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Xbox Live Arcade/PSN Thread


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I spent 400 points for the Mass Effect DLC today. Everytime I did a new campaign on it I forgot about the DLC until I was a couple of hours in, and I could never be bothered to repeat the start for it. But this time, I am doing a second run through straight away, so I finally got round to getting it.


I'm considering going for 1000/1000 for ME, because it's so awesome. None of the achievements are difficult, just will take another 3 or 4 playthroughs but my estimation, because I basically need to do a run with each different class.

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What do you mean by that? Are you referring to Castle Crashers' 4-player co-op?


If so...did you know that Splosion Man has 50 multiplayer-only levels?


They don't work offline? Also, from what I've heard, the multiplayer of splosion man isn't that worthy of attention.


Ehh but people love to have things as soon as they're available, regardless of the price. It's the same with anything, and it's not just brits, it's the reason people queue up for the first showing of a movie or the release of a great book. People want things now, and they want to have played them while they were new, so they can talk about things with everyone else who's just started playing them.


Plus, you could die tomorrow.


I get that. But first and foremost, a movie costs the same the first day as it does 2 months later. A "great book" is not the equivalent of a "cool" game (cause you can bet your ass I'm gonna be buyin' The Last Guardian as soon as it comes out, but 'splosion man is cool but nothing worth the extra dollar) and quite honestly, people only queued up for books in the last decade or so because of Harry Potter, and guess what? It's not a fantastic book. But that's more our fault as a generation than anyone else's.... About wanting things now, that's über cool, look at us, we're the ADD generation (I used generation twice! Yay!), hooray us. As for talking about things, fuck off, you can talk about them anytime, be it now or 200 years in the future!


Also, the death thing - that's silly. But hey, I'm an atheist, so I believe... scratch that, I know there won't be anything after death, therefore, I can't really feel sorry for anything after I'm dead, can I?


All of your points are valid, but all I'm saying is that perhaps "wanting things now" is what got us in this whole recession mess, because we all want too many things we don't need, and we want them... well, now!

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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It's so cool when u can remember where they are! Mushroom hill zone on S&K was the best example i think off, by the end of the second act you could be super sonic!!


Tis true, i heard rumours you could get all of Sonic 2's emeralds by the end of Act 2 and all of Sonic 3's by Act 1 of Hydrocity (i know this to be true as i did this once).

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Tis true, i heard rumours you could get all of Sonic 2's emeralds by the end of Act 2 and all of Sonic 3's by Act 1 of Hydrocity (i know this to be true as i did this once).


Yeah, i played sonic 2 only a few weeks ago and i can remember there is alot of star posts in the second act. 2 of them are almost next to each other (one being alot higher than the other) near the beginning of that act. Can't remember if i seen enough to be super though.


Cool! I was never as familiar with the locations in sonic 3 compared to S&K.

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I'm considering going for 1000/1000 for ME, because it's so awesome. None of the achievements are difficult, just will take another 3 or 4 playthroughs but my estimation, because I basically need to do a run with each different class.

I think it took me 6 or 7 plays of Mass Effect to get 1000/1000. You need a whole play through just to get from level 50 to 60.

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It doesn't help that I neglected doing anything for achievey's the first couple of runs, meaning for some skills I need to replay the same class again, makes ally achievements need another run, etc. I completed a speedey Hardcore run the other day, gonna take a break from it for now, then do an Insanity at some point in future. After that, easy runs to get the ally achievements and remaining skills.


I'm now doing a couple of Bioshock playthroughs to max that out. Just need to go through on easy getting Tonics + Diaries, then on Hard with Chambers off.

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*praises Ubisoft* :bowdown::yay:


When Microsoft announced its Summer of Arcade titles a few weeks back, one thing struck us as odd ... and that was the TMNT: Turtles in Time price. It was hard for us to see the reasoning behind releasing a remake of an old game for $15 when the original in the series sits at a paltry $5 on the same service. Other than of course ... it's a popular franchise, so let's jack up the price and try and make a few extra pennies. Bad news for the consumer.


Fear not though Toitles fans, Ubisoft have had a change of heart and recently told IGN that the arcade title would now ship for $10 instead. A saving of this *stretches arms* much.



TMNT: Turtles in Time hits the Xbox Live Arcade next week (August 5th) for 800 Microsoft Points.

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Tis true, i heard rumours you could get all of Sonic 2's emeralds by the end of Act 2 and all of Sonic 3's by Act 1 of Hydrocity (i know this to be true as i did this once).


Yeah thats true. Though its a lot harder to get the emeralds in S&K, they bonus rings are hidden very well and the levels are hard as!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Between 200 and 800 Points.

Indie Games can only be priced at 80, 240 or 400 as of 22nd October. Anyone that updates their game past that date will also have to adhere to the new pricing structure, although most people are already transitioning to the new scheme.


In other words, An Elysian Tail will cost you the same price as a lightsaber for your Avatar.

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Under normal circumstances I´d be a bit doubtful about getting this, but what´s different is that this is an XNA title.

You know the community/indie games which makes it, what 200 points?


That looks pretty stunning. Defo my type of game. Looks a bit similar to Muramasa on the Wii.

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Yeah me too, I'm holding out for Trials HD and Shadow Complex now, and I've bought Marvel v Capcom 2 (Has nobody else bought this?!) so I figure I may as well pick up TMNT as well since it'll be free :heh:


I bought it too. Also, what do you mean, free? Cause I plan on getting SC as soon as it comes out (I'm a sucker for both Super Metroid and SOTN, so this seems like it's gonna make my world rock) and I've already bought MvC2.

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I bought it too. Also, what do you mean, free? Cause I plan on getting SC as soon as it comes out (I'm a sucker for both Super Metroid and SOTN, so this seems like it's gonna make my world rock) and I've already bought MvC2.


If you buy Splosion, MvC2, Trials, Turtles and Shadow Complex and you'll get 800 MS Points back.


I trailed Trails. I'll pass.

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I'm liking the Trials Trial. Had never heard anything about the game until now, it's kinda like those old Flash Motocross games, only in 3D with added explosions. Needa get some of those cheap MS Points now.


Its a good game to be fair, had a points card dotted about so purchased this title. Much more challenging than the Flash titles in the past.

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If you buy Splosion, MvC2, Trials, Turtles and Shadow Complex and you'll get 800 MS Points back.


I trailed Trails. I'll pass.


hmm, but the only game worth 800 is Turtles, all the others are 1200, so that's kind of lame from MS's part. I assume that only works if you buy them all now, correct? Cause except for turtles I do want them all but wasn't really planning on buying Splosion nor Trials right now.

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To anyone who's downloaded Turtles in Time : Reshelled, does it play just like the original but with flashier graphics and added multiplayer? If so I'm sorely tempted to pick it up as it's been a long time since I last played it but I remember it being awesome.

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To anyone who's downloaded Turtles in Time : Reshelled, does it play just like the original but with flashier graphics and added multiplayer? If so I'm sorely tempted to pick it up as it's been a long time since I last played it but I remember it being awesome.

I just posted my opinion in the game specific thread, but I'm feeling too lazy to even move your post there.

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