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Your Favourite Wii Title So Far...and why


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Easy one for me, Zelda. Once I finally got into I loved it just as much as I loved playing Wind Waker. No other Wii game has properly grabbed me yet.


I expect Mario Galaxy to replace this though next week. Also, once I finally get round to playing my Wii much more than I have this year, Super Paper Mario, Trauma Centre, and SSX Blur should at least get close in a list of games I enjoyed. But so far Zelda and Wii Sports are the only games I've really played properly.

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I have over 20 games - and IMO no duds either!!


Top 5


1. Zelda - BEST.....GAME......EVER!!! (and that includes Ocarina, though blatantly just keeping the seat warm for Galaxy!)


2. Metroid - Loving it, but only 4 hours in! Absolute sheer class though


3. Wii Sports Bowling - I will still be playing this game in 5, maybe even 10 years, just amazing, and everyone who plays it wants a wii, simple as that!


4. Trauma Centre - Just a stunning game, the controls, the missions... loved it!!


5. Super Paper Mario - Really enjoyed playing this game and didnt even hate what everyone else seemed to.


Special Mention:

Eledees - this may make the top 5 when I finish it. Lots of content, great controls, great game

Excite Truck - great FUN game, if it had better multiplayer this may have made the top 5

Fifa - best fifa since 96!! Great first attempt on Wii

Koroinpa - better than monkey ball and Mercury. Great level design and controls

Rayman Rabbids - some amazing minigames, particularly the great shooter levels and the "wish they'd make a game of just this' dance levels

SSX - another genre made better because of the lovely controls. Ignore anyone who says anything otherwise

Res Evil 4 - The best version of one of the best games ever. I've just finished it before thats all

Sonic - Best sonic since te 2nd one!!!

Wario Ware - amazing multiplayer game!!!

Scarface - a game made beter because of the controls!!!

Mario Strikers - Stunning multiplayer game!

CoD3 - flawed to bugary but awesome FPS controls on day 1 of the Wii!!

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I have both of those games. I really really like fifa and although Monkey Ball was VERY disappointing, the one player is still good fun.


The only games Ive had that I didnt like are monster 4x4 and Mercury revolution (very disappointing game), got rid of both of them - though i have actually got mercury again, ONM sent it to me for free instead of Cooking mama :(

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Red Steel and TP.


Why Red Steel? In terms of gameplay it can be lacking, yes. But the atmosphere and setting are all fantastically executed with some really clever and interesting moments.


Twilight Princess because it reminded me so much of OoT and Link to the Past with all the seemingly random areas and sub-dungeons..

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Call of Duty. Kept freezing in the white hot heat of combat. It is not with us anymore.

Monkey Ball. Great for the first ten minutes. You think you've bought gold. Turns out its gold-wrapped shit.

Godfather: It was okay. I was expecting more (never having played the ps2 version)


Really thinking about Eledees at the minute. Seen it for bargain basement prices and always thought it looked interesting. No point buying anything near Mario Galaxy time though.

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1: Zack & Wiki, because its a great puzzle game and has loads of humor in it!!

2: Metroid Prime 3, this game rocks because of the vast story, levels and the great design of the game!

3:WiiSports, because it still entertains the family and my friends.

4: Excite truck. its fast furios and crazy!! great fun for a quick one on one ^.^

5: Mario Strikers. friends fun and all nintendo can do to make a football game good ^.^

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Zelda so far is still the best for me, followed by Wii Sports. I already sold Mario Party 8 (as I ultimately did not like the game and the slowness of the main boards was very annoying) and I'll be trading in Red Steel and Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz to which I hated because the best mini games in the series were totally ruined (i.e. Target, Race, No Billiards) to get Galaxy 70% cheaper, and i've already done my math, i'll earn a few more dollars this way then selling them on ebay as they don't sell for all that high...

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1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


For the time being, the best billboard for the Wii: excellent controls, gorgeous graphics, deep gameplay, unrivalled gameplay and a complete package altogether. This is what makes my Wii sweat at the moment!



2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


The Zelda I had always imagined. Doesn't quite have the impact OoT had, but the game fills me with amazement. I couldn't ask for more from a Zelda game, apart from a sequel that does it justice. Wonder around every turn.



3. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


Never properly played the GC-version, so figures. Controls are awesome.



4. Super Paper Mario


A celebration of everything Mario. That quirky Paper Mario-style and wit, the healthy mix of innovation and ol'skool-gameplay, the great humour and the general "fun-ness" of it makes this a personal favourite.



5. Red Steel


Yes, the "odd one". Despite it's blatant shortcomings (earbleeding VO, at times downright ugly graphics and shoddy gameplay, strange animations, cutscenes that would make a DS blush with embarrassment), there is something about this game that makes me come back for more. And more. And then some. Like Iun, I dig the style and general feel of it all. And at times, it truely looks stunning. Roll on Red Steel 2!



And now, the honourable mention:


Eledees: innovation printed on a disc

Trauma Center: cut up people, then try to save 'em. Bless.

ExciteTruck: truck do fly then.

Pangya - Golf With Style: just one more go...

MySims: it's the music, I tell you! The music!

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1) Metroid 3.

Amazingly amazing... It doesn't beat the feeling I had with MP1 but I still think it does everything better.


2) Zelda TP

Great game. Great temples, Awesome weapons. (To easy though)


3) Wii sports

From the moment I tried it I knew the change Wii would bring


4) Excite truck

First game in years that gave me the same joy as I had while playing 64 back in the day.


5) Resident evil 4

Loved the cube game, and this is an improvement. Mercenary mode is something I'll always go back to from time to time.




Games that might topple those 5.


Mario Galaxy (most likely)

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure

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zelda:because well what can i say it is a zelda game :P


mario mstrikers charged:it is a good game + wifi


mario party 8 :it gave us back the party spiri


trauma center :taking out glass etc was so fun


and 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + more games

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I don't really have any games, so my list is short. :P


1. Zelda

2. Wario Ware

3. Wii Sports

4. Wii Play


Wasn't even sure if I should put WW on 2, since I've probably played Wii Sports more. But oh well. At least Zelda rocked, I kind of feel the urge to play it again, but sadly I lack the time to do so.


I need more games though. =/

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Probably: (In order)


1. Wii Sports - STILL the most accessible and best social game ever

2. Excite Truck - Simple, engrossing mechanics make this a fresh racer

3. The Godfather - Still has some of the best motion controls available

4. Carnival Games - Second only to Wii Sports at all parties. Great fun!

5. Twilight Princess - The sheer artistry and consistent design is astonishing



Indeed, the Wii has changed my gaming habits. I no longer have time for the massive/epic games I used to play. Next week Mario Galaxy will make or break my future gaming exploits. But I'm happy with that notion. A half hour high score challenge on a shoot out on Carnival Games gives me more satisfaction than trying to catch up with a story/puzzle I last played/worked out two weeks ago. (Ala Most "hardcore" games).

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Lets see...


1) Sonic and the Secret Rings


For the brilliant sense of speed later on in the game, and being a return to form for my favorate character.


2) Zelda; Twilight Princess


Never quite lived up to expectations, but still a fantastic game overall.


3) Wii Sports


The only game my parents can actually play, plus the one I keep coming back to (Bowling kicks ass.):heh:


4) Resi 4; Wii Edition


For being the best version of the lot, and Seperate Ways was well worth the gamecube upgrade.


5) Super Monkey Ball; B.B


Catchy music, a real challenge, and some half decent multiplayer games too.:smile:

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1, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

2, Zelda: Twilight Princess

3, Wii Sports

4, Sonic & The Secret Rings

5, Mario Strikers Charged

6, Rayman Raving Rabbids

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Even almost a year on, I still think its Twilight Princess. The game had some great moments and seeing Link looking grown up again was nice after Wind Waker. Sure it was disappointing that you couldn't talk to everyone in Hyrule town but I forgive it for that seeing as I was able to scare them all by running around in wolf form! For all the mini games at side quests the game may have lacked, it made up for it by having tons of charm and Zelda/ Nintendo magic.

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