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Achievements for 2008


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Having just read the Memories of 2007 topic, and thought instead of looking back, why not look to the future?


So what are you planning for 2008?

A New Job?

New Friends?

Moving Away?

Be More Confident?

Be Healthier?


New Year

For me, I will be quiting my job towards the end of January and moving from Scunthorpe to Leeds. So I will be finding a new job, meeting plenty of new friends. It'll be a huge shock, but I'm really looking forward making the change and getting out of a crappy town.



Nothing much planned, still settling in and getting used to paying bills.



Hopefully going to Download or Leeds festival, and fingers crossed Rage Against The Machine will be playing, or I may have to drive to Germany to see them play.


Autumn and Winter

Nothing planned!


I will also try and stop eating so much crap in 2008 and excerise a little more, so I don't become a wobble.


Kitchen Measures

Edited by fex
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well in 2008 i will bump my gamerscore over 10,000 with achievements.


In seriousness.

- Get a proper part time job, not this bastard paper round

- Seriously study for my GCSEs

- Leeds festival in the summer again is a must

- Girlfriend that lasts more than 4 weeks ¬_¬

- Get into the good college i'm aiming for (ties in with the GCSE one really)

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For me


. Get a job

. Pass my driving test

. Get a car

. Start University (is definately going to happen)

. Watch at least 3 live shows (already about to book one)

. Audition for at least 3 shows (I'm an actor)

. Buy at least 1 game a week either a new wii or 360 one, or get a cheap snes or n64 game of ebay (or a wii vc game)

. Try to get on Deal or no Deal

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Theres not really alot I can do with my life in the next couple of years; I'm stuck at the age where being where I am sucks, but I can't move on for a while. All I can say I guess is to get the best I can on my exams in the spring, and just generally try to be less of an idiot.

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I am going to quit my job which is a positive step for me as it will mean I get to relax and enjoy myself a bit more. I've been working and at college/uni for five years now and I've just had enough. So yeah, the new year will see a more relaxed funsies having me.


Other than that I plan to do my uni work sooner and I hope to do some sort of internship over the summer (as a way of avoiding work/adding to CV). Plus I should hopefully be doing a radio work placement next semester.

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Hmm... Achievements for next year....


1. Start learning Bass Guitar.

2. Fucking pwn my GCSEs.

3. Get a girlfriend... *has a cold shower*

4. Start actually learning how to use the old /i/ toolbox.

5. Get a bigger gamerscore (penis) than Ashmat. :heh:

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Climb up the career ladder or get a better job.

Possibly go to a music festival. Going to the Liverpool Sound concert, which will rock!

Get a nice girlfriend.

Make more friends who actually wanna go out and do something, rather than stay in.

Go to the gym. Most of my jean's don't fit me no-more, so I suspect I have put a little bit of weight on.

Save money. Got all my car money sorted (insurance, tax etc) and I have spent quite a bit on "entertainment" over the past year, so I hope to actually put a few pounds in my PostOffice account this new year.

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Guest Stefkov

Not even the end of the year and we're getting all these threads.

I guess my aims will be to maybe get a full part time job. By full I mean working in a place I like and getting some 'experience' so I won't get rejected by Partners...¬_¬

Next I think I'll buckle down on games, I've already started that now but I need to stop playing them till the early hours. I need to get college work done so I'm gonna have to go at that.

Make new friends I guess, maybe even a girlfriend but that's a real big long shot. When I, hopefully, go to Uni I'll make some new friends.

Finally save up money for what will proly be a great summer.

Also lost weight and get into sports, namely tennis.

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Hmm... Achievements for next year....


1. Start learning Bass Guitar.

2. Fucking pwn my GCSEs.

3. Get a girlfriend... *has a cold shower*

4. Start actually learning how to use the old /i/ toolbox.

5. Get a bigger gamerscore (penis) than Ashmat. :heh:


Oho it's on Madness.

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1) Play more gigs with my band

2) Buy a TV and 360 (possibly for end of this year =D)

3)Get drunk more

4) Have more parties

5)Driving lessons

6)Go on holiday with friends

7) See Radiohead (booked tickets!)

8) Learn Piano (biggy this one)

9) Get a job!

10)Possibly start some drama.

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1. get a higher paid job (quite like my current job but i need more money then im taking home at the mo)


2. Change car (i love my little polo but i really want a smart roadster)


3. Move out (mate in work has offered me to move in and so has a mate i goto pub with....thing is low on funds and job maybe finishing next month so cant just yet)


4. Continue practicing guitar and join a band or start a band with mates


5. Buy a lovely HDTV

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