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Dilemma - Please help!


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I think its mainly Party A's fault simply because Party A had more input into the whole scenario. Party B's act, an act without intent, was simply the last part to the equation.


Verdict: Technoslaughter


*proceeds to look for a not guilty gif...*

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Hahaha, what an excellent thread through the efforts of Daft!

Personally though, I'd say blame lies with both parties, but in the end I would put the blame on Party B as it was Party B's actions that directly caused the incidence, whereas Party A's actions led to the scenario, Party B actually made it happen. I think Party A was negligent to not consider the risks of said wobbly draws and pint of water in relation to the phone though.

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Party A's fault. If he left the phone in potential danger, it's his fault he left it there, specially while knowing somebody else used said drawer frequently.


Unless the glass was small. If the phone fell on a small glass of water, it was an unlucky accident and no one should be blamed.

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It's party B's fault. Sure party A should have been more careful with his/her stuff, but party B was the catalyst. The fact that such detail is put in to how it could be party A's fault and so little is put in to how it could be party B's fault (i.e. the whole 'how the phone actually fell off' bit) makes me think that Rez knows party B is to blame but hopes to influence the opinions stated in this thread.

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It's party B's fault. Sure party A should have been more careful with his/her stuff, but party B was the catalyst. The fact that such detail is put in to how it could be party A's fault and so little is put in to how it could be party B's fault (i.e. the whole 'how the phone actually fell off' bit) makes me think that Rez knows party B is to blame but hopes to influence the opinions stated in this thread.

Nah, I thought it was obvious how it fell off. As I closed the draw (made of friction tastic straw) the thing wobbled and it fell off. Also you cant call me the catalyst ;


a person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result


Both parties were catalysts.

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Party A was the chemical reaction


Party B was the catalyst, and simply sped up what would have happened.


Therefore, Party B is the scapegoat for something that's Party A's fault to begin with.


Put it this way, is it the builders fault that the terrorists knocked over their building by flying a plane into it?




ReZ would be a terrorist if he dropped the phone on purpose.


Better analogy: If a building suddenly collapses because a vital (but weak) pillar fell, is the guilty party:



-The normal guy who ran into the weaker pillar by accident;


-The lousy engineer that didn't think such a vital pillar should be stronger.

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Nah, I thought it was obvious how it fell off. As I closed the draw (made of friction tastic straw) the thing wobbled and it fell off. Also you cant call me the catalyst ;


a person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result


Both parties were catalysts.


Party B was the stimulus. The situation was already set up, but without the actions of Party B nothing would have happened. The phone can't fall by itself.


Sure, Party A was pretty stupid to leave his/her phone there, but it was Party B's actions that created an incident. Without action by Party B the phone may never have fallen and may never have broken.


Both parties are at fault, but the responsibility for the incident falls to party B

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