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Mafia Game: My Mafia (DIY)


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Meet the mafia *Team Fortress 2 tune*


Domjcq - The Devil


You are the Devil the most evil being in existence.

You are the leader of the mafia.

At night you can PM me the name of a player to kill and who you want to send from the mafia.

The player you send will not be able to take any action that night.


You are evil, you win when the mafia have the majority vote and all threats to the mafia are gone.



You are Dick Cheney the Vice President of the USA.

Because of your influential powers your votes count as 2.

You being second in command of the mafia means you will take controll if the mafia Don dies.

If the Mafia Don is taking too much time sending in their target you can decide on who to kill (I will tell you first if you can decide for the night)


You are evil, you wil win when the mafia holds the majority vote and all threats to them are gone




Gaggle64 - Barry Scott.


Using your trusty bottle of Cilit Bang you can clean away any dirt spots, spilled wine on carpet

and even the remains of a recent body!

At night you can target a player, if that player dies that night no one except you and the

killer will know who he was

You are evil. You win when the Mafia has the majority vote and all threats are gone




Calza - Björk (Because all celebrities are evil)

At night you can target a player and sing him a song to keep him charmed trough the night.


See Darksnowman



Brian Mcoy - Tom, the madman with multiple personalities


You are Tom, the madman with multiple personalities!

You are just some nobody that escaped from an insane azylum and has no idea what´s going on.

At night you will get random powers i will pm you your nights power


You are evil, you win when the mafia have the majority vote and all threats to the mafia are gone.


You are Stewie from family guy.

At night you can kidnap a player and send a ransom to another player

You can demand their:

1. Their vote

2. Their power for the night

3. Information about themself


If your ransom is not complied in 3 days the hostage will be killed

In those 3 days if the player with the ransom get´s killed the hostage is let go

You are evil, you win when the mafia have the majority vote and all threats to the mafia are gone.



Beggilax - Jaws, James Bond


You are Jaws the henchman from James Bond.


At night you can target a fellow mafia member.

If someone targets the mafia member you have targeted you will injure that player making it so that he can´t post the day after.

Also they are not allowed to say who they targeted out of fear that they will be killed


You are evil, you win when the mafia have the majority vote and all threats to the mafia are gone.


VoLcOm - Gir


You are Gir the insane robot from Invader Zim

At night you can target a player to annoy him to make his results for the night to screw up

Due to your insane nature everytime you vote a player there is a chance that your vote randomly changes to someone

else, you cannot change it until I say so.


You are evil. You win when the mafia outnumber the town and all threats are gone

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Gizmo - Yagami Light.



With the power of the death note you are able to kill one character every night.

Every time you wish to use the Death Note At night you pm me with the name of the character who you want to write in the Death Note.

NOTE! This is important, when you use your power you need to PM me the name of the character NOT the username of

who you want to kill.

For example, sending me: I´m going to write down the name Mundi. In the purpose of killing the user playing the game

would be wrong.

Writing: I´m going to write down the name Batman. Would be right IF someone is playing him


Because the supernatural ways of the Death Note the Death Note nullifies normal protection.

(If you target Person A and Person B uses his protection power on Person A

Your power overwrites the protection and kills Person A)


Also at any time you can make "The Deal" giving you the eyes of a Death God allowing you to find someone´s name out.

At night you can target a player and find out what character he is. You are not allowed to write someone´s name down the same night

when you are using this.

Taking the deal has the drawback of shortening your life by half. In this case the drawback of taking the deal means

that you only need half the votes needed to lynch you.


Because of your devilish charms you will appear good when investigated


You are evil, you win when you are the only one left in this world


If Shino (Near) would investigate him he would find out that he is Kira and is evil



MoogleViper - Peter Petrelli


The man with the power to absorb other people´s power.

At the start of the game you will have no powers. If you are targeted at night you wil gain the power of the

person who targeted you

You are good. You win when all the threats to town are eliminated.


Absorbing too many powers would result in him loosing control of his powers and not controlling what power he uses on his target.



Oxigen_Waste - God


You are god, creator of this world, all knowing, all seeing and yet no matter the shit going down you refuse to

meddle in the buissness of men because of godly reasons.

But because of the current situation you have decided to ignore that rule

At night you can target a player and watch what he did and what happens to him over the night.



Jayseven - Jules Winnfield


You are Jules Winnfield, hitman from the movie Pulp Fiction and good friend of Vincent Vega (Shorty) and

can communicate with him outside of the

the game.

You two have the power to kill at night you can pick a player you two want to kill

You are neutral. You win when the town wins


Shorty - Vincent Vega


You are Vincent Vega, hitman from the movie Pulp Fiction and good friend of Jules Winnfield (Jayseven) and

can communicate with him outside of the

the game.

You two have the power to kill at night you can pick a player you two want to kill

You are neutral. You win when the town wins


mr-paul - Agent Smith


You are Agent Smith! The antagonist from The Matrix.

Once per night you can target a player and change him into a Agent Smith

If you get lynched or killed all other copy´s of Agent Smith will

revert back to their original character.


Also you and all of your clones must address everyone with Mr.(The name who you are talking to)

You are evil. You win when all of the townies are Agent Smith´s


Eenuh - Luckdragon


You are a Luckdragon from the Neverending Story.


Using your luck you can fly in and help a player.

At night you can target a player, that players action for the night will be influenced by your luck


You are good, you win when all threats to the town are gone


Her power worked like an amplifier to other people´s abilities.




Nintendohnut - James Bond

You are James Bond the spy in her queen´s service.

At night you spy on a player and obtain information on him


You are good. You win when all threats to town have been eliminated

He was killed by Jaws...



Chairdriver - Emma Frost


You are Emma Frost the mutant bitch

At night you can target a player to read their mind and find information about them


You are good, you win when all threats to the town are gone


If anyone attempted to kill him there would be a 1/4 chance of him surviving the attack

If he would have mindread Vicar (Deadpool) he would have known it was him



Tellyn - Christopher Henderson (24)


You are Chris Henderson from 24

It is impossible for players to get information about you directly

You are the person responsible for killing the President of the town leaving it in chaos.

You have 13 days to get rid of all information about the kill and get out of town.


You are evil. You win when you have survived for 13 days


He killed me!


On day 5 he would have to target and kill a player if he would fail to kill him his target would know that he was the person responsible for my death and that he was evil



Haggis - Willow from buffy the vampire slayer


You are Willow from Buffy the vampire slayer.


Using you magic and knowledge of the wicca you try to help the town.


Every day or night I will pm you a spell you can use. It´s up to you if you want to use the spell.

If you do not use a spell you receive it will not be lost and you can use it later on if you want. For example, you choose not to use the spell you get on day 1 that means you have 2 total spells on night 2 but can only use one of them. When spells are used they are gone forever.

You can only use one spell per day/night. I will tell you if a spell only works at day or night.


If you are investigated on a night you are casting a spell you will appear evil because people don´t really understand magic


You are good, you win when all threats to the town are gone


Cube - Starbuck


You are Starbuck the skilled pilot from Battlestar Galactica


At night you can target a player if he is in danger that night you swoop in and fly him to safety.

You are good, you win when all threats to the town are gone


Maase - Don Corleone


You are Don Corleone an infamous mafia don.

But sadly after a coup in the mafia you have been kicked out of the towns mafia.


At night you can target a player and attempt to get some info on the mafia don.

If it happens that you target the mafia don at night you will kill him and take control of the mafia

While you are not in the mafia you will appear neutral if investigated.

When you have seized control of the mafia you will appear evil if investigated


You are evil. You win when you have taken control of the mafia and the

mafia has the voting majority and all and no threats are left to the mafia


Zell - Phoenix Wright


You are Phoenix Wright! Ace attorney and whatnot.

Once per day time you can pm me a name of a player, until the end of the day phase the player needs more votes to be lynched.

Instead of needing 50% of the votes he needs 75% to be lynched. But losing a case or defending someone who ends up being evil

can have very damaging effects on your credibility (You have been warned).

Also as a one time use power you can PM me a name of a player and have all current votes on him nullified.


You are good, you win when all threats to the town are gone


Esequiel - Chris Moyles


You are Chris Moyles Britains most popular Radio DJ.

At night you can target a player in the following day you will broadcast a tidbit abot him. (Will appear in the write-up)


You are good. You will win when all threats to town have been eliminated

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My notes:


Maase: What the fuck man?


Mafia: What the fuck! XXXXtreme lack of communication. Mcoy was always send as the killer even though he send in his target every night, even on the night he got kill powers! and you kill seemed a bit random...


Jayseven & Shorty: I see what you did there with your choices :Þ

You had a pretty interesting kill pattern

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My notes:


Maase: What the fuck man?


Mafia: What the fuck! XXXXtreme lack of communication. Mcoy was always send as the killer even though he send in his target every night, even on the night he got kill powers! and you kill seemed a bit random...


Jayseven & Shorty: I see what you did there with your choices :Þ

You had a pretty interesting kill pattern


Extreme lack of mcoy and calza responding to their messages >.>


and beggi saying don't kill gaggle

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Guest Maase

I was in an overdose, it wasn't my fault :X


Good roles, but i was expecting me as a Don, WHY CAN'T I BE FROM MAFIAAAAAAA?

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Mafia: What the fuck! XXXXtreme lack of communication. Mcoy was always send as the killer even though he send in his target every night, even on the night he got kill powers! and you kill seemed a bit random...


Mcoy and Calza ruined the game for us, I didn't even know mcoy was playing. Our tactic for killing was those who talked the most, which is why we took out oxigen and nintendohnut first.


And Mundi, why didn't we get an investigator. How are we supposed to know the fish will kill us if we try to kill him i we can't investigate people.

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I was in an overdose, it wasn't my fault :X


Good roles, but i was expecting me as a Don, WHY CAN'T I BE FROM MAFIAAAAAAA?


I found it to be too obvious too let you be boss so i decided to too something fun with it

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Guest Maase

Bah, you ruined the game, i was trying to be the don, but even being Don Corleone, someone screws me :'(


I hated my role, i was basicly playing just to entertain myself, the Notebook part was genius xD

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I was a little disappointed with my role, I mean James Bond is awesome, but only an investigator? I wanted gadgets and cars and all sorts.


Stil, I was even more disappointed when I died on the first night. What a load of balls!


Thanks Mundi for running this game, I have to say I still followed it avidly throughout and it was really fast paced thanks to your many quick updates. Great work!


Shame the mafia was so rubbish (all 'cause of Mcoy and Calza by the sounds of it. I don't know why they join the games, it's like they TRY to spoil it for everyone else...)

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I was a little disappointed with my role, I mean James Bond is awesome, but only an investigator? I wanted gadgets and cars and all sorts.


Stil, I was even more disappointed when I died on the first night. What a load of balls!


Thanks Mundi for running this game, I have to say I still followed it avidly throughout and it was really fast paced thanks to your many quick updates. Great work!


Shame the mafia was so rubbish (all 'cause of Mcoy and Calza by the sounds of it. I don't know why they join the games, it's like they TRY to spoil it for everyone else...)


Well Mcoy participates but doesn't post much, but Calza I don't know, I never see him post or even check the mafia games. =/


Also, if Shorty and Jayseven would win when the town would, why did they kill townies?

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I really enjoyed my role. I just spoke to much and got myself killed :)


Mundi can you do a add a running total please in the progression thread :)


1 game on the go atm then...... that means that Jonnas could start end of next week depending on how active the Thriller crew is :P

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Well Mcoy participates but doesn't post much, but Calza I don't know, I never see him post or even check the mafia games. =/


The two worst people i've ever played with. It ruins any effort anyone tries to put in, especially Volcom and Beggilax whose first game it was.

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Which also brings the question: How did Gizmo kill his victims?

Just needed the name of the character. I was expecting to need the character and the user who is playing them, but to be able to control time and manner of death.



Gizmo had the awesomest role. But thankfully he got killed.


The only way that I would lose is if I was killed randomly by the mafia without knowing I was Light (or if you had investigated me apparently :p)


Yeah even though he had the appear good, he played it very safe


If I killed a good guy then they found out I was Light I could still claim I was good and won when all criminals were dead. This would be backed up by someone investigating me and finding me to be good. Ended up being pointless though.

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I really enjoyed my role. I just spoke to much and got myself killed :)


Mundi can you do a add a running total please in the progression thread :)


1 game on the go atm then...... that means that Jonnas could start end of next week depending on how active the Thriller crew is :P


Well, I need to rethink one of my roles, since Mundi nearly copy-pasted it.


Anyway, keep signing up, you people who wish to play. I still don't know when I'll start it, but I'm sure I won't be able to in this week. I'm going away for a few days.

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I totally rocked this game.


Feels so funny I could tell Beggilax was evil from one post.


Actually, I was suspicious of him long before you started accusing him.


Emma Frost = uber


True that. Your legacy lasted 'till the end.


[blatant advertising] Sign up to Forum Mafia here! [/blatant advertising]


Pshhh, a shameless plug? Anyone can do that.

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