway.


At least I succeeded in painting some bullseyes on people.


Nothing personal dark, I still love you.


Let it be known from this day forward that Gizmo was first against the wall when the Robot Rebellion started!


I kid I kid...

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A majority has been reached.


The sniper stared down his scope. They knew. They all knew.


He heard a creak behind his back, and before he knew it a noose was around his neck, two bullets had been fired into his stomach and the other villagers began to attack with their weapons. The robot destroyed his rifle and let the town have their way with him.


Gizmo is dead. He was The Caller (Evil), a mysteriously deranged sniper who kept his targets hostage and instructed them via a mobile phone.




There are 19 players left in the game (10 is a majority)
















The fish






Day 7 is over. Night 7 will begin now.

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The thief continued to chase the doctor endlessly. "STOP!" The thief's cries were futile, and so he carried on running after the doctor.




The man in the striped jumper writhed on the floor. "No... this can't be happening!" He ripped off his wooly hat and clutched his stomach. He tried to contact his comrades, but the blasted pair of detectives had messed everything up from the very start. "They found me! INCONCEIVABLE!" He finally lay still after much vomiting.


MadDog is dead. He was Wally (Evil), a freak wearing a striped jumper who didn't plan on being found, and who was also the Don.


A new Don has been appointed.




The doctor approached the adventurer yet again with a syringe. "You were supposed to accept the sample willingly!" The adventurer cringed, before a suited agent strode casually up the doctor.


"Doctor, doctor. You've caused enough damage in the name of your cause. Are you willing to die for it?" He put his gun to the doctor's head and fired two bullets into it.


Eenuh is dead. She was Rick Diehl (Neutral), a doctor with a revolutionary genetic 'cure' who believed he could heal the world.




There are 17 players left in the game (9 is a majority)














The fish






Night 7 is over. Day 8 will begin now.

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This game.... one thing is bothering me a bit.... It is becoming more and more apparent that the so called "mafia" cannot communicate with each other and for the most part only evil and neutrals are dying.

I am not ruling out the possibility that the good members of this game are all the mafia.


I say that the evil mafia can´t communicate with each other and that there´s a "good" mafia where all the good members of the game are together and work like a mafia where the rest of us are evil and neutrals


To point more towards that point I remember Tellyn saying something about there being a twist to the game

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