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Dollhouse Episode 1


I decided to start this. I quite liked it. Not totally polished, but it was the pilot. I like the premise, but the feeling of loss you feel from the mindwipe is pretty aching. But that's the point. I assume it's all going to come to a head.


I liked Dushku as Ms.Penn, but not her acting elsewhere.


Also; Helo. great.



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Scrubs - My Na Na Na Na

Suprising that Chalke and (blanking on the actor who plays Kelso's name...) were in it as they only turned up in the second half.

Some nice moments. Umm yup. Oh lots of Jordan, that's always good.


30 Rock - The Bubble


Adios Hamm. I don't find him that attractive but apparently I'm in the minority. Plus more TGS antics. "I always picture Mary Magdeline to have looked like you" is a great line. I also liked how Jenna assumed Liz was talking about her hair, classic self-involved Jenna.


Also "merkins of hope" sounds like a great charity :heh:


Party Down - Willow Canyon Homeowner's Party


An interesting start. One of those quiet awkward comedies. It benefits from having Keith Mars, Vinnie Van Lowe, Dick Cassablancas and the teacher who impregenated a student. Nice to have a mini Veronica Mars reunion. Plus I thought I recognised that girl's voice, Janis Ian from Mean Girls.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 1 Finale


My. Fucking. God. Simply amazing episode. So unbelievably dark and harsh in parts. They've introduced a new character known as Cad Bane, who was not only as ruthless as fuck but it seems, will be sticking around for some of Season 2 (Yay!). Probably the coolest bounty hunter they've ever had in Star Wars, not even the Fett(s) has anything on this guy.

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Dollhouse Episodes 2 + 3


Way better than the first one...and I guess they're combatting the feeling of loss and pointlessness by indicating that not everything is wiped after each mission.


I loved the second one more, defining when someone has Energy Shield/Deflection and 15 defence. The third one had a refreshing twist on what could have been standard fare.


Really liking this show so far.

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Dollhouse e6


DEFINITELY BETTER. None of this 'thing OF THE WEEK' bullcrap; some actual substance and an actual universe construct that appeals and enthralls. I was really starting to get worried about this show, and finally there's some evidence of a creative force besides the broadcasting network, and now I will actually be anticipating with eager furure each episode, for there is PROMISE! YATTA! :P


Supernatural s04 e16


The MAIN problem with this show is the limited cast that it has behind it. While the show has no doubt improved a lot over the last two episodes, the old golden promise of inspired season-after-season is quickly in need of a smallville-esque savior to shunt the story direction someplace different that says anything novel besides "hey, we're in it to make money so we're going to plug this for as many seasons as possible!"


Supernatural has a great premise that seems to get wrapped up amongst the detritus too often. The odd gem of an episode that equates to Buffy's silent episode, or x-files' Jose Chung's "From Outer Space episode... But too often the show resets straight back to the ol' ~of-the-week formula.


As I say; there is a hell of a lot of potential in the future of this series. if they get teh guts to unshackle themselves from the status quo then they can really let rip with some genius story arcs... but, as with any fantasy show, they rely on budget constraints, so it's not likely.


I'm always in two minds about Supernatural. The 'gem' episodes are genuinely brilliant, but too rare. The storylines are genuinely awesome, but too padded out. Quite honestly, despite this great episode; season 5 (which will undoubtedly come to fruition) really, really needs to kick the fuck off with some stereotype-shatterying stuff, as it is getting old.


(just to reiterate; this episode was one of the best of the season, the season looks set to get even more awesomer, but I'm just worried about future seasons, perhaps unnecessarily :P)


30 Rock? To be honest... Getting old. Sure, I enjoyed the wacky humour to begin with but... Well I've not laughed at any episode as much as the pilot, and that's not good. Arrested Development did teh whole "this is almost natural!" scenario a hell of a lot better. This just feels hugely circular and neverending. I mean Friends at least tried to progress and offer a different dynamic each series. 30 Rock has been the same each season to no massive effect. Siiiiiiigh.




Jimmy's clearly been to the gym since he was last on screen. This episode was surprisingly devoid of clark, and it paid off fairly well. Retrospectively, the whole lana storyline as a filler arc was actually quite a top-quality filler line. This episode promises lots, and in ways that make future episodes extra promising, but of course the episode itself was fairly lack-lustre in strength... but the season is clearly a winner. We have a few episodes left and it looks like the majority will be very rewarding indeed. Definately one of the best, if not the best Smallville seasons to date.

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Dollhouse - Man On The Street


Dollhouses have been around since the late 80s? Theres loads of them? Adds some nice depth to it all.


The Sierra storyline also suprised me, but then afterwards seemed obvious. Plus when you think of the implicatons, that Sierra is basically a child, its a bit unnerving. I like how twisted it is that Boss Lady plays everyone, even as much as balatantly saying as much.


The sleeper agent thing was interesting, particularly the remote activation/wipe. I'm guessing she's different from normal dolls in that she has one hard programmed personality they can switch on/off. Plus it means she knows remote wipes are possible, which makes the events of two weeks ago interesting.


Also it amused me that Paul = Helo, neighbour lady = Sharon.


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Spectacular Spider-Man Season 2


Easily the best Marvel cartoon ever, one of the best cartoons ever and....better than Batman TAS? Hmmm. (TBF I was never a MASSIVE fan but definitely respect it) I LOVE the casual name dropping just like on the phone someone will drop the surname of a big villain "Thanks =====" for example, just so good. Loved the Enforcers, that was awesome, the fight choreography was amazing, even topped season 1 unbelievably, just excellent. Also good twists, and episode 10 and 13 were quality.



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I agree with Dollhouse Ep6. Was pretty amazing. Nice to have some revelations and some twists going down. I think this show can only get better and better. Is has the potential for great single episode stories and one crazy complicated over story they can dip in and out of. Its a bit like how X-files was structured in that respect.

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I agree with Dollhouse Ep6. Was pretty amazing. Nice to have some revelations and some twists going down. I think this show can only get better and better. Is has the potential for great single episode stories and one crazy complicated over story they can dip in and out of. Its a bit like how X-files was structured in that respect.


I'm hoping this isn't the case. After years of The Wire, BSG and more recently a revitalised Lost, I'm finding no tolerance for filler-as-standard. I don't want a show that just keeps running, I want a show with a concrete concept of structure.

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Nature's Great Events


Amazing. The moment when the humpback came up and eat the whole school of fish, just stunning camerawork. I honestly don't know where wildlife programmes will be without David Attenborough; he's such an inspiration, I just love listening to him.





BSG Season 1 Finale


Frak me. One of the best season finale's I've actually ever seen. I love how dark and twisted it can be. The boxset with 2/3/4 was posted 20/03 by play, please please please let it arrive today. As soon as it does, all my time is pretty much a write off.



Edited by Molly
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Practically 8/10? You're easily impressed.

Hypocrite! We've seen your erection inspired posts on Invincible. But because I think of you like the brother I never had [the brother I've got is a massive dong], I'm going to reserve judgement on you until I've experienced this power myself. Which should be tomorrow if this Amazon Prime is anything to be believed.

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Hypocrite! We've seen your erection inspired posts on Invincible. But because I think of you like the brother I never had [the brother I've got is a massive dong], I'm going to reserve judgement on you until I've experienced this power myself. Which should be tomorrow if this Amazon Prime is anything to be believed.


Woop! Yeah Invincible is my favourite thing ever so I feel my love of it is warranted. I have random taste though.


What I meant to Paj was ; Dollhouse episode one was extremely average, and I can't fathom why he of all people would give it 8/10.



Dushku though, so obv....blah bhaji.

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Dollhouse Episode 6


I squeezed my arms so hard during this. Basically meaning this was fraking awesome. Obviously the best. Best written, best plot, actual furthering of plot, twists, and EPIC WHEDON FIGHTS THAT REMINDED ME OF BUFFY, such as the appealing battle in the kitchen of a Thai take-out (and beyond). I was mentally masturbating in THAT scene with Melly (Mellie?).


I love Sierra's face.




I only just realised all the dolls were named after that policeman's alphabet thing. Alpha, Echo, Sierra etc.


Sexually appealing /10

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Desperate Housewives - A Spark. To Pierce The Dark


OMFG! The last 5 minutes were some of the best housewives drama moments since it began. I cannot believe that...


Edie survived the accident! I thought she died instantly? I'm now even more interested to see what happens at the end of this on going storyline. I really hope Dave dies, and Orson gets hacked to death by....anything. I loathe him. Plus, I hate the fact that now they've developed Edie's character to the point where she's likeable, they're going to kill her off. Annoying much?



Also, Gabby! "I miss you. I want you. Now put down the cream corn AND DO ME ALREADY!"

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Not seen it yet but I know the ending because they announced it weeks ago >_>




How I Met Your Mother - Old King Clancey


Ahh Canadians. When are they going to learn eh? Still, good to learn about Canadian sex acts ("Two Girls, One Stanley Cup" charming). The flashback at the end was amusing. Other than that not much really happened...


Gossip Girl - The Grandfather

They were having fun with their puns weren't they? "What is this, good cop Bass cop?" "I'm not going to play Where's Waldorf all night." and the cringing but amusing "After all, you don't want to play with yourself." I miss Lily/Serena scenes, they do play off each other well. The fact Lily slept with Slash amuses me, hopefully her earlier antics will be captured on the spin off.

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Charlie Brooker's Newswipe, Episode 1


Brilliant. Everything you come to expect from Brooker and then some, it's nice to see him "report" on something other than TV, except, he kinda still is. It's on iPlayer right now for those of you that forgot, like me and Dan Dare. :D

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Charlie Brooker's Newswipe, Episode 1


Brilliant. Everything you come to expect from Brooker and then some, it's nice to see him "report" on something other than TV, except, he kinda still is. It's on iPlayer right now for those of you that forgot, like me and Dan Dare. :D


Laaaaaaaaaaame I forgot tew.


iPlayer it is *sigh*


Whens it on usually?

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