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Cloverfield, Did it live up to the hype? *Spoilers*


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I can see the camp for, for and against a sequel.


Honestly, it would be nice to have it on its own, but the fact of the matter is, this is Hollywood and there will be a sequel/s so we might as well get used to it, so I say it should be good. Almost no chance that it would be as good though, but at least it will add to the mythos/story.

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Oh and this movie had possibly one of my favourite lines from a movie ever:

"I just cant stop thinking of how scary it would be if a flaming hobo ran out now from the dark!"


I loved that part too, it was classic guy who doesn't know how to shut up and says the wrong thing at the worst time

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But yeah it was just absolutely awesome. Unique idea and execution, and it was just...pretty much a masterpiece actually.


Bahahaha watch some actual masterpieces of cinema please. It was an average big monster movie with a shit sub plot and some overhyped viral marketing and a couple of gimmicks thrown in.

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Bahahaha watch some actual masterpieces of cinema please. It was an average big monster movie with a shit sub plot and some overhyped viral marketing and a couple of gimmicks thrown in.





Want some masterpieces? Take a look at some of tarantinos movies. Take a look at a movie called "A Man called hero". Watch the original Alien, or Nightmare on elm street.


But maybe you should just ignore me, i would class the original Highlander as a master piece >.>

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Bahahaha watch some actual masterpieces of cinema please. It was an average big monster movie with a shit sub plot and some overhyped viral marketing and a couple of gimmicks thrown in.


I think it is better than the average, but I agree.

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It was pretty good.


Thought the story was crap/non-existent and found it seriously unbelievable at times. For example the helicopter evacuating them decided to fly next to the monster, which hadn't attacked any other helicopter, and they saw a building that was leaning against another and climbed into it.

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Watched it tonight and I freaking loved it! The camera idea is really nice because it adds you as another person to the movie, there were parts were you could actually feel the panic and fear they had. The end was kinda weird though, the cinema was practically empty and no one left, felt like there was still something to watch. Maybe we're just too used to having a music in the credits.


Anyway, I love this kind of movie that keeps us speculating after it.

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Bahahaha watch some actual masterpieces of cinema please. It was an average big monster movie with a shit sub plot and some overhyped viral marketing and a couple of gimmicks thrown in.




Want some masterpieces? Take a look at some of tarantinos movies. Take a look at a movie called "A Man called hero". Watch the original Alien, or Nightmare on elm street.


But maybe you should just ignore me, i would class the original Highlander as a master piece >.>


mas·ter·piece (mstr-ps)


1. An outstanding work of art or craft


I stand by my original statement.

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"No, no, I'll just stay here and um...document"


Some really funny moments, it felt pretty real the way they were trying to make light of it a few times. Weird as hell though.


I'd expect there to be a shitty sequel that explains everything.

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Its a product that appears in the movie (I think) and was also in the viral marketing beforehand. Its connected to a Japanese company that owned an oil rig which drilled for Slushos secret ingredient. Its thought that this is what woke up the monster in the first place.


There is also some confusion on what Slusho does to the people that drink it as someone in the viral marketing drank the special ingredient and started talking about how she felt really powerful. She can be seen at the party in the beginning on the movie, passed out on the sofa.

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Its a product that appears in the movie (I think) and was also in the viral marketing beforehand. Its connected to a Japanese company that owned an oil rig which drilled for Slushos secret ingredient. Its thought that this is what woke up the monster in the first place.


There is also some confusion on what Slusho does to the people that drink it as someone in the viral marketing drank the special ingredient and started talking about how she felt really powerful. She can be seen at the party in the beginning on the movie, passed out on the sofa.


These are all theories right? Or is it in the film because I didn't pick up on any of this.

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The bits on how the monster woke up are theories yes. The other bits about the girl and how slusho is connected to this japanese company who were drilling for the special ingredient are proper information that appeared in the viral marketing before the movie came out and are considered canon


Where is this viral marketing?

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There are Myspace accounts for the main characters (these havent been logged into since the movie was released.)


If you search for Cloverfield viral marketing on youtube theyve got videos made by 2 extra characters (one of which is the passed out girl I mentioned)


The rest is information ive read on forums from people who followed the viral marketing. I decided not to follow it before hand to make sure I didnt ruin anything for myself.


Ive been told http://www.cloverfieldclues.com is a helpful site but I found it a bit hard to navigate to find the information and I havent looked since.


EDIT: This is a very good post in the Cloverfield IMDB forums which gives you a lot of the information



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Went to see it today and I fucking loved every second of it. Everything about it makes me smile. The special effects, the way Hudson humorously gets himself labeled as the annoying loser with no sense of direction, how you (the viewer) feel like you're a part of the group because of what you're seeing on camera...everything. I'd love to see this type of filming on a zombie flick.


Does anyone else think the small parasites VERY CLOSELY RESEMBLE the antlions from Half-Life 2? I mean, when I first saw them in the subway tunnel scene the first thing that ran into my mind was that the production team must have been strongly influenced by their design in the game.




Oh, and the viral marketing before the movie came out = genius

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I felt the monster was plain stupid. It seemed to stay in the same area for at least 3 hours even though the majority of it was deserted (with only the army in that area, and a hand full of idiots) The choices made by the characters just annoyed the hell out of me. Apart from that the style certainly put you in with the action, I certain;y wouldn't rush to watch it again, and probably wouldn't want to put the effort into watchin it.



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One more thing...does anybody remember what Rob said when Hud approached him with the camera? I think he said "is that a new tape or did you record over it?". He said TAPE, not SD card. Think that's a production mistake?


Besides, you can't "record over" things on a digital camera.

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