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Where is the weirdest place you have fallen asleep?

Coolness Bears

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I don't often fall asleep randomly and in odd places but more recently i caught up on sleep i needed in the Cinema and in class at school! :)


It was weird to wake up in the middle of the Cinema! I had to take a minute to realise where i was and why exactly why i was there. This happened in I am Legend and i missed a part of the film! :)


The other time i fell asleep was in Class just before Half Term! I was trying so hard not to fall asleep but i ended up sleeping for the whole lesson to wake up afterwards with the teacher looking at me worried not sure whether i had fainted or not! :D


Where is the weirdest place you have fallen asleep?

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I went to a party last week, apparently I fell asleep with my eyes open =s I can't remember since I drank a lot and when I'm drunkenly asleep, nothing can wake me up.


Apparently some chav was shouting and threatening to hit me whilst I was asleep because he thought I was ignoring him O.o

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I've just woken up from an accidental nap. Although it was on my bed so that's not that wierd.


When I was younger I was laid on the floor with one arm around my shitzhu and we both fell asleep.


A few years ago four of us from school went down to London for this science thing. It was in the summer and was really hot. The morning went ok, then had lunch in hyde park. But in the afternoon I fell asleep during the lecture. But I had my feet up on the chair in front (the row was empty) and I had been drifting slowly down and when I woke up my feet were inches away from the person in front's head. Apparently I had also been snoring quite loudly. Needless to say my friends found it quite funny. Even the science teacher had a few laughs.

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Man, I've fallen asleep alot, in my younger days I was more narcaleptic than most, I fell asleep everywhere(whenever I'd drunk, usually, and tended to have stuff done to me, then woke up incredibly angry). I fell asleep in an RS class once during a video, and struggled to stay awake at the end of a 2 and a half hour exam after revising hard the night before, kept doing those microsleeps like, must have looked like the mongs you see on the bus whose heads slowly fall then shoot back up :(

I fell asleep in a club once, my friends took the liberty of stealing my belt(luckily mainly for decoration) apparently trying a buckeroo with me(sticking stuff on until I awoke), then I remember going to the toilet and seeing something written hilarious across my forehead. I also fell asleep at a party, around 12 from what I understand, then had horrible things done to me, I woke up thinking it was 5 minutes later and ready to party, only for it to be 3 going on 4 and everyone bedding down :(. I fell asleep in a cinema too once, but I'd been drinking and smoking, so I blame that. Missed half the damn film too, and how is it I always seem to wake up just as the credits are rolling(when im fall asleep watching tv too). I fell asleep in a really narrow space between a bed and a cupboard once too due to similar reasons, was weird when I woke up. Really, it's more the waking up that's weird than the places I've slept.


And for the record, I totally manage to stay awake these days, I dunno what the hell was wrong with me back then.

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I nodded off during a Physics lesson a few years back. I was asleep for half an hour. Nobody noticed. Did it again a week later.

I think I also got a bit of shuteye during an exam; I did what I could of the work, with still an hour left, then grabbed 40 winks in 40 minutes.

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In my car, at 3:00 in the morning, while on a date. We were just talking and holding one another, and it all went quiet for a bit. Realised soon after that we had both nodded off for about 15-20minutes. Was kinda cute.


I later suggested that we both should get some proper sleep in a proper bed :wink:


It worked! :awesome:

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in the winter... if you can't find me around the house.... it's because i'll be curled up behind the sofa, in-between that and the radiator... taking a nap ^_^


i fell asleep on the train on the way back from london yesterday - i was asleep for the whole 2 hour journey :eek:

i've never done that before!! i'm really weird with trains, i can't eat or sleep on them... so falling asleep was really strange!

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in the winter... if you can't find me around the house.... it's because i'll be curled up behind the sofa, in-between that and the radiator... taking a nap ^_^


i fell asleep on the train on the way back from london yesterday - i was asleep for the whole 2 hour journey :eek:

i've never done that before!! i'm really weird with trains, i can't eat or sleep on them... so falling asleep was really strange!


I'm like that on Planes,Trains and Cars! :) I can't sleep on them!


I can always eat though! :D

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I never really fall asleep anywhere apart from in bed. The only time I can think of was last year, I was watching Predator with a bunch of friends, my copy of Predator no less. We were all squished against the wall on a bed. They were just assaulting that little camp of bad guys, I rest my eyes and when I wake up they're getting to the helicopter at the end. It was pretty weird.

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When my sister was at university I went to stay with her. I laid on the camp bed as everybody wanted to watch Snatch. However as soon as I had laid down two people decided that They would lay on top of me. I couldn't move and couldn't see the TV so I just went to sleep. I've still never seen the film.

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In my car, at 3:00 in the morning, while on a date. We were just talking and holding one another, and it all went quiet for a bit. Realised soon after that we had both nodded off for about 15-20minutes. Was kinda cute.


I later suggested that we both should get some proper sleep in a proper bed :wink:


It worked! :awesome:





I once fell asleep on a cricket pitch. but I was incredibly drunk and the party was at the cricket club so that's not very wierd.

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I've fallen asleep on the bus on my way back from gaggle's house. The driver had to wake me up at my stop, atleast he didn't drive on like the rest of them.

Fell asleep in the cinima during Jurasic Park 2, it was just 2 and a half hours of blokes talking about dinosaurs. Woke up near the end thank god.

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