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Jeez, I'll Be Needing A Walking Stick Soon At This Rate!


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I had that moment earlier where you realise time is going way faster than you think it is. I mean, it doesn't seem long ago that I was in year 7 and now I'm half way through year 12. Madness.


I keep getting really worried I'll soon be off to uni and I'll never see some of my friends again. It feels as though time is moving so fast and there's bugger all I can do. I don't want to get old! (That sounds meladromatic, but you see where I'm coming from).


Anyone else ever suddenly had that feeling?

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Yeah the older you get the quicker the years pass.


I have been at work for 5 years now! god damn.......I'm half a century old this year and I just can't believe how quickly the years have passed.


When people say like oh that film was out in 1999, I think that wasn't that long ago....oh wait that is 9 years ago! O_O

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Yeah the older you get the quicker the years pass.


I have been at work for 5 years now! god damn.......I'm half a century old this year and I just can't believe how quickly the years have passed.


When people say like oh that film was out in 1999, I think that wasn't that long ago....oh wait that is 9 years ago! O_O


... a century's 100 years! Ye be forgettin' your maths in your old age.

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Yeah the older you get the quicker the years pass.


I have been at work for 5 years now! god damn.......I'm half a century old this year and I just can't believe how quickly the years have passed.


When people say like oh that film was out in 1999, I think that wasn't that long ago....oh wait that is 9 years ago! O_O


You're 50?!

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I got that feeling when i finished my GCSE's when everyone was leaving. I also got it again starting back after christmas. I was thinking to myself "Hmm i'll be 19 next year ... shit! i'll be 19 next year! I'll be moving off to uni next year... Arggh!"


I was thinking of going in the police when i'm old enough (After uni) but just thinking that i could possibly join in a years time is scary. I don't feel old enough to pull a full time job off.

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Yeah the older you get the quicker the years pass.


I have been at work for 5 years now! god damn.......I'm half a century old this year and I just can't believe how quickly the years have passed.


When people say like oh that film was out in 1999, I think that wasn't that long ago....oh wait that is 9 years ago! O_O


Obi Admin Kenobi


I think you mean 1/4 century platts :P


I'm in my 3rd uni year (flunking again), my health is not exaclty the health a 20 year has, I prefer staying in front of the TV instead of going out, I keep forgetting things and mixing them up and yesterday I told some damn kids to get off my lawn.

Yep, I'm getting old.

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it's not my age that makes me feel older - it's the grown up things i'm doing ^__^ like, driving places, and working full time and filling in forms and moving out... :grin:

i like it!

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I'll be 21 next month, and it only feels like I left 6th form a few months back. Scary stuff. Makes one wonder if he could of had done more with those three years.


They say that time flies when you are having fun, so maybe you should look on it that way? So logically, if time is disappearing fast, it can only mean that you're having a good fun time :)

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Guest Stefkov

Thinking about being legally able to watch porn, drink alcohol etc in the coming months makes me feel like all that was childs play stuff.

I was walking around Huddersfield Uni and was thinking only 2 years ago I was in High School in those crappy uniforms, writing maths work in an A5 sized book with grids in them.

That jump of 2 years from High School to Uni this September makes me feel old even if I'm not that old.

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Thinking about being legally able to watch porn, drink alcohol etc in the coming months makes me feel like all that was childs play stuff.

I was walking around Huddersfield Uni and was thinking only 2 years ago I was in High School in those crappy uniforms, writing maths work in an A5 sized book with grids in them.

That jump of 2 years from High School to Uni this September makes me feel old even if I'm not that old.


Exactly. On a side-note... what colour were your maths books? We had orange best colour for maths IMO

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Im fine with my age (21 in a month), but occassionally you have "woah, old" moments. Such as when I remember I've been friends with one of my friend's for 11 years...maybe nearly 12? I dunno. But its like "we were kids and now look at us; jobs, paying rent etc."


Although when I watch something like Juno and the stars are younger than me it does kinda make me feel like im wasting my time or something but whatever.

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I've been thinking about this alot. Thinking about being 20 next year is depressing me a bit. Makes me feel how I wasted my youth.


same here.. in a way :D


im 20 this september and the though is kinda scarrrrrrry... i mean, by that stage ill have ben going out with greg for 3 years (its scary because the last 2 and 1/2 years have flown in so much..), be starting 2nd year of uni (hopefully living somewhere better), ill no longer be in my teens.. ill have been workin in barratts for nearly 2 years (if im still there i may cry:( )..



.. damn

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It was my birthday yesterday, and it only just feels like the last one has gone.


Time goes quick, dude. If you're worried about losing contact with mates, do the best you can to remain in contact. You make new friends in many different ways, and sometimes no matter how hard you try, you just lose touch with people. It happens.


Make the most of it. Enjoy what you have now. Don't cry because it's almost over, smile because it happened!

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Make the most of it. Enjoy what you have now. Don't cry because it's almost over, smile because it happened!


Thats awesome! Thanks, I hadn't thought of it like that.


It's the idea of not seeing all these people's faces during the day, faces I've seen for the past 5 and a half years, some longer. It's going to be so strange never seeing many of them ever again. Considering I'm up north and am applying to places in the south west it's going to be hard.


But, the good news is All the Uni's I'm applying to, a girl I have been friends for ages with is applying to aswell (same course) and my best mate is hoping to get into the same uni I want to get into (different course), so hopefully things will turn out well. (Karma, you owe me!)



Edit: On sort of the same lines, does anyone go to either of the Uni's at Bristol?

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I first started to feel old when i found out that a girl from my old school has a baby.

I´m not overly worried about loosing contact with my friends, unless they move far outside the main city area or decide to move to another country or of course something fucks up between us which i hope wont happen :(

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