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Duke Nukem Forever!


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That is shockingly, yet laughably awful! Forget the fact that he looks shit and his voice is a disaster, the actual trailer was truly awful - what chimp did they get to put that together! After all that time they should have come out and really impressed!


So, so bad.......

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Guest Stefkov

Considering the amount of time it's been, in development whatever it looks awful.

It looks like that was thrown together in a few days, would have thought they'd go for a bit more extravagant stuff.

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What's the deal with people slagging it off?


Someone mentioned it didn't look "spectacular or innovative", but... it's Duke Nukem. It was never meant to be either of those. Cannot judge it based on that teaser.


True but impressions count. If it were me I wouldn't want to release a teaser that would give a negative impression of the game. I'd want to be releasing a teaser of the highest possible quality. For me I now just have a vision of the game which is going to be terrible.


Sikhism Dicussion

Edited by fex
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What's the deal with people slagging it off?


Someone mentioned it didn't look "spectacular or innovative", but... it's Duke Nukem. It was never meant to be either of those. Cannot judge it based on that teaser.


Yeah, i did say that. With the length of time it's been in development, I just thought there'd be a bit more to it. After all, 3D Realms were going on about "tons of interaction" in DNF, and they went as far to call it "crazy."


Although, it's only a 1 min trailer, so it could be in there. I'm not going to be too disappointed if it's got no innovations, that was only a minor concern. I didn't mean to make it sound like a big issue. As long as it's Duke, and as long as it's fun, it'll still be good. :)


Btw, I've just realised there could be more to the "Stay tuned" at the end of the trailer. Normally they say "When it's done", so maybe there'll be a release date soon? That, or I'm looking too deep into it. :heh:

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Duke Nukem is just an adult rated Serious Sam. It's about big weapons, big blood, big one-liners and big boobs.


Theres not meant to be any innovation


The man speaketh the truth!


I swear... the nay-sayers probably haven´t played a Duke Nukem game and are playing in on the "over 10 years in production hype" :heh:

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"Im gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck".. and for those who havent played the game.. he actually does it...


We used to lay ruin to my schools network when we downloaded the multiplayer demo.. we actually got a deal with our IT guy.. no Dukenukem before 4 i the afternoon..

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The problem this game has got is that it's been so long in the making, and sooo hyped and anticipated that if it doesn't look as good as Crysis, have the impact of Quake, have the tight design of the first 3D Duke Nukem and have the kind of wonderful innovation seen in the first Halo, then this will be classed as a flop. The developers have made this all very difficult for themselves.

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The problem this game has got is that it's been so long in the making, and sooo hyped and anticipated that if it doesn't look as good as Crysis, have the impact of Quake, have the tight design of the first 3D Duke Nukem and have the kind of wonderful innovation seen in the first Halo, then this will be classed as a flop. The developers have made this all very difficult for themselves.


High standards?

Those people you are referring too are people who only know Duke Nukem as "the game that has been in development for over 10 years"


McPhee pretty much said what needs to needs to be said about what standards a Duke Nukem game has

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