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Can someone convince me....


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I had a 360, my third one infact after the first two RROD'd.


After that, i decided "fuck it". I had a new HDTV with HDMI (this was before the Falcon boards with HDMI). Plus Letty wanted my 360, she kept coming over and whoring it.


So i gave her my old one and bought myself a new one.

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I think the 360 is the way to go too. I think the fact that they're giving away PS3's with AOL subs says a lot about the PS3 sales.


People must think that PS3s are God if they are willing to suffer AOL for 24 months just to have a free one.

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whyd you get rid of your first 360?


sell the ps3 and get another 360....the ps3 is garbage


Riiiight, played much of it have you?


It's a tough one I think. Xbox has the better games as of now in my opinion. It also has a better online experience, although you do have to pay for it. But PS3 does have Blu-Ray built in. And next year is currently looking better for PS3 than Xbox. That could change if Microsoft actually announce some stuff, we'll see.


I've got both, so if you can afford it, get both. But if just one, get an Xbox.

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I if your main intrest is online play then go with the 360. Nothing beats live really. That said I don't think the service on PS3 is bad, especially as it's free. Apparently Warhawk is an awesome online game as well, like somone else said. If you have an HDTV, PS3 also has a blu ray player which is nice and there are some great games lined up for next year. Still the 360 has a very good library of games and I'm sure more will be added to it. Though the hardware itself does seem to have a bad case of the gremlins, I know three people with a 360 and two of them malfunctioned.


Seeing as you already have it, I would say don't sell.

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I if your main intrest is online play then go with the 360. Nothing beats live really. That said I don't think the service on PS3 is bad, especially as it's free. Apparently Warhawk is an awesome online game as well, like somone else said. If you have an HDTV, PS3 also has a blu ray player which is nice and there are some great games lined up for next year. Still the 360 has a very good library of games and I'm sure more will be added to it. Though the hardware itself does seem to have a bad case of the gremlins, I know three people with a 360 and two of them malfunctioned.

Seeing as you already have it, I would say don't sell.


Does one of them happen to be me? Im getting a PS3 for christmas Paul, Unreal Tournament 3 and Warhawk on Christmas Day... nothing beats it. Especially think about getting one for next years titles

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Riiiight, played much of it have you?


It's a tough one I think. Xbox has the better games as of now in my opinion. It also has a better online experience, although you do have to pay for it. But PS3 does have Blu-Ray built in. And next year is currently looking better for PS3 than Xbox. That could change if Microsoft actually announce some stuff, we'll see.


I've got both, so if you can afford it, get both. But if just one, get an Xbox.


played my best mates one LOADS so yea :heh: just dont like it. its nowhere near as good as the 360

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Does one of them happen to be me? Im getting a PS3 for christmas Paul, Unreal Tournament 3 and Warhawk on Christmas Day... nothing beats it. Especially think about getting one for next years titles


Why yes Robert, one of them is yours. Josh just got the red lights of doom (or w/e) yesterday I'm pretty sure. I was thinking of buying Warhawk on boxing day, we could play online mate.

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Well no since an Elite is black.


Yeah, thats right. Black.


I actually bought an Elite just for the colour. I'm being dead serious.


Indeed 'Black is beautiful', but I find the Elite's finish to be a little too matt for my liking. Up close it looks almost N64-like in hue.


As for the PS3, some factors for me returning mine was based on its unsightly appearance (I'm a student product designer you see...). Apart from appeanrance it was the loading and downloading times that annoyed me most, but I guess if you look past those (which I am starting to do - I will get the white version with dual shock 3 ^^), the PS3 is more than decent and you simply CAN'T miss the 2008 exclusives. LIVE will probably be better to the depth of PS3's online features but playing games like Gran Turismo, possibly Metal gear and possibly Final Fantasy for free online is...uh priceless.


But as Ash said, you seem like you've made up your mind before making this topic...

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The PS3 may well have some very solid exclusives by the end of it's lifetime, but I'm afraid it's currently trailing behind the Wii and the 360 in my opinion. This could all change but I think if the PS3 trails so badly for much longer, we could well see the system turn out to be a flop as it gets harder and harder for the PS3 to recover with every month of poor sales.


The sad thing is, once a console gathers or loses momentum it's very hard to turn that around - regardless of content. If I had to choose any console for sheer quality of games it would have to be the N64, that for me was just stuffed with fantastic games. But it was still outsold by the PSone.

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The PS3 may well have some very solid exclusives by the end of it's lifetime, but I'm afraid it's currently trailing behind the Wii and the 360 in my opinion. This could all change but I think if the PS3 trails so badly for much longer, we could well see the system turn out to be a flop as it gets harder and harder for the PS3 to recover with every month of poor sales.


The sad thing is, once a console gathers or loses momentum it's very hard to turn that around - regardless of content. If I had to choose any console for sheer quality of games it would have to be the N64, that for me was just stuffed with fantastic games. But it was still outsold by the PSone.


seriously man


MGS4 + Metal Gear Online

Little Big Planet

Gran Turismo

Killzone 2

God of War III

Resistance 2

White Knight Chronicles

Socom 3



That line up is wicked ps3 will do fine

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Well it's not actually doing too bad overall, obviously not as fast as Wii sales but it's doing about what the 360 was doing. Remember the PS3 was dearer too and it's done just under 6 million, the 360 was just under 13 when he saw the sales a month or so ago. Not bad really tbh. Just people are too quick to jump on the wagon and say it's going to die. Tututut some gamers.

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I'm having a similar dilemma right now, PS3 or Xbox360? The 360 is clearly the one to go for right now, but once the PS3 drops in price, I reckon it'll get the majority of the market. Basically I want whichever one will have a longer shelf life and the most exclusives. I'm pleased I bought the ps2 over the Xbox last generation.


Oh and I'm the biggest metal gear fan on the face of the earth (not an understatement), so that's a huge pull factor to PS3.


Another thing I'm worried about is that it seems most PS3 versions of games have been inferior ports of their 360 counterparts (Orange Box... and... I swear I remember hearing of more).


Help please?? :(

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Another thing I'm worried about is that it seems most PS3 versions of games have been inferior ports of their 360 counterparts


Some of them (like Assassin's Creed) are worse on the PS3 because the colours are washed out. Multiple multi-format games have said this, so it may be that the PS3 doesn't have a fantastic colour depth.


As for exclusives, it's hard to tell. It really depends on what you like.

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I thought the general opinion on Warhawk was that it's awful?


I've only heard good things about it and all the reviews have been quite good.


Also that's jack about the PS3's colour. It's the idiots who work at Gametrailers, theres a setting for HDMI to make the colours look well not washed out but it seems not many people no about it.


Also Zechs, even though you refuse to listen. The PS3 is selling slighty better than the 360 did in it's first year, it's hardley bad. Bare in mind the console was £400 for half of this year as well with very few games i think it could of done a lot, lot worse.

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I dont think anything will ever beat the 360 in terms of online play but with HOME around the corner the PS3 is taking the right steps.


Isn't Home always 'just around the corner'?


Umm anyway I can't add much more to the discussion other than random benefits such as...shiny?


Out of interest, they giving away 40GBs or 60s?

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