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Put simply. First three great (4,5,6)

Last three Shit (1,2,3)

Except episode two was good as it 'reveals' a lot of the secreats of episode four.


Hayend Christianson and that little one in episode on e were mis cast. e.g. "are you an angel" line makes me feel sick.

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I'm hardly obsessed over Star Wars, but I do enjoy it and I do think everyone should view the movies at least once. They're classic cinematic experiences that everyone can warm to and enjoy if they just take it for what it is... a cheesy story about a boy and his dog.


A boy and his Dog??? Do you mean Chewy...Han was hardly a boy...Doyou mean R2D2...IT WAS Aan android...and that cat in the coner of the room won't stop...oh nO..plaese don't...NO I WASN'T THE CHILD OF WESTCONSTENTINE...ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

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I don't mind Star Wars, I've watched all six and they're okay but I don't see the jazz. The stories aren't anything new (see, this is where Media Studies ruins your viewing) they're just nicely done rehashes of older stories. To be frank, if R2D2 wasn't in it I doubt I'd have much interest at all.


Now Serenity, that's a top quality sci-fi film. :P

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The only reason I ever liked star wars was because of Darth Vader... I mean let's be honest here, luke can get pretty annoying, and don't get my started on all the love storys... Especially the incest in the original trilogy... Kissing like that is still very mild incest!


But Everyone indured episodes I and II so they could see Darth! Then the twist and line that has become amazingly populer 'Luke I am your father'. Sure everyone knows about that now, but back when it was released no one saw it coming... It was the sixth sense of it's day in terms of the twist.

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The only reason I ever liked star wars was because of Darth Vader... I mean let's be honest here, luke can get pretty annoying, and don't get my started on all the love storys... Especially the incest in the original trilogy... Kissing like that is still very mild incest!


Incest is best, especially when you don't know you're siblings.


"Yeah, it's my mom's birthday today."

"W-wow.. mine too."

"51, the old gal."

"That is so creepy!"

"... sis? Oh god."

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The old ones are way overrated but reasonably good.


However there's no denying that the newer episodes are really bad. Episodes I, II and III had potential but the performances of the acters is so poor and without soul, it's enough to ruin the films. There are many other reasons why these films are so bad, like the over reliance on CG imagery, bad editing and crap script.


I can understand why people love the old trilogy but the new one is just plain bad. It has nothing to do with taste, it just IS a bad. I know a lot of people like Star Wars, it's really popular, but that doesn't mean the films are actually any good.

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Guest Ray Falling


I can understand why people love the old trilogy but the new one is just plain bad. It has nothing to do with taste, it just IS a bad. I know a lot of people like Star Wars, it's really popular, but that doesn't mean the films are actually any good.


nooo it DOES have everything to do with taste. You cant just claim it IS bad as a fact. Thats yer opinion. And the films are popular because many people liked them...thats what popularity means...MANY PEOPLE LIKING SOMETHING. So they found it was good. There see.


Something cant be that popular if its bad...its all a matter of opinion

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Oh yes a film can be bad, even if it's really popular.

Most people don't even know what makes a film good or bad anyway.

i disagree. if there is at least one person in the world who thinks a film is good then i cant be bad. it can be in your opinion. there is no good or bad when it comes to films they just are.


if i think a film is good or bad it doesnt matter because someone else will disagree.

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i disagree. if there is at least one person in the world who thinks a film is good then i cant be bad. it can be in your opinion. there is no good or bad when it comes to films they just are.


if i think a film is good or bad it doesnt matter because someone else will disagree.


No I don't think so.

I think films can be judged good or bad, just like many other things.

You can like for example a new car just by the way it looks but if after two weeks the engine blows up, the tires have worn down completely and the paint comes off it can't be a good car.

It's same thing with films but people just don't realise how bad some are. It doesn't mean the film can't be enjoyed though.

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The main thing is that when the original movies came out, all the ideas were new and mindblowing. A lot of the things might seem cliche and unoriginal until you realise that they did most of them first.


Star Wars was never original, its based upon other stories. This website explores possible inspirations: http://www.jitterbug.com/origins/index.html I'm not sitting around going "Grr Lucas stole all his ideas!" because im aware postmodernism is in full swing and that its impossible to create new stories, or maybe its possible but it wont be marketable. Even the creatures and that have origins within real world creatures. Nothings original any more (nor was it in the 70s before someone becomes pinickety).


the only people that dont like episode 3 are people who havent seen the movie for themselves.

episode 3 is ALOT better then 1 + 2 and dare i say better than 4,5 and 6


I saw episode three and yeah it was better than 1 and 2 but it was flash. Just complete surface over content. Its like he sat down and said "Big fight scenes, fast camera work, pretty lava and more!!" its just so glossy and full of itself. Even though the originals were utopian there was still some dystopic elements, such as the Millenium Falcon's dodginess. In 3 (and maybe 1 and 2, cant remember them that well) it was all utopic. Things worked well, and they were quick and useful and handy and gah. Sci-fi is at its best when its dystopic.

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He didn't quite 'transorm' right from Anakin.
I thought the way they portrayed it was fantastic!


No-one when watching Episodes IV,V,VI, would have guessed that Darth Vader (seemingly straightforward evil!) became the way he is, out of Love!


Anakin thought his vision showed Padme suffering and ultimately dying in childbirth and so took the path to the darkside (knowing it was wrong, but all that he could do) in an attempt to save her.

However, he had misinterpreted the vision (as the future is hard to see)! Ultimately it was him choosing the darkside that caused Padme to loose the will to live; and this is what his vision had actually been showing.


It's such a tragic story!! That had he not tried to save her (from what he'd thought he'd seen), she would have been absolutely fine!!


Pure Genios!!

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Guest Ray Falling

What I find intreging is that even after he loses Padme and becomes Darth Vader..he chooses to remain loyal to the emperor...you might say he'd have nothing to live for anymore...but yet he chooses to go own...

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It doesn't really matter if the story is original or not. A lot of people grew up with the Star Wars movies and were caught up in the story, the special effects, and the acting. I didn't grow up with it, i watched it only a few years back. But it totally had me hooked. No idea why, it just did. Some people like it, some don't. I think i would have prefered if they kept the whole "how darth vader came to be" a secret, because everyone's expectations for episode 1 were much higher than it could ever be. The imagination is far greater than any film George Lucas could have come up with.

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