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RE: end of season 4. Preggers.


Veronica Mars - A Trip to the Dentist


A brilliant almost Rashomon like 45 minutes. A wonderful example of how memory can be a tricky device (either intentionally or not). I love how they have the little details in there, like how during Meg's recollection you can hear Logan. Plus some great scenes such as when Veronica confronted Logan at the start, and then later Duncan and then confessing to Wallace. Plus lines such as:


"I'm going to find out who did this to me and I'm going to make them pay. Even if it was you. [pause] Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to throw up."


"You wrote 'slut' on my car last year at Shelly Pomeroy's end of year party. Why?"

"Because 'whore' had too many letters."


"You do not want to start today with me, Paco."

"Are you sure? It was in my day planner under 'Goals.'"


"[she's] Much like fake boobs - great to look at, but they don't do as much as you'd like them to."


I hate how it was cancelled. Furthermore I hate how it was cancelled for a fucking Pussycat Dolls show. Its like buying 'The Second Sex' from Amazon and it recommending you read one of Jordan's 'novels'.


Although I am amused by how

the voice over in this promo is. Edited by Ashley
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RE: end of season 4. Preggers.


Veronica Mars - A Trip to the Dentist


A brilliant almost Rashomon like 45 minutes. A wonderful example of how memory can be a tricky device (either intentionally or not). I love how they have the little details in there, like how during Meg's recollection you can hear Logan. Plus some great scenes such as when Veronica confronted Logan at the start, and then later Duncan and then confessing to Wallace. Plus lines such as:


"I'm going to find out who did this to me and I'm going to make them pay. Even if it was you. [pause] Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to throw up."


"You wrote 'slut' on my car last year at Shelly Pomeroy's end of year party. Why?"

"Because 'whore' had too many letters."


"You do not want to start today with me, Paco."

"Are you sure? It was in my day planner under 'Goals.'"


"[she's] Much like fake boobs - great to look at, but they don't do as much as you'd like them to."


I hate how it was cancelled. Furthermore I hate how it was cancelled for a fucking Pussycat Dolls show. Its like buying 'The Second Sex' from Amazon and it recommending you read one of Jordan's 'novels'.


Although I am amused by how

the voice over in this promo is.


I've been watching this on E4 sporadically and I kinda forget how good it was. I used to own the two S1 and S2 on DVD but haven't seen S3 yet, so might have to pick that up.


I love how much of a badass Logan is, but not in the typical sense. Although I die a little inside everytime Duncan is in a scene. Pretty sure a sponge could put on a better performance than he does.

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I've been watching this on E4 sporadically and I kinda forget how good it was. I used to own the two S1 and S2 on DVD but haven't seen S3 yet, so might have to pick that up.


I love how much of a badass Logan is, but not in the typical sense. Although I die a little inside everytime Duncan is in a scene. Pretty sure a sponge could put on a better performance than he does.




"Clue in, donut."


I love how Lilly is/was a better character than everyone on Glee, and she's dead! :p


I do enjoy Logan and his antics. Although I hate the rabbit 'will stab you if you oppose' fans. Although Dick is still my favourite male character. Such amazing lines ("its a crime to kill a Mexican?") and an enviable wardrobe :p


(utterly random but just reminded me to check and Ryan Hansen is wearing his invisible children bracelet in the FWB trailer, except the post-coital scene, which randomly crossed my mind earlier)

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Chuck vs the Subway (ha!) and vs the Ring Part 2


Gotta be said, this show nows how to do a finale!


The end of the first episode was so emotional/FUCKYEAH! Devon, Morgan and Ellie rushing to save the guys :D It seems Ellie is better at keeping her emotions under check (which I presume she needs to do for her job) than Chuck. I love that Casey had a missile in the Crown Vic. Makes sense really. It was kind of an easy way to break them out of the transport but it was so fun/funny it can be forgiven.


I'm personally glad that Jeff and Lester are (presumably) gone (although I wouldn't be surprised if they turn up again at some point). Yeah they were fun and had some jokes but they don't have much mileage and the rest of the cast throw around enough humour anyway.


I was hesitant about Ellie finding out but they did it in a great way. Such a shame Papa Bartowski died but it was obvious he would as soon as he said "I'll be leaving, but this is for the last time". Nice to see all the family on spyjinx together. And along similar lines I think the handling of Chuck and Sarah has been great :)


I knew the Buy More was going to blow up (its become a bit of a spare part really and the uberspoiler promo video NBC released last week) but I didn't expect it like that, or at least for that reason.


"You picked a good one Walker. At last." HA!


And little Chuck was wearing a Superman shirt and then later battled Brandon Routh ^_^



I'm curious how they're going to play out the story next season given the end but they managed it this season after the game changer at the end of S2 so I have hope. Just read an interview and Schwartz said "This year Chuck has been Superman, next year he's Batman." Interesting.

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Chuck vs the Subway (ha!) and vs the Ring Part 2


Gotta be said, this show nows how to do a finale!


The end of the first episode was so emotional/FUCKYEAH! Devon, Morgan and Ellie rushing to save the guys :D It seems Ellie is better at keeping her emotions under check (which I presume she needs to do for her job) than Chuck. I love that Casey had a missile in the Crown Vic. Makes sense really. It was kind of an easy way to break them out of the transport but it was so fun/funny it can be forgiven.


I'm personally glad that Jeff and Lester are (presumably) gone (although I wouldn't be surprised if they turn up again at some point). Yeah they were fun and had some jokes but they don't have much mileage and the rest of the cast throw around enough humour anyway.


I was hesitant about Ellie finding out but they did it in a great way. Such a shame Papa Bartowski died but it was obvious he would as soon as he said "I'll be leaving, but this is for the last time". Nice to see all the family on spyjinx together. And along similar lines I think the handling of Chuck and Sarah has been great :)


I knew the Buy More was going to blow up (its become a bit of a spare part really and the uberspoiler promo video NBC released last week) but I didn't expect it like that, or at least for that reason.


"You picked a good one Walker. At last." HA!


And little Chuck was wearing a Superman shirt and then later battled Brandon Routh ^_^



I'm curious how they're going to play out the story next season given the end but they managed it this season after the game changer at the end of S2 so I have hope. Just read an interview and Schwartz said "This year Chuck has been Superman, next year he's Batman." Interesting.


Just finished watching those myself, definitely an awesome finale. Cant wait until next season.

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At the end of the first season of Chuck I enjoyed it, but didn't think it had very long legs. It seemed like the type of show that would stay the same until it gets canned. However, they've managed to keep it fresh and it looks like they're changing parts of the formula yet again. The finale was brilliant, and still managed to have plenty of fun moments in all the suspense and emotion.


I'm going through Firefly again and just noticed a scary name in the credits of one episode. The young version of Simon was played by some kid called Zac Efron, and it seems to have been his first TV role. I never realised that a show like Firefly could unleash something so horrible on the world.

Edited by Cube
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Okay, so I finished Angel. Here's my thoughts on the series overall.

I really loved it. I remember posting here as I was watching Buffy Season 3 that I would only grudgingly watch Angel, I was so glad he left Buffy, cause I hated his character there, it was so forced "star-cross'd" lovers BS that never felt in tune with the other events in the rest of the Buffy episodes (except when it was the main thing happening). Dunno if that makes sense but yeah...I cynically thought they brought Cordelia over to Angel to sway the unswayed. And it did work. Though I LOVED Anya (the effective Cordelia replacement), Cordelia is awesome. :)


I really liked Season 1, it was more episodic than Buffy was in the end (obviously I know Angel 1 is set during Buffy 4, but based on how I'd just finished Buffy 7...), which was a nice change of pace. Doyle's death was suprising, but then of course Wesley and Cordelia only became more compelling characters in his wake. Wolfram & Hart I remember being a bit "..." in this one, as I didn't feel like they gelled that well as Angel's nemeses until the end of the season.


They were better in Season 2. Loved Darla coming back, and I liked the adding to Angel's backstory..establishing in more detail his adventures with Spike, Dru and Darla back in the day. Charles Gunn became a mainie but really, he did nothing for me. He, personally, never became at all compelling until the last season, but he was decent enough. The brilliant Lorne is introduced, one of the most entertaining characters of the whole show...and though the epic season conclusion rubbed me the wrong way (I'm so bored of Conan/Red Sonja esque Dungeons and Dragons shite), it obviously added LOADS to the mythos in general - Fred, Lorne's life story, and Groo.


Season 3 was when it became AWESOME though. Darla of course has too many things up her sleeves that she hates having there. And I liked when the pregnancy did to her character. Her death scene was emotional...and I thought the old Vampire hunter guy (can't remember his name) and Jolene or whatever were done well...presenting moral dilemmas all over the shop. And of course...the torning point for Wesley..who I consistently liekd throughout all of Angel, despite his character evolution. It never felt wrong or out of place. Connor pissed me off, but then he was meant to, so it's all alright. I semi-liked Cordi's destiny-shizz at the end of this.


Season 4 fuuuuuuu

I loved. One long story, so it felt so sweat-stained and everyones screams getting lost in a paper cup. Come the FRAK on Cordi. I loved how everything you once knew was in the air, Connor and Cordi having sex/a baby shocked us all. And of course one of the highlights:

Lilah, having just been running through the halls, sweaty, trying to hide from Angelus: "He's going to kill us all..!"

Cordi: "I know"

*stabs Lilah in the neck*

"Why do you think I let him out, you stupid bitch?"


*we all clap*


Jasmine added. And I liked her uniqueness as the "big bad". I liked the episodes with her mystery unfolding...Fred came into her own.


Season 5 I really liked too. TOTAL change in the status quo obviouslly, and a slower-pace, but good nontheless. Can't help but think that if they knew it was the FINAL season earlier, the threat of the Black Thorn or whatever would have been made more clear. I'm still a bit lost on what actually happened in the end. Hell came to L.A...why again? Is this to do with the whole "The Apocalypse has been going on for years, we have just lived within it" thing? Eh.

Loved Harmony coming back, her feature episode was funny. Lorne was a bit of a loose end in this series, but I liked what he did, in particular his Party episode, and his final misson for Angel. That was...powerful..to say the least. Hated how they acted like Cordi didn't exist, but her return episode more than made up for it.

Spike I was prepared to hate...I never loved him on Buffy. And I assumed he was transposed into Angel to maybe appeal to more people. But no, it worked perfectly, and the two's chemistry was more engaging than either ones with Buffy! Just in a different way obviously.

Gunn also became more interesting here, but only towards the end.

I hated Eve, just how she was played/the actress' voice.

YES Lindsey.

Fred's death was done very well. So out of the blue (no pun intended), but hard-hitting. Thinking about her death scene along with Wesley's is really heart-wrenching. His in particular.

The finale was good, but I do believe they could have made it even more "rounded" if they'd known it would be the last season. Eh, maybe they did. I kinda liked the ending, kinda didn't. I liked how we were meant to assume they all die soon after though.



So are some of my meandering chronological thoughts of Angel. Loved it. More so than Buffy. Looking back it feels like nothing really happened in Buffy...as though they just sat around at home waiting for things to happen. Though on a basic level I guess that's the innate difference between the two; Buffy is about someone living their life, who happens to have this great responsibility that interrupts that life, Angel is about someone taking on a great responsibility, which life interrupts. Or maybe that's how I see it.


Either way I greatly enjoyed this few months-long powering through of the Buffyverse.

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Just finished watching 24.


So awesome.


I was told the ending by someone which turned out not to be true...


So for the last 30 minutes I was waiting for whatever it was to happen.


So glad it didn't.



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YES! I'm downloading now. Glad to hear you liked it.


Hey I watched Family Guy (Season 8? 9? The new one) Episodes 3-6


Holy crap. This is absolutely back on forme. The best episodes in ages! And I did like the last 4 or so seasons, but this is right up there with some of the best. All of them. Loved them. A lot. Laughed a huge amount.


One of the best gags ever.


Peter talks to a dead American president through a radio, ie EVP and he calls up Quagmire....


And says "Quagmire. Guess who I just spoke to. *Pause*









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Glee- Dream On


The guy from How I Met Your Mother has a fantastic voice. His duet with Will singing Dream On was brilliant, that in itself made the episode awesome.




Yeah but he can be seen in much better and less rubbish things too :p


At the end of the first season of Chuck I enjoyed it, but didn't think it had very long legs. It seemed like the type of show that would stay the same until it gets canned. However, they've managed to keep it fresh and it looks like they're changing parts of the formula yet again. The finale was brilliant, and still managed to have plenty of fun moments in all the suspense and emotion.


I'm going through Firefly again and just noticed a scary name in the credits of one episode. The young version of Simon was played by some kid called Zac Efron, and it seems to have been his first TV role. I never realised that a show like Firefly could unleash something so horrible on the world.


Yeah gotta give it to Chuck, they know how to keep things fresh.


I can't believe you didn't know about Efron in Firefly already. Shame the teenage girls didn't run out and buy the DVD years ago.


Chuck is too good. It has everything! In large doses! It's genuinely perfect.


True true!


Paj I believe at the end of S2 they basically said "its been quite 'heavy' this year, lets have a bit of fun!" I'm sure Joss said something like that at some point. Of course when they came back from the dimension they were smacked in the face by the real world again.


And they found out they were being cancelled on Feb 13th of whatever year it was, so they had a bit of time to jig around but not much.

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Paj I believe at the end of S2 they basically said "its been quite 'heavy' this year, lets have a bit of fun!" I'm sure Joss said something like that at some point. Of course when they came back from the dimension they were smacked in the face by the real world again.


And they found out they were being cancelled on Feb 13th of whatever year it was, so they had a bit of time to jig around but not much.


Yeah I read a bit about the cancellation, how one of the writers blamed Joss for asking to be renewed to early or something...:hmm:




Glee - the newest one




A good message though, and I liked how it actively confronted the moral issue of saying "fag" and the like in a good way that wouldn't just run off the metaphorical ducks back.




No Sue. I feel cheated.

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Paul Merton in China


I remember watching this series when it first aired, and really enjoying it. There's something about the production that betters most documentaries about certain countries. It has an enchanting quality somehow, and is really relaxing to watch. Plus Merton is awesome.



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24 : The Finale (Final three episodes I watched)


Episode 22 was one of the best episodes ever.


Combined with the other two episodes it made it kind of the perfect ending.


I thought he actually might die towards the end. There really didn't seem like a way out there.


And counting down to zero was the nicest touch EVER.





24 has been a staple of life.

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Desperate Housewives- Last night's


Lynette's son comes home with a gold-digger and Gabrielle and Angie go to New York to search for Ana and Danny. Also, Katherine tells Susan that she slept with Robin.



I loved it. Plenty of funny things and great storyline too. Can't wait for the next episode.



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Just bought Fringe Season 1, looking forward to starting it later on...


Anyway last viewed episode of something;


Seinfeld Season 4: The Pitch


Working my way through this show and just working my way through, really starting to hit its stride and is hilarious FACT.



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I'll probably be buying Fringe season one next week. I have watched a few of the early episodes but I stopped because I didnt like the main actress, she just always seemed to look angry no matter what was happening.


So you stopped watching it because you hated the main actress yet you are still going to buy it.

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