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It would be a disgrace if it got anything but.




its about time those guys won a bafta or something!

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its about time those guys won a bafta or something!


OMG YES! CHUCKLEVISION! lol. It's been ages since I last saw them!


Beautiful People S2E1- How I got my groom


I liked the first series of this so I thought the second would be a little better. At the moment, not as good as I thought it would be. There were few funny moments, I hope the second episode is better.




Misfits S1E1 (for the fourth time)


This is honestly AWESOME! I absolutely love it. I'm hooked to it, I can't wait for tomorrow's. In my opinion, it's up there with Shameless and Skins but it hasn't beat the Inbetweeners.



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A few little plot holes, and a rather predictable end, but otherwise, good! Gotta love a bit of making anti-Capitalists look stupid!



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It's not daft to want to give this show a bit more attention with some big pictures, I assure you.


Having never seen the original, I only knew of the show from vague descriptions my dad told me as well as the odd clip shown on some top 100 tv show. I've read some of the arguments on the IMDB forums, and they all centre around people who are fans of the original who aren't happy with the fact that this is not the original, that the show is tailored for a modern audience, rather than the post-cold-war neighbourhood.


This is only six episodes long, no second series, no more episodes, and it is mind boggling. Seriously. Straight outta a Lynch movie, the short series exhudes feelings of paranoia, psychosis, schitzophrenia and surreal anxiety in the sound and camera alone.


Basic premise; man wakes up in a place called 'The Village', where nobody has a name and everyone has a number. The place seems to be run by a Number Two, who has people acting as undercover agents in groups, or cells, spying/gathering information on their fellow villagers that have been anonymously dobbed in as 'dreamers'. Once found guilty... well, there's the clinic, or there's...


Number Six, our main man, is certain he remembers a place called New York City despite everyone else denying such thoughts, even hushing him at daring to vocalise them. 11-12 is 2's son, who is ill-eased by his father relentlessly keeping his mother in an odd comatose state.


Where is teh village? Who are the villagers? Is there a way out? What the hell are those bouncing white orb things? Those holes in teh ground?


A truly mind fucking series of episodes (I think the last 5 minutes of Anvil are... just... incomprehensible) that keep you trying to figure out what exactly is happening. The last episode is both gratifying, yet modest enough to make you still wonder if you have it quite right.


Up there with BSG, The Wire and Breaking Bad for me. Go watch it.

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I wish I could see what traumatizing events took place in Bill Laurence's early childhood to cause him to spawn so many "How the fuck did they come up with that" moments/10... teh best show evar.:weep:

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Having never seen the original, I only knew of the show from vague descriptions my dad told me as well as the odd clip shown on some top 100 tv show. I've read some of the arguments on the IMDB forums, and they all centre around people who are fans of the original who aren't happy with the fact that this is not the original, that the show is tailored for a modern audience, rather than the post-cold-war neighbourhood.



The same thing happened with the reimagined BSG... everyone was all "oh, it will never work! Starbuck can't be a woman! Why is she a woman? Waaaah waaah waaah!"


Then literally EVERY MAN IN THE WORLD had his thumb and index finger on the zipper everytime Number 6 appeared on screen.


I saw some of the original, damn weird show, but nightmarishly entertaining in its own way.

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Was I the only person who had my penis out during the whole of BSG?


And anywho...Tricia Helfer didn't play Starbuck.


lkposkf some context would be nice. You say Bill Laurence (but I presume you mean Lawrence) so you're either talking about Scrubs or Spin City (or, less likely Cougar Town or Clone High) but I wouldn't say its a "How the fuck did they come up with that?" kind of show personally.

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And anywho...Tricia Helfer didn't play Starbuck.



I had no idea! You see, I spent the last 10 years in a cave, on Mars, with my fingers in my ears going "la la la la!"

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A few little plot holes, and a rather predictable end, but otherwise, good! Gotta love a bit of making anti-Capitalists look stupid!





I just finished watching it, and I'm fairly sure you didn't see that thing it ended on happening.


Nice episode though.

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Misfits s01e01 - Saw this last night on the off chance as there was nowt else on and sleeping wasn't working. Saw it being talked about on facebook and I thought "oh yeah? A brit take on Heroes? Sounds like it'll be awful" And... it sort of was but in an utterly brilliant way! Very much enjoyed it. Didn't take itself too seriously and seems like a cross between Skins and the first series of Heroes. Looking forward to the next, it'll be interesting to see where they go with it.


House s06e07 - Awesome. This show is just fantastic.

Farewell Cameron, you'll be greatly missed. Here's hoping thirteen now develops a personality to make up for your departure. Good to see Taub back though. I'd almost like to follow Cameron's path a little longer to make sure she's okay, she seems truly broken right now

:( Her speech to House, telling him she loved him and blaming him for tainting Chase was really upsetting. The only thing I'm not enjoying with the storyline is Cuddy and Lucas. I think it came a little too out of the blue, some sort of hint toward it in previous episodes would have been nice. Seems like he's eventually going to dig his own grave with Cuddy though by being too overprotective, hinted by his baiting of Chase. Also, not enough Wilson.


Edited by SPAMBOT4000

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Lucas is an awesome character. I loved him as he P.I. last season/season before/whenever :) He's not really done anything yet though...

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Yeah I think he's great too, just don't enjoy the 'current situation'!. I read that they introduced him last season in the hope that he'd get his own spin off show eventually which could be cool.

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Misfits S1E2


From the brilliant first episode, I thought the second episode would be like it. There's a few more funny parts in it and also...


The whole Simon and Ruth thing was hilarious but then I kinda felt sorry for Ruth.



but I loved this episode. Not as much as I loved the pilot but I still thought it was brilliant. The next episode looks fantastic so I can't wait for next week's.



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I think I will, thanks Jay.


Same here, I downloaded it today.


Sir Ian McKellen? Erm...yes fucking please.

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Misfits 01


Good stuff. Obvious Skins influence, reminded me of Dead Set too, stylistically. Perhaps the same team? Will watch.

Also, recognised one of the community service kids as the one who nicks Mark's phone in Peep Show. Awesome.


Buzzcocks - the one with Martin Freeman, Dappy, Brooker, Simon Bird, Martha


Seriously, best panel ever? Brilliant stuff.


PHIL....... seriously, directors, has he gone? PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah, then you can ram her...


Perhaps the best buzzcocks ever / 10

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Yeah that was one of the best line ups. Martin Freeman FTW.


I love how Phil Jupitus is only ever funny when he's not on screen. Heh heh. Dappy thinking it was Cerys Catonia was obviously a joke by Dappy but everyone seemed to believe him. (Not that he isn't an idiot)

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I loved how dim he seemed throughout the whole show. It does fit in with his music.

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It's been a long time since I laughed like that at Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Seriously the best episode ever.


Dappy, Phil and Noel Fielding were just ace.

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I love how Phil Jupitus is only ever funny when he's not on screen.

You listen to his radio show often?

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It was fine, but I hate embarassing things, like Finn singing in front of

Quinn's parents.

And I hate unjust people like

Quinn's parents.



Kurt really annoys me, his voice. I don't get how you can have that voice and still have testicles. Th music choices weren't too amazing this episode either. Major lack of Sue Sylvester too. :(



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Nip/Tuck - Alexis Stone


This show doesn't get enough credit for its comic parts.


I love how OTT it can be sometimes. Christian sleeps with a woman who lets him do her up the arse but kicks him out afterwards which confuses him. Then she comes into the office asking for a sex change. That's one mind fuck. Then she reveals she already had one a few years ago.


Erica (Julia's mom) is back too :D She and Lucille Bluth should teach parenting classes. Although her new much younger husband must be up to something. If you want children you do not marry a 70+ year old woman...



Glee - Ballad


I dislike Kurt more and more and I wish this show would decide if it was a parody or being serious, as it changes its mind about 4 times an episode. He showed himself to be duplicitous, manipulative and unwilling to accept Finn's heterosexuality, irked me. But alas, most of them are all pretty annoying.


Other than that ummm...I wonder how many "I'm sorry I was acting crazy" cards Rachel has. She certainly needs them.

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so just finished Fringe Season 1...




Lawl. A good mix of predictable/no wai stuff. Got the next 7 eps lined up for a cash'n'burn sesh.

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