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Jamie Lynn Spears


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Jamie Lynn Spears, 16, has confirmed to OK! Magazine that she is pregnant.

The interview, which hits stands tomorrow, is six pages and is on the record with Jamie Lynn and her mother. She tells the mag that the father is Casey Aldridge, who she has been dating for some time and first met at church. Brit's younger sister, star of Nick's "Zoey 101," says she's keeping the baby.


Isn't her boyfriend in trouble or something, seeing as it's illegal over there? (depending on the state)


Yeah it is.

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I'd like to shake his hand for a job well done. What a great guy.


Isn't her boyfriend in trouble or something, seeing as it's illegal over there? (depending on the state)


She's probably been fucking and sucking him since the age of 14. No biggie I reckon.

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If Jamie lived in England, she'd be wearing a coat with fake fur around the neck, have jeans on which are too small on her, be wearing Reebok trainers and already be down to the benefits agency for money for a pram. lol. She should be thank her sister is stinking rich.

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If Jamie lived in England, she'd be wearing a coat with fake fur around the neck, have jeans on which are too small on her, be wearing Reebok trainers and already down to the benefits agency for money for a pram. lol. She should be thank her sister is stinking rich.


Off topic: I notice alot of lads wearing them coats around town now.

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There's a girl in one of my classes thats pregnant, she's only just 17. Accidents do happen, she's not a "I'll sleep with anyone" kind of person. Though you never know, have there been pictures of her pregnant yet? It could just be a publicity stunt because Britney has a new single out, I wouldn't put it past her record company.

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There's a girl in one of my classes thats pregnant, she's only just 17. Accidents do happen, she's not a "I'll sleep with anyone" kind of person. Though you never know, have there been pictures of her pregnant yet? It could just be a publicity stunt because Britney has a new single out, I wouldn't put it past her record company.


Yeah, or you could spend years trying with somebody and it never happening. Life is a funny ol' thing.


Whether or not its a stunt though...hmm...it's a strange one if it is. :heh:

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She is 16 as well and her boyfriend is 19. :o


Ah thats not really that shocking is it? Stranger stuff happens. I am quite unphased by this story, I don't think it's that bad that someone like her has a baby at 16, at least she will have the money to support the child.


EDIT - Sorry Mikey, posted before I read that xD

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