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I love the government


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So, I applied for disabilty student allowance last year. Got all the paperwork off,

and heres what they gave me



Belinea o.book 5

- 17" screen

- 2.2ghz dual core processor

- nvidia 8600M GT

- 2gb RAM

- HD-DVD/DVDRW drive

- 250GB HDD

- 1.5mp webcam

- bluetooth/wifi

- Windows vista Ultimate 32-bit (would have preferred 64-bit, but i'm not complaining)

- Office 2007 Home/Student


Other Stuff

- 22" belinea monitor for dual monitor

- copier/printer/scanner really nice printer. it has a lcd sreen and uses wireless...

- wireless keboard/mouse

- laptop bag and case


All in all, labour have secured my vote with free stuff.

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People who have dyslexia can get similar things from the government and LEA if they are students. They can also get a rebate on broadband bills and software which makes learning for them easier, such as software for windows which allows the computer to read out documents, and software to help organise their ideas.

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Yeah this is where I'm getting the money for my laptop in my thread.


I was diagnosed with a "very mild dyspraxia", I was then told I qualified for a free laptop under the DSA and I should be getting it this month. I think everyone who is accepted for the scheme gets a £2700 budget minus software and other hardware for the laptop. I'm also getting a printer and £100 a year for ink.

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Yeah this is where I'm getting the money for my laptop in my thread.


I was diagnosed with a "very mild dyspraxia", I was then told I qualified for a free laptop under the DSA and I should be getting it this month. I think everyone who is accepted for the scheme gets a £2700 budget minus software and other hardware for the laptop. I'm also getting a printer and £100 a year for ink.


What is very mild dyspraxia and how do I contract it?

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What is very mild dyspraxia and how do I contract it?


If Wikipedia is to be believed, you really don't want it:


Dyspraxia entails the partial loss of the ability to coordinate and perform certain purposeful movements and gestures in the absence of motor or sensory impairments.


Dyspraxia may be acquired (e.g. as a result of brain damage suffered from a stroke or other trauma), or associated with failure / delay of normal neurological development - i.e. Developmental Dyspraxia, or Developmental Coordination Disorder. The term apraxia is more often used to describe this symptom in clinical practice, although strictly apraxia denotes a complete (as opposed to partial) loss of the relevant function.

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Even with only slight disleyxia gets you the top of the range help whilst at uni, there's a guy in my class who only has problem with some spelling and stutters when nervous and he gets free funding and get this a scribe for note taking.


Well I think it's annoying. God for you and your stuff. But ... -.-

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My housemate is the same (although its dyslexia but I believe it comes under the same umbrella). Gets a PC with free repairs if needed, £300 yearly book allowance, internet access paid for and probably more stuff. I love her, but it seems so extreme.

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Wow, that paragraph is heavy going, but ;


It doesnt let your body do certain stuff when your brain tells it to?


I can sum it up with the word "Clumsiness" or "Bad hand eye coordination" if you like. It means I have trouble doing delicate things, like threading a needle for example. I can't play different tunes on each hand when playing the piano. Same applies for a lot of things that require your hands to do different things. When I was a kid I had trouble catching and kicking balls, but I've been able to do it more competently for a while. I also have really terrible messy handwriting.

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I can sum it up with the word "Clumsiness" or "Bad hand eye coordination" if you like. It means I have trouble doing delicate things, like threading a needle for example. I can't play different tunes on each hand when playing the piano. Same applies for a lot of things that require your hands to do different things. When I was a kid I had trouble catching and kicking balls, but I've been able to do it more competently for a while. I also have really terrible messy handwriting.


I have all those things and yet I have not been told I have dsylexia, I have seriously trouble threading a needle, can't play a piano at all because of the hand coordation and driving was a struggle.


Fair? I think not. I also have terrible handwriting, which is why I'm glad I'm on an IT course. :indeed:

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Oh, also I'm not looking for sympathy, and realistically I don't need the laptop, but I'll take whatever they're giving me.


Dyspraxia, not dyslexia, they're different. Hell, get yourself tested. You'll probably be diagnosed and given free stuff, life is good.

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Really? I have dyslexia and haven't done anything just got on with it. But i might try and get some free shit.


Well to get her papers marked with the knowledge she is dyslexic (in other words, ignore spelling and grammar mistakes) she has to go through the uni and they sort it out anyway. I don't think she actually intended to get free stuff, it was just dumped on her lap.

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Oh, also I'm not looking for sympathy, and realistically I don't need the laptop, but I'll take whatever they're giving me.


Dyspraxia, not dyslexia, they're different. Hell, get yourself tested. You'll probably be diagnosed and given free stuff, life is good.


Probably not, I managed to pass every single gcse bar my history without help. I'm fortunate to have very kind parents, I still think it's unfair and I can see why you took it all I would!


Its more complaining at the government than yourself :)

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Beh, thats where our taxes are going to, great stuff.


I've got an unusual form of arthritis that cannot be clarified 100% by blood tests etc, so I have to pay all prescriptions and don't have a single claim for anything like this.


What a rip.


But then who would say no to free awesome things?

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Probably not, I managed to pass every single gcse bar my history without help. I'm fortunate to have very kind parents, I still think it's unfair and I can see why you took it all I would!


Its more complaining at the government than yourself :)


One of the smartest girls in my year took the test as a joke and was diagnosed with dyslexia, it's worth taking, £2000 worth of gear for next to no work.

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One of the smartest girls in my year took the test as a joke and was diagnosed with dyslexia, it's worth taking, £2000 worth of gear for next to no work.


I'd rather not, I'm not taking something that everybody else pays taxes for when I'm compable of doing stuff myself.


I already get enough from le parents never mind the government. Though the money can be better spent elsewhere.

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I hate Labour. Bunch of shit heads who love nothing more than to intrude on people's lives when they need to mind their own fucking business. Go libertarian.


I get £288 a month for being schitzo, later turning out to be autistic-spectrum. It gets me by...


My mother has schizophrenia. Very different to autism. The guy who originally diagnosed you must have been inept. I've found I know more about some mental illnesses than the professionals I've talked to. I mean, I do read about them out of interest at times, but I shouldn't know more about it than any psychologist!!!

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