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My guess is Walking Dead - maybe just one episode. Reason I think is is that there's history of Telltale and PS+ (Back to the Future), I also found it weird we never got a discount on it at Christmas.


Could be any game though.

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Been using Universal Media Server for a few weeks with no problems whatsoever. Now for some reason, it won't connect. Absolutely nothing. I'm not doing anything differently at all. I did have some internet problems earlier but both my PS3 and Mac are connected to the internet and they're just not finding each other.


What gives? :wtf:


Got my PS3, got my HDTV, got Ni no Kuni...! Fired it up (the console) and it's quite amazing to see it displaying in 1080/60. Spent quite a long time marvelling at that, just admiring how sharp the words and letters were!


Just looking forward to getting more games now.


I opened two boxes I had though the post the other day, one contained Ni No Kuni, the other Uncharted 3... Happy days! :D


Got Uncharted 2 and Infamous 2 to tackle first though I think!


Oh and Journey.


And there's so many others to buy/download... ahh! FirstWorldProblems! :D

  dr4hkon said:
You're gonna be poor.


PSN ID? Give it!


Haven't connected it to the internet yet, but will try to do that tomorrow.


As well as exclusives I'll be using it for multiformat games. I really fancy Crysis 2, for some reason. I'm not really into FPS, but I've got more time for the sci-fi type ones.

  Grazza said:

As well as exclusives I'll be using it for multiformat games. I really fancy Crysis 2, for some reason.


Do yourself a favour and get Far Cry 3. Haven't finished it but so far it's been the best FPS this gen.

  Retro_Link said:
I feel like I'd only get one out of Dishonoured and Far Cry 3, which would people recommend?


Dishornoredm but thatÄs only because I like steathl games.,


Edit: Er, well, I hope you know that I mean. :D

  Retro_Link said:
I feel like I'd only get one out of Dishonoured and Far Cry 3, which would people recommend?


Tough call!


Personally, I got more enjoyment from Far Cry 3 and it was one of my favourite games last year. That said, I've had no real desire to return to it since completion.


Dishonored was certainly enjoyable and a pleasant surprise, it also has the added appeal of going back to redoing missions for different tactics/approaches etc, something I've not done yet but will do when time allows.


It defeats the purpose of your initial question but you really need to grab them both.


Yes please!


I have eyes for BioShock Infinite, haven't bought a game since Dark Souls. Am now borrowing a PS3 from a friend so I'm back in business (when somebody returns meinen controllers).


What came out last year that was worth playing? People have mentioned Dishonoured and Far Cry 3 but anything else? Can't really be arsed to play Farcry.

  dwarf gourami said:
Yes please!


I have eyes for BioShock Infinite, haven't bought a game since Dark Souls. Am now borrowing a PS3 from a friend so I'm back in business (when somebody returns meinen controllers).


What came out last year that was worth playing? People have mentioned Dishonoured and Far Cry 3 but anything else? Can't really be arsed to play Farcry.


Do it!



  dwarf gourami said:

What came out last year that was worth playing? People have mentioned Dishonoured and Far Cry 3 but anything else? Can't really be arsed to play Farcry.


Some of my favourites from last year, whether they'll appeal to you or not is another matter :heh:


Sleeping Dogs

Asura's Wrath

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Dragon's Dogma

Lollipop Chainsaw

Tales of Graces f


A couple of those I played on the 360 before switching consoles so I ended up buying them again (yeah, I know :shakehead).


inFAMOUS 2 :hmm: What is there for me to say...I think the game just lost me...


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I would have thrown cars at him but the Behemoth can only be attacked at weakpoints and if he wanders around without showing them for 4 minutes it gets boring. ::shrug:

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