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How's your driving?


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..same goes for / nando / :heh:


Roundabouts can be frustrating when people don't indicate! Also, joining the Dual Carriageway at night in the rain.. I HATE IT!


I think I am a pretty good driver though, if a little cautious at times. Speeding drivers make me angry, and I hate being in the car if someone is going fast :hmm:


your a good driver :D.. compared to my dad who never indicates (he only indicates when he absolutely HAS to)..


my driving? non-existant!

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I'm an okay driver but loud music or friends can make me feel too adventurous. Sometimes when work finishes several of us get to our cars at the same time and then do silly stuff on the way home. Not breaking any laws but not driving amazingly well. Every time it happens I tell myself it won't happen again, but then there I am again overtaking someone and making the loser sign on my forehead.


I have no points though and have had no accidents.

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I think Id be inclined to agree. Dont think Ive reverse parked between two cars since I passed my test.


I think I've done it about twice, there's really no need most of the time. Just go to a multi-story carpark. The only times I've done it is when I'm parking outside the school which is just a big road, even then I try to avoid it by just going further away. :heh:

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I'm a terrible driver. Well actually, my driving isn't too bad in my opinion, but my problem is that I can be quite hesitant, and then it leads to some silly mistakes. I've had about 45 hours of lessons already, and got my test in 2 and a half weeks. As I said, I think my actual driving isn't too bad, though I don't like carriageways much, and roundabouts are a bit tricky(cos of people who give bad signals, or none at all! Which is why I'm hesitant in my driving), but what really lets me down is my manouvres, if I fail my test, I imagine I'll fail on those, I'm just really shit at judging things and sometimes reading the road well. Hopefully I'll pass first time though, otherwise I'm just gonna give up :(

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No one that drives on the left side of the road can be a good driver, so most of you are wrong. :)


According to Wikipedia, driving on the left makes more sense. Anywho...


I tend to speed often, like going about 70 on 60s and 35-40 on 30s (obviously depending on conditions). The fastest I've ever been is about 95, car wouldn't go faster with four people. Having said that, I'd say I'm a fairly safe driver.


Since passing, I've never had to parallel park and have never been on a motorway.

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According to Wikipedia, driving on the left makes more sense. Anywho...


I tend to speed often, like going about 70 on 60s and 35-40 on 30s (obviously depending on conditions). The fastest I've ever been is about 95, car wouldn't go faster with four people. Having said that, I'd say I'm a fairly safe driver.


Since passing, I've never had to parallel park and have never been on a motorway.


Seriously, don't speed in the 30 zones, I mean didn't that advert with the little girl tell you anything? You have an 80% higher probability of killing someone if you hit them if you go just 5mph over the limit.

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Seriously, don't speed in the 30 zones, I mean didn't that advert with the little girl tell you anything? You have an 80% higher probability of killing someone if you hit them if you go just 5mph over the limit.


If I saw a lot of people on the paths, with some of them looking to cross, I would obviously not go at 40mph. If there's no-one on the paths, and the road weren't busy, then there's really nothing at all dangerous at going 5 or 10 mph above the limit. Also, driving steadily at 30 is tedious as hell, even more tedious when you could safely go faster.

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If I saw a lot of people on the paths, with some of them looking to cross, I would obviously not go at 40mph. If there's no-one on the paths, and the road weren't busy, then there's really nothing at all dangerous at going 5 or 10 mph above the limit. Also, driving steadily at 30 is tedious as hell, even more tedious when you could safely go faster.


I undertsand what you're saying, but surely thats the point of the limit? To stop you from hitting someone you don't see. Or some guy thats thick enough to run out infront of a car.

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If I saw a lot of people on the paths, with some of them looking to cross, I would obviously not go at 40mph. If there's no-one on the paths, and the road weren't busy, then there's really nothing at all dangerous at going 5 or 10 mph above the limit. Also, driving steadily at 30 is tedious as hell, even more tedious when you could safely go faster.


I undertsand what you're saying, but surely thats the point of the limit? To stop you from hitting someone you don't see. Or some guy thats thick enough to run out infront of a car.


Exactly. Little children can run out from anywhere. Behind a hedge, over the top of a wall, following a football onto the road from a park.

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Considering I passed just a couple of weeks ago, my driving is quite good. I probably rev my engine a bit too high due to having a 1.2 Corsa, and I get really annoyed at people who drive slow.


I don't speed too much, in built up areas I don't at all. There is the odd road where the speed limit is just daft, like the road where I work. It's just a big long road with not much on it and it's 30mph. No one drives at 30 cus it just doesn't make sense.


I try not to speed too much though, cus you just don't know when an unmarked police car is gonna be round the next corner.

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V Reg KA2, it was a nice price. Only thing I dislike is ford's generic interior design but I don't need a good stereo, as long as the radio has an LCD display and programmable radio I'm fine with my iPod :D


First car though, so maybe one day a couple years down the line I'll want something new and awesome.

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I'm not too bad a driver, I've had 1 crash due to ice under snow. And I think the only thing that could of avoided that was if I didn't drive at all that night.


I sometimes go over 30, but only when I consider it safe to do so. Which means I have some points on my license for going over the limit. Which in my defense had only recently changed from 40 to 30mph and I was driving a new car that didn't have mph on the speedo and was just getting used to converting kph in mph.


I currently drive a Toyota Sera, which is a great car, but I've had it for 2 years now and I'm thinking of getting something else soon.


Here's what one looks like to those not in the know.



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