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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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Cool! Hope it's soon, think i will hold off playing again until they are released! Hope there good trophies though!


With the amount of stuff you can do in MGS4, i imagine that they will require creative thinking, but some could be crushingly tough. European extreme anyone...

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  • 10 months later...

I really don't get this game. My mate has lent it to me as my PS3 is just a Blu-Ray player to me - never been interested in any game that's come out for it, but thought I'd give this a go.


I never owned a PS1 or 2, but I seem to remember playing MGS1 on the first (I think) Playstation at a mate's house, which I thought was ok, but I've never been a great fan of stealth games in general. In fact, the only one I've ever enjoyed was Second Sight on the Xbox.


Anyway, am trying to broaden my horizons and give this game a proper go, not just get pissed off/bored after 10 minutes and give up as I usually do. So far, I think I'm still on Act 1. I've just got into Advent Palace after avoiding some snipers. I have an oil drum for some reason as well.


Anyway, my gripes with the game:


The controls are too fiddly - admittedly, I am getting more used to them, but there's too much pissing about with menus and buttons for me. Snake moves too slowly, even when I'm trying to get the hell out of somewhere fast, it feels like it takes forever!


The cutscenes - I've just spent 15 damn minutes listening to a guy tell me that he's going to sell me some weapons. That's all I need to know - you're a token black guy and you have some guns for me. But to take 15 fucking minutes to explain it is a bit much. To top it all off, once he'd finally fucked off, I was on the phone to that Octo bloke for another 3 minutes talking about him!!


The gameplay in general - ok, so I've managed to sneak around for most of the section I'm on, but now I've been spotted and am in the middle of a load of bad guys. No problem, I'll just wipe them all out. Hang on, why the hell are there a seemingly infinite number of enemies coming after me after I've killed them and where the hell are they coming from??? I want to be able to explore the very gorgeous environments without getting chased by random enemies popping up from behind every wall.


I really want to enjoy the game, it does seem like it could be pretty decent, it's very stylish in a strange japanese way, but there's too much shite in the way that stops me enjoying it. It got great reviews, but I honestly don't see why.


Can somebody tell me, am I just playing the game wrong, am I missing something. Shall I stick with it? Or is this game just overhyped?

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The game isn't for you, stop playing it. It was made for fans of the series and isn't likely to convert anyone due to its various barriers to entry. I'm not saying you "don't get it" as if it were somehow your fault, but without the context of — and interest in — the previous games you'll get very little out of MGS4.


Also, if you aren't interested in a single PS3 game you should probably find another hobby.

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Ok thanks. I'm typing this while trying to watch a cutscene which has already been going on for 10 minutes. I mean, I enjoy a good story, but this is ridiculous!


It's not that I'm not interested in any PS3 games at all. But the only ones that I will enjoy are on Xbox as well like Arkham Asylum, Red Dead, GTA4 etc. I just prefer the Xbox because I hate the ridiculously dated Playstation controller. I mean, it's based on a 16 year old design, when games primarily used the D-pad to move your character. The left analogue stick is in the wrong place for me. I'm constantly catching one thumb on the other while moving and adjusting the camera. Not that that causes any loss of control, but it's just annoying.


To be honest, I bought the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player, as it was only £50 more expensive, and I thought I may as well get a console with it too, but so far, there's been no exclusive games that have piqued my interest. I quite liked the look of Unchartered, but played the demo and found it awful!

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Mgs4 is full of shit but it's an experience worth experiencing.


If you aren't satisfied with the game I suggest you try this - get the damned OAP on his tummy, roll him over onto his back (with square) and just endlessly back him into a wall, so as to make 'im crawl/wriggle uncomfortably into something for no discernible benefit.


After relaxing to this most feeblest of displays, I dare you to come back and say the series isn't gripping.

Edited by dwarf
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The game isn't for you, stop playing it. It was made for fans of the series and isn't likely to convert anyone due to its various barriers to entry.


MGS4 was the first MGS game I played and it convinced me to get the rest. I love MGS4.


I love being an awkward bastard.

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Go back to your XBOX. Sell your PS3. You're embarrassing us.


Like I said, I need it for the Blu-Ray. I'd honestly love to find an exclusive PS3 game that I'd enjoy. It's not that I hate MGS4, it's not all bad, I just don't see what the fuss is. Just like I don't understand the fuss over CoD.


Like I said, I played the demo of the first Uncharted and found it to be just a drab run and gun game which has been done better before. Have you actually played the demo? If so, does it compare well with the full game. I thought that the demo of Arkham Asylum was ok but not great, but the full game blew me away. Am hoping that this is the case with Uncharted.


Anyway, back to MSG4, I'm now on Act 2 and when I actually get to play the damn thing am actually enjoying it more. But another installation?? Come on!! Haven't had to do this since Batman The Movie on the ZX Spectrum in 1989. Do you have to install every level? What happens if I decide to play a previous act? Does it install again or is that it now?

Edited by Dog-amoto
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Like I said, I need it for the Blu-Ray. I'd honestly love to find an exclusive PS3 game that I'd enjoy. It's not that I hate MGS4, it's not all bad, I just don't see what the fuss is. Just like I don't understand the fuss over CoD.


Like I said, I played the demo of the first Unchartered and found it to be just a drab run and gun game which has been done better before. Have you actually played the demo? If so, does it compare well with the full game. I thought that the demo of Arkham Asylum was ok but not great, but the full game blew me away. Am hoping that this is the case with Uncharted.


I felt the same about Arkham Asylum.


To put things in perspective, Uncharted is a masterpiece and Uncharted 2 is the best game of the last decade. I IMPLORE YOU to play them both and fall in love.

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I too have a PS3 which I don't use as much as I perhaps should, I did buy it for the main exclusive PS3 titles that actually interested me, so far I have seven including...


God of War Collection - currently playing

God of War III - unplayed

Metal Gear Solid 4 - completed

Ninja Gaiden Sigma - in progress

Ratchet and Clank - completed-ish

Uncharted - completed

Uncharted 2 - completed


Now... I've only actually completed three out of those seven games but notice which three held my attention the most, both the Uncharted games and - yep you guessed it - MGS4...


Admittedly MGS4 is not the easiest game to get into, especially if you've never played the previous games, fortunately I had the opportunity to play through the previous three beforehand as I bought the MGS trilogy boxset when it came out, so I was essentially 'ready' for MGS4.


Basically I loved playing the game from start to finish, yes some of the cut-scenes do drag on... a lot... but that's Metal Gear Solid for you, it's a trait of the games that will always be as essential to the games as the stealth because that's how its been since the first MGS, though obv everything has just become more elaborate recently thanks to the extra storage space afforded by the Blu-Ray format.


I may not be a huge 'Playstation' gamer - as I spend a good deal of time playing other consoles - but MGS4 is still one of the finest games available on the system and it's well worth playing through to the end... if you've played the three games that proceed it. :heh:

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Like I said, I played the demo of the first Uncharted and found it to be just a drab run and gun game which has been done better before.

You made my face confused.









Because of this:

drab - definition of drab by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...

b. Of a light olive brown or khaki color


Ize confuzed.



Has been done better before in the genre by what? Seriously, the only game even close to the same realm is this:




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You made my face confused.









Because of this:

drab - definition of drab by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...

b. Of a light olive brown or khaki color


Ize confuzed.



Has been done better before in the genre by what? Seriously, the only game even close to the same realm is this:






I'm so thrilled you took the time to make this post...really...:hmm:

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I can understand the gripes about the controls. I recently abandoned Peace Walker because its just so dumb to control...despite the numerous control options! The PSP just plain doesn't work with games like that! I plan on going back to it but god its annoying! I think the controls annoyed me in Portable Ops but I had just got my PSP so I put up with it more. I found the controls in MGS4 to probably be the best of the series but still cumbersome by modern standards...despite that I loved MGO...its hard to find a good group to play with though although I have played with people on here in the past and had fun.

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  • 10 years later...



Was really stuck choosing what to play next, but rather than stress myself out I figured, hey, I haven't gone back to the Metal Gear Solid games since I beat Snake Eater some 9 months ago now, it's finally time. So here we are. 

Only a couple of hours in, and I imagine barely scratched the surface, so these are super rough first impressions. I've just split up with Rat Patrol after the Advent Palace. 

I've got a bit to say, and most of it might come off as mixed/negative, but I think that's largely down to being so early in the game, and it being so in my face as I get into it. 

Technically, the frame rate is...not so great at times, including in cutscenes. Takes me out of it a little bit, but it's an ambitious PS3 game (that shot at the helicopter taking off at the start looked really great), so it's just one of those things that comes with the territory. Definitely not something I'll hold against it, just thought it was worth mentioning, because it's definitely the most that I've noticed it in an MGS game so far (the only other time where it was noticeable to me in a way which was memorable, was with the shotgun in MGS3). 

I know I've heard people talk about how cutscenes are handled and, hoooooooo boy, do I not think so much of it would be handled this way today, at least in its most annoying and frequent utilisation; some of it is clearly a choice, whereas there are other parts where it seems to be limited by the hardware. The opening scene to the game as credits started up felt really choppy jumping from cutscene, to moving 10m and picking up an item, to another cutscene, to moving 10m...you catch my drift. Those opening credits felt unnecessarily long (I swear Kojima was credited like ten times, and I also swear for the same thing twice at one point?), the most hilarious part of it all to me was the title card (in the Eastern-inspired font; curious to see if credits roll on each act with a different front inspired by the location, but that would seem a very Kojima thing to do) popping up, followed by 'Directed by Hideo Kojima', then 'Kojima Production Presents'...(slow pan up) - me: wait, are they going to show the title again? - 'Konami' :laughing: and yeah, unfortunately the cutscenes jumping to gameplay for just a second and then jumping back after moving a few metres has already happened so frequently I've lost count. 

Also, kind of cutscene related: have no idea what was up with swapping between TV channels at the start, it seemed cool enough and I was half expecting something to happen, but when nothing did, I pressed Start, then got moved to another screen which said Press Start to Continue. A screen I've since seen, again, countless times. It being the early hours of the game, even with nothing much of consequence really happening yet, I think it's making it feel choppy and leading to some poor pacing in scenes. Which...sucks, compared with how these things were handled so well in previous games. 

A fair bit of exposition, thankfully no super long cutscenes yet (but I know they're coming), and the best thing has probably been seeing returning faces, learning about what's happened to them since and what they're up to now, and slowly easing myself back into the series' mechanics and gameplay loop, admittedly after running around like a headless chicken in action film for the first little bit. 

In terms of overall gameplay, it feels like a natural progression from Snake Eater in a lot of ways: larger interconnected areas, certain ideas returning and perhaps being refined (like carry capacity). Still trying to figure out what's up with the stress level, don't think the game's explained it yet (?) unless it's just generally to do with what's going on around Snake? Like I said before, I'm still easing myself back in, so it hasn't quite clicked yet in terms of moment-to-moment gameplay, though I felt it started to up against those Frog Soldiers while helping Rat Patrol; speaking of whom, loved the transition from cutscene to gameplay, with the camera swooping from the side to the back of Snake, there were so many chances in the earlier scenes that I knew it was coming, so I was glad to see it! :D

Shout out to being able to pause cutscenes, though, and just how many cool ideas they're trying to pack in. Oh, and I hate those Irving, mini-Gear-looking things having human-like legs. 

So yeah, super early on I'm not as hot on it as I was the earlier games after just the first couple of hours, but it is starting to click in terms of gameplay, so I'm optimistic, and will of course be sticking with it until the end to see how everything transpires. Looking forward to seeing how I feel about it after putting more time into it tomorrow :peace:

EDIT: I forgot to mention the flashbacks to the other games which you can tap X to see at certain moments. Love them. 

Edited by Julius
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Good to read your thoughts so far, @Julius

Personally, I love MGS4. It's like playing one massive anime episode. The amount of fan service in the game is glorious, with the over the top cut scenes just adding to the whole experience. There are so many moments that are just pure hype. It's such a shame it never got ported to a modern console. :( 

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I do wish Konami would release some kind of collection on modern consoles, maybe something like the Final Fantasy re-releases with a few optional tweaks to let you breeze through the games if you like. I never had the patience with the stealth to play the series properly but always wanted to enjoy the whole story. Tempted to get my PS3 back out as I was playing MGS4 a few years ago and enjoying it.

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15 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It's such a shame it never got ported to a modern console. :( 

There has been a bit of talk about Bluepoint Games remaking the original Metal Gear Solid series. Here's hoping it's true and MGS4 will be part of their endeavor.


On 2/13/2021 at 1:07 AM, Julius said:

I forgot to mention the flashbacks to the other games which you can tap X to see at certain moments. Love them. 

Can't wait until you get to...that moment... 5924df90c1b17f8a9ec183da4024d335.jpg

Edited by drahkon
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