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I've encountered fewer bugs in Skyrim than the likes of Fallout 3/New Vegas, GTA4/Red Dead Redempption and plenty of other open world games.

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I've encountered fewer bugs in Skyrim than the likes of Fallout 3/New Vegas, GTA4/Red Dead Redempption and plenty of other open world games.


Same here! I had so many glitches with New Vegas getting stuck not being able to move, stuck in conversations and not being able to pick anything, stuck on black screens with music playing. By comparison only had two crashes on Skyrim in 96 hours of gameplay.

Oh BTW, word of warning for anyone who's looking to buy Tombi/Tomba off the EU PSN stores, they've butchered the game and converted the US version to 50hz (very badly at that!)


It's even worse than the original PAL versions because the game speed and music hasn't even been corrected for the slower 50hz speed, making the gameplay much slower and the music/sound effects slowed down and off.


A large chunk of the "import" titles also suffer from the same problem (though not all - The US Resident Evil games run at the proper 60hz speed at least)


A video of the problem is shown here:



If you're looking to buy Tombi/Tomba, get it off the US store. You'll get the proper 60hz version that way.


And then will have to pay again if you want to play on Vita (since they've made it a mission to lock regions for Vita).


For Tomba at least it's not really that noticeable. I've just played from start to finish on the version they released, and since I could barely remember the music I couldn't tell any difference.


This will only have any effect on you if you knew the original music well. And really care.


False! I have a perishing thirst for music and thoroughly enjoyed this.


It's great. And as the only person here to have this version I declare your viewpoint pure speculation. ;)


Just finished Infamous 2 (Hero Run)


Bloody brilliant game overall. Quite possibly my favourite Playstation series above Uncharted now. Missions were varied and interesting along with a couple of brilliant UGC ones too. I did it on Normal difficulty and felt there was a good balance between the difficulty & number of bosses to letting the plot pan out. A couple of good surprises and liked how it would refer back to decisions you made in Infamous 1.


Really sad about the ending.:weep: It also pretty much signals the end of the series and dashes my hopes of an Infamous 3 :(



I need to go do evil runs on both games now. Probably sometime in the new year. MGS:HD from the weekend :)


I'm currently in the process (as i type back up is 34 min remaining) or switching my 60gb launch ps3's hard drive to a 320gb 7200rpm one


its awkward as there seems to be multiple not very easy ways to transfer contents

I've made a 30gb partition on my new hard drive and formatted to FAT32

Currently ps3 is backing up to this


I will copy this back up to my PC

remove the 60gb hard drive physically and copy said back up to it (after wiping it i suppose)

Then install the 320gb and copy the back up to it


It seems to be a method that works from tralling quite a few methods on the ps forums and seems better than redownloading everything (although i'm not clear on if i'd have to do that as it is)

to be safe i'm going o copy all my saves to a USB drive


wish me luck

I'm currently in the process (as i type back up is 34 min remaining) or switching my 60gb launch ps3's hard drive to a 320gb 7200rpm one


its awkward as there seems to be multiple not very easy ways to transfer contents

I've made a 30gb partition on my new hard drive and formatted to FAT32

Currently ps3 is backing up to this


I will copy this back up to my PC

remove the 60gb hard drive physically and copy said back up to it (after wiping it i suppose)

Then install the 320gb and copy the back up to it


It seems to be a method that works from tralling quite a few methods on the ps forums and seems better than redownloading everything (although i'm not clear on if i'd have to do that as it is)

to be safe i'm going o copy all my saves to a USB drive


wish me luck


In the coming days I will transfer data from my slim 120GB to a new slim 320GB. But I have read you have to have both concoles online when doing this. Is it true, and if so, do you know why? How much time do you estimate is required to transfer licenses and around 30GB of game data and saves?



I just realised you are not switching concoles, just HDDs.

In the coming days I will transfer data from my slim 120GB to a new slim 320GB. But I have read you have to have both concoles online when doing this. Is it true, and if so, do you know why? How much time do you estimate is required to transfer licenses and around 30GB of game data and saves?



I just realised you are not switching concoles, just HDDs.


but in my internet travels i think i did find your answer while looking for my own


one of the options i found was connecting two ps3's via an Ethernet cable and then the data will transfer between the two, it seems to transfer over everything and then wipe the "original ps3"


as for data transfer speeds i don't know but draw from this what you will to get an idea


my new HDD is a 320gb 7200rpm 16mb cache drive

the original ps3 hdd was a 60gb 5400rpm drive


to do the back up onto the faster large drive it took 34min to create a 19gb back up

I then copied the back up to my pc, then reformatted the 60gb drive and copied the back up to this, and installed the new drive


as i type i'm waiting for the data to be transfered from the slower 60gb HDD

that same 19gb of data is estimated at 1 hour 23 min and its only just at 5%


so that should give you the idea that its very very slow between the ps3's


Having transferred data between HDDs and between consoles I can tell you from experience: No matter how you go about it, it's a pain in the arse.


In comparison, transferring data between my iPhones was a joy...but obviously there is a distinct difference in the size of data being transported.


All in all the process of switching hard drive was easy enough (aside from one dodgy screw requiring pliers before it threaded) the most time consuming element is actually waiting for data transferance


So I officially hate Sony and EA!


So let's rewind I've moved to Canada as I always bang on about lol. I've long since known that you cannot change the region on a PSN account. They've often come out and said why not just set up a new account? I emailed them to ask and this was the answer I got. Now as we all know you can do this wherever you and if you have a card or whatever you can buy stuff from a region you are not in without any problems it seems it's just a back end issue whereby it's not set up to facilitate this altering. I mean I can understand plus issue as different games are around but to be honest if you lose the rights to odd game then I don't see the issue.


I've still got my UK account up and running and am very loath to lose it, I have tons of friends on their and whilst not a trophy whore I like how the trophies are on there to show the games I've played over the last 5 years. I've got a ton of codes I put in to build up quite a balance and still got my PS+ going for just under a year. So I've been using this balance to buy games etc.... I mean I've moved to Canada with a Google Play account and changed that over without problems, my itunes has sorted itself out so things like this can be done.


However I now hit a problem...Bought FIFA 13 and went to put in my online pass code and it wasn't valid...it suddenly dawned on me, PSN codes are region locked....gutted. I went to look in the UK store to see if there is an online pass for FIFA...(which even at the time I realised it was very unlikely would work as they always say only compatible with followed by a product code) but there isn't only the season pass for all EA Sports games this year. So now I effectively have two accounts which is just stupid. It's going to be a problem that is only going to continue until I let go of my UK account...or accept I have two accounts one for single player online free games and another for online/DLC driven games...


My new account is flameboyCA please do me a favour and add me :) I'm working my way through adding people.

So I officially hate Sony and EA!


So let's rewind I've moved to Canada as I always bang on about lol. I've long since known that you cannot change the region on a PSN account. They've often come out and said why not just set up a new account? I emailed them to ask and this was the answer I got. Now as we all know you can do this wherever you and if you have a card or whatever you can buy stuff from a region you are not in without any problems it seems it's just a back end issue whereby it's not set up to facilitate this altering. I mean I can understand plus issue as different games are around but to be honest if you lose the rights to odd game then I don't see the issue.


I've still got my UK account up and running and am very loath to lose it, I have tons of friends on their and whilst not a trophy whore I like how the trophies are on there to show the games I've played over the last 5 years. I've got a ton of codes I put in to build up quite a balance and still got my PS+ going for just under a year. So I've been using this balance to buy games etc.... I mean I've moved to Canada with a Google Play account and changed that over without problems, my itunes has sorted itself out so things like this can be done.


However I now hit a problem...Bought FIFA 13 and went to put in my online pass code and it wasn't valid...it suddenly dawned on me, PSN codes are region locked....gutted. I went to look in the UK store to see if there is an online pass for FIFA...(which even at the time I realised it was very unlikely would work as they always say only compatible with followed by a product code) but there isn't only the season pass for all EA Sports games this year. So now I effectively have two accounts which is just stupid. It's going to be a problem that is only going to continue until I let go of my UK account...or accept I have two accounts one for single player online free games and another for online/DLC driven games...


My new account is flameboyCA please do me a favour and add me :) I'm working my way through adding people.


Sorry for your troubles mate. It's reasons like this why I can't understand why customer loyalty/fanboyism still exists as the companies themselves see us as walking wallets.


Anyone use PS3 Media Server?


Mine lately has been playing up. I'd not changed anything but when I tried to watch something last week it couldn't find it. I tried adding that file directly (rather than within the general folder I use) and no joy. Restarted, updated etc and nothing. Went to watch something today and that individual file was there, but not the general folder...

Posted (edited)
Anyone use PS3 Media Server?


Mine lately has been playing up. I'd not changed anything but when I tried to watch something last week it couldn't find it. I tried adding that file directly (rather than within the general folder I use) and no joy. Restarted, updated etc and nothing. Went to watch something today and that individual file was there, but not the general folder...


I used it for a few days, but that was several months ago. I had similar problems, PS3MS failing to find all folders and files. I was not persistent when trying to solve the problems, because I could never get sufficient bandwidth through my WiFi router, so I gave up PS3MS.

Edited by are1981
Yeah the account thing is lame. You can still play everything with your Uk i.d for trophies but the Canada one is more appropriate for buying stuff i imagine. Two separate stores and downloads to manage...


Yeah also can't play any games bought here for online or anything...it makes no sense to play FIFA on my UK ID when so much of the experience all works into the XP earnt across all modes. Also online allows form etc...to be accounted for.


To say I'm annoyed by it is an understatement...For everything Sony do right great first party games, awesome support of art indie games they do so much shit wrong. This is my first Sony console and I am by no means a fan so if I decide I can live without their franchises I may well jump ship to the Xbox 720!


SO.....the online pass debacle continues but with a good ending....


@dazzybee mentioned how when he was on FIFA 13 my UK account flameboyNE was coming... I went and checked and low and behold I can now play online with my UK account. I can only assume because both flameboyCA and flameboyNE are attached to the same Origin/EA account it some how feeds through? Very strange indeed...I've definitely been on my UK account with it and been told "You do not have permission to access online features or acquire an online pass" now that doesn't happen. So I'm pretty chuffed all in but still doesn't account for the hoops I've had to jump through and there is no knowing if any updates will happen and fuck this up!


I've lost my Seasons progress which is annoying as just got promoted but meh what can you do.


There's now a Rachet & Clank (the featured alphabet) meets Uncharted advert to add to the one above...




It kinda seems that they're just leading towards some announcement or maybe advert for Playstation All Stars, but I really hope it's something more than that!!

Having transferred data between HDDs and between consoles I can tell you from experience: No matter how you go about it, it's a pain in the arse.


In comparison, transferring data between my iPhones was a joy...but obviously there is a distinct difference in the size of data being transported.


Now I have completed the PS3 system transfer. I deleted some games and demos, because I was worried it would take a whole day if I transferred all 80 GB. So I only transferred around 40 GB, and was amazed it only took one and a half hour.


Everything seems to have been transferred or copied. The purchased downloaded games all works after I activated the new console in 'System Activation', the friends are there, all the messages, themes, and most of the console settings.


But, one big problem. Of the 40 GB I deleted before transferring, was two free games I chose after last year's PSN outage, Infamous and Little Big Planet. I redownloaded them, and tried to install them, only to see the message:


"You can use this content on a PSP system.

Do you want to copy it to a PSP system?"


This is unsettling. What do I do now?

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