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Alien Vs Predator 2


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Anyone else go see this? Couldn't find any thread on it in the first 3 pages


I went and saw it last week and thought it was much better than the first.... most likely due to the lack of one Paul W Anderson (i can't believe he's on the writers team for the Castlevania film, is the man on a mission to destroy our childhoods).


The predalien was bloody awesome, much better than i expected, though one thing i didn't like about it,

... the way it was able to lay multiple eggs in people without a hugger alien, there's no basis for why it would be able to do that, no previous alien could do it with the exception of the "Huminoid" but that doesn't count and is very different situation. Obviously they just wanted a way for flood the town with tons of Aliens which was cool to see so many, but still a bit of a hard sell.



I also liked how i felt they weren't holding back on which characters they killed off, there were a good few people you would think would survive but then BANG.


The kid who was implanted by a hugger at the start, I thought they wouldn't show the chest buster on a kid but they did, not only that they had him watch his father have his chest burster first.



The ending though was a little....erm.... familiar wasn't it? Resident Evil 3, hello?


Before going in I was half hoping to see a ton of Predators come down at the end for a massive AVP brawl to end it.


The last battle between the Predator and Predalien was cool, though i didn't like the tie. Fair enough if they were gonna be nuked anyway but I would have still liked to have seen one of them standing over the other in victory just before the bomb hit.




Oh and question and the last scene...

when the military bring the Predator gun to that woman.... was she meant to be someone? Just from the way she was introduced at the end it felt like it was meant to be someone i was meant to know from a previous film or something?


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In the computer games (AvsP2 at least) the corporation is called the Yucatani corporation and if I remember it right the womens name was Yucatani


I thought it was a little better than the last one although the attempt to make a new Ripley character it a brick wall pretty quickly


and the ending was very typical for a half-baked movie like that


.....unsure about an ending, just nuke the place.....


I agree with you on Predalien vs Predator duel, I wanted an obvious superior. The other thing that bothered me is that only a single Predator arrived, I would have thought a squad of 10 would have been the ideal number for a extermination unit

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Ah yeah, thanks guys, i knew the name was familar but just couldn't place it (or remember the name after i left the cinema :heh:), and as you said Weyland appeared in the first AVP.... but didn't he die in that :indeed: (That would be Mr. P W Anderson, once again ignoring the original Lore)

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The other thing that bothered me is that only a single Predator arrived, I would have thought a squad of 10 would have been the ideal number for a extermination unit


I was thinking that too, but then i realized it was prolly to make it feel more like the 2 Predator films where there was only one running around, and when you think about it in the 1st AVP they had 3 but that didn't really make it any better, they just wanted to be able to kill a few Predators early in the film, this made the Predators look more like amateur hunters i thought

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I thought it was a bit crap to be honest. I thought the first one was better.


Although a few of my mates got kicked out for no reason. The workers said they had been talking (which they hadn't) and they asked them to come outside. I don't think it helped that they argued back but what can you expect when somebody asks you to leave a film after 10 minutes for no reason.

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This one had worse pacing and script, but was better on all fronts apart from that.


TBH, I liked the first ones explanation of how Aliens/Predators met/interacted. This one was unnecesarry, but needed in a way to make the AVP image better.

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Went to see this film and thought it was crap. The first was alot better in my opinion.


I got bored halfway though, once you've seen one alien kill you've seen them all. There should have been more than one predator to make it more exciting.


Lol, but its Aliens Vs Predator... more than one alien vs one predator. :wink:


All the Yutani stuff that Paj says is true... the scene in the hospital where multiple aliens were birthed out of one person was a highlight.

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Yeah this film (and the nasty taste it leaves in your mouth) really doesn't deserve its own thread, I'll just re-use my quick summary...


WTF, seriously. How could they make it any worse than AVP? They just have. (As a huge Alien fan) it made me sick to my stomach.


This film was too dark, I mean really dark I couldn't see a fucking thing and when I did, it looked straight-to-dvd cheap. I've never felt so insulted in all my life. Whoever designed that Predator/Alien hybrid should be castrated immediately.


And what I hate most is people who defend it saying 'well what did you expect, a masterpiece? It's meant to be shit, switch your brain off blah blah blah.' Well if I made a piece of artwork/film/something creative and told you I made it suck on purpose what do you think, you're not going to be very amused.




2008 hasn't got off to a great start.

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I was pretty disappointed as well. Actually the first one wasn't pretty good but this one surpasses it in crapness easily.

First of all the characters: all of them had a backstory that connected them but we were left in the dark about it.

And while I'm at it. The whole film was too dark, actually it looked like someone filmed it off the screen with a video-camera and then upscaled it again.

And most importantly the Predator. In the first one they got killed too quickly, true but they were Rookies without guns while on that ship were at least 20 (seen in the first one) and they are too stupid to hunt down one Alien with blades and instead shoot vital parts of their own ship.

And that new Predator just failed to deliver for me, the over the top violence was really cool but I missed any stylish moments. I mean even the most spectacular kills look somehow boring in the movie although they looked cool in the trailer. Probably due to too many scenes in between while the trailer was cut more "smoothly".

Overall I was very bored in the cinema and although I tried to like it I just couldn't. Rather watch the original Predator 5 times in a row.

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ViPeR hated this film, he posted it on my facebook wall. The fucking heathen.


As far as the action side of things go, this film delivered. There was a ton of it. But, it still doesn't have the horror feel that Alien had, and you still don't geniunally feel that the Predator is as invincible as he is in the first Predator film.


I think they should just make a new Predator film, tbh. It seems to be heading that way. Make it brutal.

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