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Things that are most excellent!


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I lovely dinner at a resturant. :grin:


I had a delicious one this evening :D


aww cools, seriously clicked expecting you to just say:


EVERYTHING!!! :bouncy:


...seriously, happiest fella i know ^_^

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While doing research on "if this character was cast she would look like..." you stumble across someone with a dodgy sounding name and then clicking their IMDB link. Ladies and gentlemen; Barbie Cummings


I clicked and the first thing I saw was "Internal Discharge 3". I lol'd.




Pyschology is most excellent. Spent the lessons doing mexican waves and discussing random stuff. Everyone was laughing for most the lesson, it was brilliant.


Also having a day off tomorrow is rather excellent.

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Life is most excellent ^_^


My piercing is on its way to Heal City, and i can finally eat things other than soup (with caution) I lost 6 pounds this week (just about all of the weight I put on over christmas!)



Ooo what piercing?


Being told by my mum that she'll pay for me to go download for my 18th.


Now that made me a happy bunny

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Darksnowman always calls me a tart. I think its a term of endearment. I suppose you could say that is most excellent?


That is indeed most excellent. I once met a tart in Bakewell. It's not a joke she wore really skimpy clothes and offered herself to passers by. Unfortunately I had spent all of my money.

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