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Misfits 01


Good stuff. Obvious Skins influence, reminded me of Dead Set too, stylistically. Perhaps the same team? Will watch.

Also, recognised one of the community service kids as the one who nicks Mark's phone in Peep Show. Awesome.


Buzzcocks - the one with Martin Freeman, Dappy, Brooker, Simon Bird, Martha


Seriously, best panel ever? Brilliant stuff.


PHIL....... seriously, directors, has he gone? PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah, then you can ram her...


Perhaps the best buzzcocks ever / 10


It's been a long time since I laughed like that at Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Seriously the best episode ever.


Dappy, Phil and Noel Fielding were just ace.


I don't understand the love for this episode. It was fine but nothing particularly amazing.


There was an 11 year old wearing a Michelin Man coat ("when we were younger my brothers couldn't say 'Daphne' so they used to call me 'Dappy'"), Brooker who I'm still not sold on (but he didn't do much so rather indifferent in this case) and someone from that awful channel 4 show...

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I was quite surprised as to how little he did in this episode. However anything he could've said would've been overshadowed by this dumb Dappy twat who they wouldn't stop bigging up.


Ye agreed, but to be fair the few things he said were pretty great.

'they're having an affair but the most well behaved so far has been tv's pottymouth brooker!'

'I've had 3 wanks so far on this show'

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Friday Night Lights


Loved as ever, I really want to be on the end off one of coach Taylors speeching. The ending of the episode did shock me a bit and judging by the promo for the next episode (in 2 weeks), it's gonna be one of the best ever episodes.

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I know it's not a programme. But the Kleenex advert with Sven-Goran Eriksson is amazing. I was so surprised when I first saw that.

All Star Family Fortunes


I know they take the piss out of Anthony Costa when I saw him on Buzzcocks... Now I have no sympathy for him. A pr0 dumbfuck.


"A food which has one or more holes?"



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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season One Episodes 1-3


Shiter than I remember, but then I forgot it was mid-90's. I kinda hate how unbelievable bits of the staging are. The vampires are very bad at everything, and people don't run away when it would be obvious to. But then the show has it's tongue firmly in it's cheek so it's fine.


Come on Buff. / 10

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Smallville was pretty damn good, besides a hatful of "oh, but why don't they just do this instead?" moments. Friday Night Lights is ye olde reliable. Moral drama ftw. Fringe is under my wing as a new weekly show to watch. It's stepped away from "~of the week" (to some extent) quickly. Here's hoping it can sustain itself for a few seasons.

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Smallville was pretty damn good, besides a hatful of "oh, but why don't they just do this instead?" moments. Friday Night Lights is ye olde reliable. Moral drama ftw. Fringe is under my wing as a new weekly show to watch. It's stepped away from "~of the week" (to some extent) quickly. Here's hoping it can sustain itself for a few seasons.


With Smallville you've gotta think:


One call to Lana would have solved a lot of their problems in the future, her new stupid Kryptonite suit would have handled most of the Kandorians


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With Smallville you've gotta think:


One call to Lana would have solved a lot of their problems in the future, her new stupid Kryptonite suit would have handled most of the Kandorians


Most definatly! She would have only of had to walk in the room for them to all fall to their knees! Bit of a plot hole imo. (Maybe they could try and say she somehow died while alseep so she couldn't superspeed out the way and thus not able to help!? lol)


Still, really enjoyed the ep, pity there will be no more now till late January :(


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Dexter - Hungry Man


So twisted.


The Miller family's cracks have appeared, and damn are they deep and twisted. He beats his son, locks away his daughter and at best represses his wife into a facsimile of a loving wife. When he grabbed Jonah's hand and then begun to snap his fingers. Urgh. I can handle murder but something like that really makes me shudder. He's one twisted son of a bitch. When the shit hit the fan at the dinner, wow that was intense. It really showed how much strength Dexter has dragging him across the floor and throwing him onto the kitchen. Shame it seems the wife and daughter have stockholm syndrome.


I don't understand why Rita invited Elliot round. Okay yes, kind neighbour and all that but she was making a big deal of it being a family event and then she invites him... I'd imagine Vince will tell Dexter what he saw and he'll just use it as emotional leverage. I love how Dex used the kids to convince Debs to come.


And of course the end :o! I'd heard some people suggest Christine may be the killer and I expected it to be Debs at the door at the end but oh my holy hell.


Finally; I loved that Debs censored herself when she was holding Harrison. She has control over her swearing :o! That's the biggest shock of the night.


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Battlestar Galactica Season 1

Rewatching the first season because it's the only one I own/have seen. Totally forgot how awesome this show is. Really gripping. Need to work on getting the next season now that prices for it have gone down a helluva lot.

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