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I was just watching the pilot to new show Caprica, BLOODY AWESOME, can't wait for the proper show to start, really looking forward to it. Very different from BGS of course, and it looks like you certainly don't need to have seen BSG to watch/enjoy Caprica, though I'm sure t would help.


Was very wicked seeing the first Cylon ever made, then later seeing it come to life was eeire at the end and not at all what I expected in how the first Cylons were created.


Also the "One God" thing, interesting to see that concept was already among the humans of the 12 colonies, I always thought the Cylons came up with that ideology on their own.



Wonder will the pilot actually be shown on TV though? If it is I assume it will be heavily edited at the begining :heh:



Also on a related note, I recently bought a BluRay player and just got my first BluRay discs. The Original Stargate movie...which looks amazing... the picture is so clear it looks like it was only made recently not in 1993.


And I got the complete collection of Battlestar Galactica (the "new" show of course) so watching that at the moment, getting the wife into too since she's never seen it, she's enjoying it. We're trying to aim for 1 ep a day... though I'd like to watch 3 or 4 a day myself (hell if I could I'd try watch a season a day) haha.

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Big Love - The Greater Good


Just read a review which I think sums up things pretty nicely;


Does anyone else get this feeling of swirling confusion and an utter sense of loss after every episode?


Yes. And that's why I love it.


Wonderful exploration of everyone's use, belief and disbelief in faith and how it affects/controls/inspires them to varying degrees. With the return of Heather (Tina Majorino :D), Bill's brother in law (Patrick Fabian), and Joey and batshit-crazy Wanda. I loved this exchange because it's so unsettling.


Nicki: "Daddy didn't care for me. I was just a commodity. Daughter number 8 to put in the look book"

Evie (sister): "We all were, that's how we were raised."


The look book being a bride catalogue.

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and suited up.


The beautiful motherfucker.


I rewatched 30 Rock - Klaus & Gretta earlier. A brilliant episode from James Franco. I love the little look of joy he has on his face when he mentions that Komiko told him about the singular of 'paparazzi'. And some great lines:


"You're acting like such a non-pillow right now!"

"I am the actor James Franco damn it and I am in love with, and common law married to, a Japanese body pillow!"

Edited by Ashley
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