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Angry! Angry! Angry!


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My god i love this thread, athriller you bloody silver tounged serpant, legend, spitting hell fire un to thoes unexpected to the drama, witch this thread has, heavy tenshon and real fcuk'in passion.


i dont think i can express all the things i hate in an articulate way so i wont bother at this point, apart from.........................


bush, nooobs (the use of the word), but most things im just angry at life in genral.for no apparent reason of course, long gone, are the days of teenage angst, so why.

may be i was just born this way. But we do love too see the rage consume, its allways for a grater course. i would have to kill my self, if every one was always being the nice person,like some on the forum think they are. show some character and have away with the fairy crap. grab your cock and balls and scream at somthin for once.

then maybe the anal tendancies may work a little better, when applied to somthin constructive.

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The way we can never go back in time and enjoy CE back when it was CE and everyone was not a ****.


Edit: The way we now have censorship, something we tried years ago and still fails as much as it failed the first time it failed.


censorship never works, theirs always ways of getting around it and eventually breaking it


just look at censorship over the last 15 years on tv.

or i like this one "were becoming de sensotiesd" :heh:

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Nothing really makes me that angry, I'm quite a chilled person filled with apathy for most things. One thing that does annoy me a bit is people standing at the front of a bus when there are free seats further back. Or when you make coasters out of dual layer dvds and can't figure out why.

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A couple more exciting things to add to the list:


-When people upload their playlists online and by some horrible chance you have to search Google for an Mp3, 9/10 responses are all anime kids with their shitty playlists on some website. WHY?

-Woosel being down at the moment annoys me.

-No food in the house ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF ME.


More to come!

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Having no goddamn food in the house aswell as feeling rough as arseholes.


There has to be more but I can't think of much...Overly played up shit films that are on late at night so you have to stay up and watch it and its the biggest pile of crap ever. Well not that bad, but still pretty shoddy. I mean 'The Hitcher' which was on 4 a few nights ago, played up by Bill Bailey.


Still, he was good on QI.

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Why the heck would you want google to find you an mp3?


Some of the more obscure soundtrack Mp3s from old shows and anime absolutely refuse to appear on file-sharing applications and via my usual methods of acquiring them, so I'll often delve into the onslaught of random websites to find it - and it usually works, even if the directions you take are somewhat annoying. If it exists there's a good chance someone has put it online somewhere.


There is one piece of music I have never found anywhere, however, which leads me to believe the prologue/recap theme used in DragonBall GT was never released on a soundtrack or anything - shitty Japanese and their shitty shit.

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