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Happy New Year!


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was freaking awesome :D


urgh - stock font!

oh graphic design, where HAVE you gone?! :nono: that colour palette and the image at the top are really nice, but the crappy fonts and layout let it down SOOO much.


</pompous designer>


i got a bit too drunk last night with my 4 glasses of wine and a whiskey shot at midnight ~ i thought i'd be ok but the guy whose house it was had cats, so in all my wisdom i took an antihistamine tablet with my first glass of wine... eheh. not a good plan. but i had a good time! it was a great party!! and although i had nobody to kiss at midnight (silly tradition :heh:) i had plenty of friends to hug. and that's all you need really... ^___^

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My head hurts, I went to Peckham last night randomly saw a few of my former uni friends got utterly trashed and went to a pub/club thingy on Old Kent Road. Dont really remember much of it I do know I drank half a bottle of JD before I went out though. And woke up with £25 this morning which was a bonus.

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Happy new year everyone.


Was meant to be going up town to a little indie club but my girlfriend got mugged on sunday night and was a bit shaken still so we went to her sisters instead who lives in a top floor flat and we stood on her balcony and watched all the fireworks. Could just about see the ones from the London Eye which was good.

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Happy New Year to all, spent my New year getting completely bladdered and gatecrashing a party at 2am on my own as well.


Spend up until 1am in my local watching a live duo and a comedian on stage, then left at shut-tap and moved on to the party which i gatecrashed then went home at 3:30am.

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