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The Cycle of Cool


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Haha Daft, I do the tard thing with some words too(fucktard, spaktard, mongtard :D and sometimes gaytard), though I've not heard/noticed anyone else do it. I also use a few arguably racial words, but I'll leave those off the forums. One time my mate messaged me though with his own word he'd made up, and I still use it, the brilliance that was Motherchubber.


Motherchubber!! I like it! *stolen* :heh:


I wouldn't use gaytard because the thing about the -tard use is that it has to have a bit of a linguistic snap to it, like a plosive sound. I think fucktard is the best but its always good to mix it up a bit.


My latest one I've started to use is chavtard. Not quite as biting but still pretty fun to use! :D

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Chair and I make up funny words. Ones I can think of right now.


"Sheena!" -instead of swearing, etc. Also the name of the tuckshop lady, and often is used when referring to the lack of money to buy anything at said tuckshop, or if the tuckshop is closed. Double-entendre wannabe.


"****/y/bunny/wipe" same as above, without the tuck shop bit.


"Lezz'd" same as above.


And other funny ones I make up on the spot.

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The word rubbish as pointed out by more than a few people in this thread was never really in or out....It has always been in my dictionary, but usually gets replaced by the word 'Shit' (I am a trooper like swear person).


The only word I can think of in recent times that has had a minor revival is 'Ace'...In my Junior school years this word was used to saturation point until someone introduced the meaning to be an abbreviated form of 'A crap effort'.


"My Rubiks cube is ace"

"Haha....You mean its a crap effort"



A word that still is a joy to use although politically incorrect is 'Spacker'

Would love to see that make a true return as it rolls off the tongue so easily and gets the point across.


One phrase more addictive than smack once it habitually takes over:

"you fancy a beer ?"

"Yeah man"


The net introduces so many words these days its unreal, but most are netspeak or txtspeak so they can be difficult to introduce, although 'for the win' occasionally creeps into rl conversation with me

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Sweet! Dude! Two more I use, Sweet as a nut sometimes. Mint. Rank. I dunno if they count really. I take your point on gaytard Daft, but if you can manage to really get a cutting emphasis on the t, it's sometimes all right. It's not the best of the tards though, probably the worst. I don't use fucktard much, dunno why, but I do like just mixing random words together, or a random word with a swear word, or two swears, or just two really awesome words, works best with single syllable ones though.

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I have a few oddities..


"thats relay shem" (more of a local term, i think the "ballymenians" of the forum might understand)


: peace: ..fully understood.. but 'relay' is a word you just never hear anymore.. we need to start a revival!


You never hear people talking about being 'rare' either.. (not meaning actually rare, but meaning that something's 'wick gay'.. or 'uncool'.. whatever :heh:) ..my cousins used it all the time..


I remember way back in primary school one of the main words was 'lethal' ..definitely not as popular now :heh:

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I like dropping the b-bomb (bother) and the c-bomb (curses) - makes me look old/refined/old & refined/rubbish.


I hate the phases "f-bomb" and "c-bomb".


Bloody Americans...

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I like saying proper British words. "Rubbish" and "Bother" included.


I've found myself saying "cool" recently, much to my own bother. (Ay, see.) I'm trying to say "class" and other various British words instead. I regularly say "bloody", because I love to say it.


I'm trying to change my vocabulary so it appeases the older generations. :smile:

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: peace: ..fully understood.. but 'relay' is a word you just never hear anymore.. we need to start a revival!


You never hear people talking about being 'rare' either.. (not meaning actually rare, but meaning that something's 'wick gay'.. or 'uncool'.. whatever :heh:) ..my cousins used it all the time..


I remember way back in primary school one of the main words was 'lethal' ..definitely not as popular now :heh:




we so do! pure relay shem! ^_^


easy buns/easy biscuits was going about when i was in secondary school! (late nineties, early noughties)


I still say all the bolded words! =D

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I use cool a lot. But usually just as a generic word to say when someone tells me something, I didn't listen properly and it looks like they expect a positive response from it.


Haha, awesome, I do that too. I say cool all the time actuallly...


"Right, Ok, cool, see you there" etc etc



I also now say "awesome" loads in real life after getting it from people saying it on the internet. It's coming right back into fashion.


And "beast" is a classic word from about 4 years ago which I still use, it means "awesome" basically.

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