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Gaming moments of 2007


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What was your best/most satisfying/emotional/whatever gaming moments of 2007??


My top 3, in no particular are:


Collecting my last agility orb in Crackdown.


The Halo 3 Beta. (Beats the actual game only because everyone on the forums was playing it)


and finally


Completing Tomb Raider: Legends, I loved the ending and I can't wait to see it concluded in the follow up!


I know its a bit of a weird selection but its what has stuck with me!


Edit: Just remembered...ALL of Portal!!! :p


Another edit: I also forgot Earth Defense Force 2017 Co-op!!

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1) Playing through Crackdown, getting achievements with Stefkov was a lot of fun. Co-op really made that game.

2) Playing through Hotel Dusk, when I realised how cool the DS could be. There should be more story based games that use the DS in that way.

3) And finally a certain moment in Bioshock where the game was really fucking brilliant, with the story at it's most interesting.


Also a special mention for actually winning a game in the Halo 3 beta!

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Playing Mario Galaxy thinking that it was truely GOTY for me.

Playing Ratchet and Clank and somehow enjoying it more than Mario Galaxy making it GOTY for me.

Playing Uncharted 2 days later which then surpassed Ratchet and Clank once again making it a different GOTY for me :)


As Jordan said this year has been killer for us gamers and I picked these moments purely because they are the only ones I can remember at this point in time.

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Playing Portal for the first time... twas gaming nirvana. Also Metroid Prime 3 was awesome, as was SMG.


Going round my mates house and playing glorious games of Gears. Now that I've finally got round to getting myself a 360, everyone's playing Halo, even though I still have cravings for Gears. And although I've played little of it, Bioshock is set to be fucking ace.

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Playing Portal for the first time... twas gaming nirvana. Also Metroid Prime 3 was awesome, as was SMG.


Going round my mates house and playing glorious games of Gears. Now that I've finally got round to getting myself a 360, everyone's playing Halo, even though I still have cravings for Gears. And although I've played little of it, Bioshock is set to be fucking ace.


Yeah, totally hit me up for some Gears of War online, mate. What's your GT?

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Yeah, totally hit me up for some Gears of War online, mate. What's your GT?


Zell 360.


Trouble is I have two bros to contend with, and we only have one sodding controller. So it's hard to get any bloody playtime on it. Right now, my bro is playing Halo, but I should be able get on soonish, 12 at the latest. Once I get on, I'll add you and the carnage shall begin!

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Zell 360.


Trouble is I have two bros to contend with, and we only have one sodding controller. So it's hard to get any bloody playtime on it. Right now, my bro is playing Halo, but I should be able get on soonish, 12 at the latest. Once I get on, I'll add you and the carnage shall begin!


Good shit. Look forward to it ;).

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Playing through RE4: Wii Edition was great, so much so I did it three times in succession. :) I had my first experience of Guitar Hero this year, which was fun and something different, as was Excite Truck. And I found Motorstorm's online mode to be quite addictive.

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1. Exploring Hyrule by day and listening to the song at night in Twilight Princess. (I got my Wii in January).


2. The return of NOD - Using Flame Tanks once again in Command and Conquer 3 as I did about 7 years ago with the first game.


3. Clearing that room in the castle in Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, the room FULL of those religious figures where you had to use the levers and protect the girl. Probably the first time in 2007 where I 'died' in a game.

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Well 2007 was a year of PC gaming for me. I got my PC upgraded for free by my bro who works with computers, and spent a good 8 months being addicted to FFXI online.


Wasnt until the first week of december i got a games console so i guess picking up the wii mote for the first time was awesome.

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3) The sheer JOY I felt when I first played Super Mario Galaxy.


2) The perfection of Portal and escaping GLaDOS's psychotic plans.


1) The entirety of Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Never has the line between games and movies been so blurred. It's got such incredibly fun platforming and third person shooter moments and eye-orgasmingly stunning graphics! This game crept out of nowhere to become my GOTY.

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Actually, gettting my new PC and FINALLY being able to play through HL2 (i've had the bloody discs for over a year, but my old pc was just unbearable to play it on).

Which reminds me



One of the most epic gaming experiences i've had for a long time. mainly the strider battle, the ending, and the other bits involving Eli (if you've played it you know what i mean), oh and fighting off the Antlions with the vortigaunt, and the bit that comes straight after that (again, players, you know what i mean)

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Best moment for me would be the very start of Bioshock. A lot of anticipation built up in me while I watched the demo download, and the landing in the water, entering the dark room and then the trip in the pod thing with the Andrew Ryan speech. Properly amazing.

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Wasn't that mid 2006? :heh:


Aye, but it's a gaming moment of this year, so as long as the moment was from this year, it should technically be fine.


Hmm, my moments. Going to Gamestation during my lunchbreak at work, with my two mates, and picking up Mario Galaxy on launch day was fantastic. Knowing you're about to purchase a future classic is just...wow. Then, going home later that night, turning it on, and then later having to replace your trousers. :D



I finally got to play Resident Evil 4 this year, on the Wii. Getting decapitated for the first time, and also getting your first headshot gives you a certain buzz. :D

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