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Thanks for the help guys.


I am with Virgin on their abysmal superhub, yet my standard systems (Xbox 360/PC/Wii/Mac/iPhone) all play very nice. Everything except the mobile devices is wired. One curious thing is Netflix is absolutely fine on the PS3, yet it registers my download speeds atrociously whenever I do a connection test.


I'm also aware of Virgin's restrictions, but they've never been a massive issue before.


Also, I wouldn't consider an 8GB download heavy traffic. I routinely download torrents and files way larger than that at excellent speeds. I was also able to download Skyrim over the Xbox quite quickly the other day.


The connection speed is regularly at 60mb/s download, sometimes dropping to 10-20 at busier times when checked via Speedtest.


This could be as simple as the Superhub hating the PS3 and gimping downloads. Please note I will never be playing PS3 online, so this isn't a massive issue. I did just subscribe to three months of + though and it would be nice to download at least one game during that three month period.




Just jumped on the PS3 and started downloading RE5 as a test. It's hardly rapid, but greatly improved over last night. This looks like it could be ISP throttling every time I was trying to grab a game before. Will keep you guys posted!

Edited by Guy
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That sounds awesome. I'll definitely do that. Is there anything I need to configure or will PS3 just work it's black magic?


I'm almost certain it just does it but you can dabble with the details (like what time exactly your PS3 switches on, mine does its thing at like 3 in the morning) in the settings.


It'll also download updates and patches, sync trophies and upload yours saves to the cloud. Yeah, I'm massively pro-Plus. I think every console should have a service like Plus.

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I'm on Virgin and downloads on my PS3 are slow as well. Slower than other devices (expect maybe Wii U :P), certainly not my network setup or even Virgin.


I think Virgin are throttling you then. Either the port that your connection uses to download games (recognised as a P2P port), or detected as P2P by some other way. Are you on a cheaper Virgin package?

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I think Virgin are throttling you then. Either the port that your connection uses to download games (recognised as a P2P port), or detected as P2P by some other way. Are you on a cheaper Virgin package?


Oh, really? Thought it was normal tbh. Think I'm on the XL package. 60MB. Can I open the ports or something?

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It's not that ports are closed, it's that some providers blacklist traffic on certain ports that are commonly associated with P2P. And virgin also shape based on packets (they can detect traffic which falls under P2P). And also, they mark high bandwidth users.


Basically they are cack. They advertise the highest speeds but don't dare let you achieve them at a normal hour for any reasonable length of time.

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Sheikah is right thats how many ISP work. Virgin have a rep for it because they strongly advertise the fastest speeds.


The connection speed is regularly at 60mb/s download, sometimes dropping to 10-20 at busier times when checked via Speedtest.


That is why i left Virgin. According to them its 50% (30mb in your case) but its much worse than that in practice. Also I kept hitting their limits almost every night and getting penalised on top which makes it stupidly slow. This is in addition to the fact that Virgin flag certain domains round the clock for slower downloads.


If you're on Plus you can just bam stuff on your download list and it'll download everything overnight. Should help, too.


This is a good fail safe to download actually if you are traffic shaped in the day. Set it to 1am or something and you should be good.

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I just banged my PS3 on between 4-6am to download any necessary files and it appears to have patched all my games, updated my system and also finished up any downloads in the queue. Amazing feature of the system I never knew about until you guys mentioned it. Thanks again!

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Finally! A web-based store.


Just tested it - "buying" the PS+ stuff is so much easier, and it will be great for the sales if you're not at the console.


Edit: Actually, this is better than the Xbox one (which was great until Microsoft redesigned their site and made everything hard to find).

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Hey guys, remember the 50hz slowdown problem that plagued import PS1 games like Tomba and Alundra? Well it seems that they've been fixed! :D




Hey there PlayStation Blog. Christmas is right around the corner and MonkeyPaw Games would like to add to the list of good things that you could be doing during the holidays.


First, we have some fantastic news for our fans that downloaded our classic titles Alundra and Tomba over the past few months.


These games were emulated from their North American versions. In the process of emulation, the games were afflicted with periodical slowness during some video cut scenes and audio playback. While the games were still playable, they suffered in that users had to endure what was less than perfect condition.


Users who purchased these titles can now re-download the game to get the newly emulated versions. There is no additional charge to do so. Of course, new users can also download the latest version through the PlayStation Store in the Classic section.


For this, we would like to offer our sincere apologies and to thank users for their patience as we worked with Sony to correct the issues. It’s taken some time and we hope that we have not dulled your enthusiasm for the games!


Emulation is a tricky process and many great games don’t get to see the light of the virtual Network shelf because emulation can’t guarantee the game will perform as it did in its packaged condition. These titles are 15 years old and so much can go wrong. But we still want to try to bring out classic games from the retro vault so we ask your forgiveness when problems like this occur.


And with that, we’d like to announce the release of a title we hope will make up for your trouble. Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Returns is now available on PlayStation Store section for €7.99!


We know Tomba fans will go bananas over the ability to romp through their favorite jungle quests with their pink-haired hero. And just for bragging rights, we’d like to announce that the game has been released before players in North America get their paws on it!


So it looks like we’ve all been good and Santa will deliver on time this year. Again, we thank all of you for your patience and loyalty. May the holidays bring good cheer and health.


So great news all round :)

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Might buy this on PSN (not sure when the European release is), or maybe just get the Trilogy.


I hope the answer is the obvious one, but can ME2 PS3 detect and use the save from the newly-released ME1?


Edit: Yes, there was a patch for ME2 and ME3.

Edited by Cube
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