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With Smallville you've gotta think:


One call to Lana would have solved a lot of their problems in the future, her new stupid Kryptonite suit would have handled most of the Kandorians


Most definatly! She would have only of had to walk in the room for them to all fall to their knees! Bit of a plot hole imo. (Maybe they could try and say she somehow died while alseep so she couldn't superspeed out the way and thus not able to help!? lol)


Still, really enjoyed the ep, pity there will be no more now till late January :(

She could've only brought down so many before being melted from space by heat vision by someone who heard it happen from a mile away. Maybe that's what happened. Kryptonite is much less effective when you're not quite as forgiving as Superman


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She could've only brought down so many before being melted from space by heat vision by someone who heard it happen from a mile away. Maybe that's what happened. Kryptonite is much less effective when you're not quite as forgiving as Superman


So win win basically. She takes down a few Kandorians and we dont have to worry about Lana turning up ever again


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All this talk of men in tights and no talk of the superior men with knifes? PFF! :p


Oh actually! Today's Dexter had one of the most shocking exchanges;


The Millers and Dexter/Kyle were sat around the dinner table at Thanksgiving and said what they were thankful for (which apparently every American family does on American Thanksgiving) and then:


Arthur: "I see nobody said they were thankful for me."

Wife: "I'm thankful for you sweetie."

Arthur: "Shut up cunt!"




Edited by Ashley
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So win win basically. She takes down a few Kandorians and we dont have to worry about Lana turning up ever again


If there's one thing you've learned from watching Smallville over the years. It's never doubt that the writers will always find some lame way to bring Lana back.

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After hearing lots of things about its underrated and awesomeness, I decided to check out Arrested Development properly via the Pilot.


I didn't lol :( am I dead inside?


Watch a few more. Maybe 52 or so more...


But seriously, give it a few. Its a comedy to laugh at the characters. The more you get to know them the more you will laugh.

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According to my twitter feed there was a Manchester Orchestra song in s04e01, it has suddenly moved up my list of shows to watch :)


It whores out Explosions in the Sky, that should be enough. Let alone that it is awesome.






This my favourite show of the new tv season. It's all about emergency response to various types of incidents from minor to plane crashes, it's also got a great little ensemble cast. It looked bleak though when NBC decided not to order any more episodes. Thankfully they've now seen sense and ordered some more.

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Bones- S1E1-2


Great drama. I thought the trailers for it looked boring but there was nothing on so I gave it a chance and I'm glad I did. It's quite a good show, can't wait to watch the rest. Also, David Borenaz is better playing Booth than Angel in my opinion.



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Bones- S1E1-2


Great drama. I thought the trailers for it looked boring but there was nothing on so I gave it a chance and I'm glad I did. It's quite a good show, can't wait to watch the rest. Also, David Borenaz is better playing Booth than Angel in my opinion.




Bones is a great show, gets better as it goes along aswell.


....Although personally I prefer him as Angel

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Buffy Season 1


I loved, even it's nineties-ness.


I love how no one bothers to take their children away from that school, despite it obviously lying over the mouth of hell, and the fact that students seem to keep murdering each other every other day. And Cordelia is great. Not requiring therapy, despite always being there when a body of a fellow student is found burtally ravaged or something.


The finale felt a bit "...", as though if it was a 2-parter or just...made better, it would have worked.


Roll on Season 2.

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I can't even remember if I finished season 1. I think I did.


I remember thinking the pilot was fail, but being suitibly attached to enough of the characters by the 5th episode. Must trade this box set with a friend's friend.


Shorty (if you even read this post)! Let me know in advance when you next see brafe so I can give him his stuff and he can give me mine!

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There's four seasons? I thought there was only 2...Looks like I have some DVD hunting to do!

I thought the same thing about Dexter til recently. For some reason I just thought it ended after the second season.

Shorty (if you even read this post)!
I see everything.
Let me know in advance when you next see brafe so I can give him his stuff and he can give me mine!

Saw him last weekend, I've got your Orange Box.


I want what I leant you back first ¬____¬

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