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Help! I need somebody! Help! For My Birthday Party! HELP!


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I need j00!


My birthday houseparteh is on Saturday, and I shall be celebrating by dressing up and grinding some lovely ladies.


Now, the dressing up is proving to be difficult. Some clever fanny decided that teh theme of the party is things associated or beginning with "J" or "B". (cos dat's mah name, safe)


My idea is to go as Jimi Hendrix, mainly because he's a God. I need ideas on how to dress up as this. Tell me what I need, and what shops to get these purchases from (if possible).


Either that, or suggest me a better idea. Cos mine might be crap, innit.

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You could go as ...Jade Goody. Jude Law. The letter 'Jumping J'. Barney Rubble. Bananarama. All the possibilities.


But as far as where to get stuff for the costume, no idea.


(still need to decide what to do for mine; thinking maybe 'geek culture', video games, comics etc)

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If I had to go as Jude Law, I'd be punching myself in the face all night, as I hate the fudger.


So, no to that one. I've kinda had the same similar suggestions already, like Batman, Jester, etc.


What sorta clothes would I need for Hendrix? I've figured I need an afro and an inflatable guitar, but what else?

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Shit, I forgot about the tache, how did I do that?


Nice one, mate. Any idea where to get these in Brighton?


Tie-dye stuff you can make yourself, tache you can get from a party/costume shop.


And act like a complete ****.


We're talking about stuff he'd need to change to get into character.




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Shit, I forgot about the tache, how did I do that?


Nice one, mate. Any idea where to get these in Brighton?


There's a good shop for stuff like that, forgotten what it's called (:'() -- it's on that road with teh Evolution, with the HSBC bank on the corner where people hand out flyers all the time... arg :P The shop's purple and sells hippy clothes made from hemp and stuff. ... Probably too vague a description :P


The north laines will surely be appropriate? For some reason i can't recall any fancy dress places specifically, but i'm sure there's one down there.


Good luck \o/

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Oh for the general Hendix stubble: black face paint and very open pore sponge. Quite a stiff one works best. Makes the best stage stubble ever.


Oh yeah and don't forget some really cheap and nasty looking rings. Just play some GH 3 Flink and copy the character off that. Close enough right?

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Jimmy hendrix is easy, get some washed out jeans, a red scarf to go round the forehead and a white top with tassles.


Its the image of him at woodstock that I'm thinking of.




Charity shops, a red scarf will be easy to get ahold of, so will light coloured jeans, boots. Its just the top, just get a plaing white one

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