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PS3 Price Cut... and Wii still sells more

Zechs Merquise

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And with this message, I will leave. I'm so tired of you fucktards that I'm simply leaving Revo-Europe. It is incredible how none of you have any kind of common sense. You idiots swing from extreme to extreme, with everybody lying, ignoring, or simply forgetting facts to suit your current agenda. This place is so full of venom, that I can't really understand why I have stayed so long.


Adios amigos.


Meh fair enough, seeya.

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This quote deserves a QFT ^_^


That QFT deserves a QFT.


I did not realise it at first, I even dismissed it, but the wii balance board has unlimited potential. Wii Fit is a start but the fact that it can sense your body movement so accuratly through you feet, combined with the WiiMote, a very large amount of your movement can be read. 1080 is the obvious choice for everyone, but a swordfighting game, light gun games, boxing games, hell imagine some kind of wierd puzzle game with your feet. Maybe driving games, where you apply pressure to the board for acceleration and brakes. The thing is sensitive enough for sure.


These are just things of the top of my head, but there really are loads of options.

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Personally I see the Wii as revolutionary anyway. Last generation I would never have dreamed that I would be able to do so many things with a console. The Wii Balance Board is going to shake up the industry again, possibly on the same level as the Wii Remote did. Nay sayers will be silenced.


Indeed. No matter what certain trolls want to believe, future will be waggle one and all next-gen consoles will feature motion sensors. This itself will change face of the industry permanently. In that way, Wii is quite revolutionary. Of course, if you are adolescenced, no-life chav whose definition of revolution is higher resolution, bald space marines, and overpriced online service, you will never understand this.


And with this message, I will leave. I'm so tired of you fucktards that I'm simply leaving Revo-Europe. It is incredible how none of you have any kind of common sense. You idiots swing from extreme to extreme, with everybody lying, ignoring, or simply forgetting facts to suit your current agenda. This place is so full of venom, that I can't really understand why I have stayed so long.


Adios amigos.


That's a bit unnecessary, just continue arguing your point, it's the point of a debate.

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Indeed. No matter what certain trolls want to believe, future will be waggle one and all next-gen consoles will feature motion sensors. This itself will change face of the industry permanently. In that way, Wii is quite revolutionary. Of course, if you are adolescenced, no-life chav whose definition of revolution is higher resolution, bald space marines, and overpriced online service, you will never understand this.


And with this message, I will leave. I'm so tired of you fucktards that I'm simply leaving Revo-Europe. It is incredible how none of you have any kind of common sense. You idiots swing from extreme to extreme, with everybody lying, ignoring, or simply forgetting facts to suit your current agenda. This place is so full of venom, that I can't really understand why I have stayed so long.


Adios amigos.


You're an idiot if you thik ALL future consoles will have motion controls, it's clear that that's not what everyone wants.


See ya later!

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You're an idiot if you thik ALL future consoles will have motion controls, it's clear that that's not what everyone wants.


I just came to fetch few addresses before leaving, but I answer to this when I'm here... When all is said and done, X360 is around 25 million units, Wii probably around 120. Nobody gives shit about minority, and its preferences. Especially when you need to make your console profitable instead of pleasing few chavs. And considering that both Nintendo's competitors have recently (within last year) patented their own motion controllers, I think that it is pretty clear what going to happen. But like they say, "Denial isn't just a river in Egypt".

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You're an idiot if you thik ALL future consoles will have motion controls, it's clear that that's not what everyone wants.


See ya later!


you're an idiot if you think they won't ha.


You must be kidding me if you think the next xbox won't try it to some degree. Ps3 made a half assed attempt at it already sure.


I just came to fetch few addresses before leaving, but I answer to this when I'm here... When all is said and done, X360 is around 25 million units, Wii probably around 120. Nobody gives shit about minority, and its preferences. Especially when you need to make your console profitable instead of pleasing few chavs. And considering that both Nintendo's competitors have recently (within last year) patented their own motion controllers, I think that it is pretty clear what going to happen. But like they say, "Denial isn't just a river in Egypt".


by the way we are not all like that. Some of us actually agree with you

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trolls... adolescenced...., no-life chav

....fucktards ... I'm simply leaving Revo-Europe. none of you have any kind of common sense..... You idiots ....everybody lying, ignoring, or simply forgetting facts to suit your current agenda.... This place is so full of venom


Adios amigos. [/i]


And yet, your usually one of the first users to start hurling personal insults over an impersonal topic.


But at least you dont OVERREACT or anything

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I'm not even going to talk about the obvious EA games. But, PGR, PES, Ratchet, etc... All games or franchises that I might not like, but respected highly, yet now they churn them out on a yearly basis. I hate that. I'd prefer if they just took their time and release something much better and with lots of new stuff.


Not to have a go at you but I have to defend Ratchet :)


For a series that usually comes out with yearly updates ( think it missed last year) it really never gets stale. Insominiac do a great job of adding new weapons and levels while not altering the main gameplay of the game. The games are so much fun to play and are easily my best platforming series apart from Mario. What makes the characters great are the fact that they have great voice actors doing the voice work so the Ratchet and co become lovable ( Captain Quark ownz ) Also I enjoy the story aspect of the games, sure its not a FF game style story but it still does the job.


Regarding this topic I knew it was a mistake to keep it open, been reading through most of the posts and it pretty much turned into a flame warzone. Ah the joys of N-E :)

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I still consider Wii sports revolutionary. Some people will laugh, go ahead. But when i'm seeing people play videos games who have never been able to grasp them before, well then I look at it and think, there you go, its done something new. Now if you don't like it fine. Maybe its not for you. Go buy something else, its not like nintendo needs your business at the moment. Buy a 360, they're great, honestly. But the fact the of the matter is that Nintendo revolutionised the way games are played, not just in control method but in the simplicity and approachability of games, and people like it. Its revolutionary.


I am in absolute agreement about the fact that Wii is much more approachable. Wii Sports is a perfect example of that. But there is a difference with say Apple(quality) approachable and McDonalds(low quality) approachable. Marketing of the Wii falls on the McDonalds side. The controller is awesome but very limited(Nintendo have so many add ons...). The games are low quality but their target market will happily buy these.


Wii Sports is it really a real 'game' that they are grasping? It seems more like a motion control tech demo than real game which is happens to be very forgiving. These poeple are hardly playing actual games. Mario Galaxy isnt going to appeal to these people the same way Zelda didnt.

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I just came to fetch few addresses before leaving, but I answer to this when I'm here... When all is said and done, X360 is around 25 million units, Wii probably around 120. Nobody gives shit about minority, and its preferences. Especially when you need to make your console profitable instead of pleasing few chavs. And considering that both Nintendo's competitors have recently (within last year) patented their own motion controllers, I think that it is pretty clear what going to happen. But like they say, "Denial isn't just a river in Egypt".


Why do you keep insisting it's all chavs playing 360s and ps3s??

Ask all the 360 users on here, who out of us are chavs?

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Wii Sports is it really a real 'game' that they are grasping? It seems more like a motion control tech demo than real game which is happens to be very forgiving. These poeple are hardly playing actual games. Mario Galaxy isnt going to appeal to these people the same way Zelda didnt.


I've been saying this for some time now.

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Wii Sports is it really a real 'game' that they are grasping? It seems more like a motion control tech demo than real game which is happens to be very forgiving. These poeple are hardly playing actual games. Mario Galaxy isnt going to appeal to these people the same way Zelda didnt.
It is fun though. And maybe you feel to have a too sophisticated taste (too hardcore, if you like), but for having fun ourselves, it doesn't mean our taste isn't sophisticated, or that Nintendo is doing it wrong.


Having fun is the definition of gaming, and Nintendo is the only one who seems to understand that.

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I still love Wii sports and always play it when I have a few mates round! I do think it's a "game" rather than a demo because in actaul fact I find it to be fairly deep. It takes a long time and a huge amount of skill to beat (become the champion, not just a pro) at all 5 sports and get a gold medal on all the training games.


As far as chavs having 360's and PS3's that couldn't be further from the truth. The real demographic of poeple playing 360's is 18-30's not little chavs, sure there's a few but they're most definately in the minority. I think most people that own PS3's have bought it for the Blu-Ray player as it's far to expensive for Joe Average let alone Kayden Chav. It's the PS2's and PSP's the chavs own with their Need for Speeds, Juiced and "innit" yearly update 2007.


The wii has been fairly dissapointing since launch, that's no secret but the next few months should settle everyones worries becuase it will pick up just like the DS did. Remember, patience is a virtue!

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In my opinion:


When Wii Fit launches Wii-mania will be unstoppable. Coupled with games like 1080, Tony Hawk and maybe FPS games - thus utilising the board AND the wiimote; games could conceivably be more invigorating, immersive and awe-inspiring than any games released on any other format.


Wii Sports opened many peoples eyes to new ways of immersion and the power of play. I really believe Wii Fit will enable people to fully see that 'gaming' can be so much more.


Exactly. Motion sensing won;t stop with the Wii-mote, it will grow and eventually the idustry as a whole woll take it onboard. Wii-Fit will be a phenomenon, I just don;t know exactly how big it will be.



And with this message, I will leave. I'm so tired of you fucktards that I'm simply leaving Revo-Europe. It is incredible how none of you have any kind of common sense. You idiots swing from extreme to extreme, with everybody lying, ignoring, or simply forgetting facts to suit your current agenda. This place is so full of venom, that I can't really understand why I have stayed so long.


Adios amigos.


Although I agree with you, don;t leave, at the end of the day the point is debate.


You're an idiot if you thik ALL future consoles will have motion controls, it's clear that that's not what everyone wants.


See ya later!


Er... that's why the PS3 included the shite Wii rip-off Sixaxis at the last minute in a pathetic attempt to head Nintendo off and steal some sales.

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It is fun though. And maybe you feel to have a too sophisticated taste (too hardcore, if you like), but for having fun ourselves, it doesn't mean our taste isn't sophisticated, or that Nintendo is doing it wrong.


Having fun is the definition of gaming, and Nintendo is the only one who seems to understand that.


I agree, but I agree that there are 'levels' of fun. I feel that a game that has depth such as an online mode only ever increases the 'level' of fun; a mode of gameplay that Nintendo has not really delved into with noticeable merits. Visuals, technological advances and final presentation also adds to this in indirect ways I feel - lets not lie about it; You loved the graphics in TP and the graphics in Corruption is being praised all the time, I find it superficial that some Wii owners would put down the PS3 and 360 for enhancing these elements.

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Who the hell tried to post goatse stuff to my Penny-Arcade mailbox? Considering that there is only few personel that know connection with my alt and my real name, it must be from these boards. And I have really strong suspicision that it is someone from this thread. Basically proves everything that I have said.


Why do you keep insisting it's all chavs playing 360s and ps3s??


Says the guy who writes poorly structured english with multiple exclamation marks, has a "cool" avatar, email address with word "kickflip", playlist full of generic MTV pop shit, gamercard with few FPSs and driving games, has quote "owning the shit", and is sixteen years old. It does give certain image of you, don't you agree? Teenager gamer at its worst, yo. :indeed:


Teppo never lets anyone have an opinion, i've never known anything like it.


I do allow opinion, but if you have opinion, you should have argument it well, and have real facts to back it. Unfortunately, for 80 percent of time, you didn't have neither.


As far as chavs having 360's and PS3's that couldn't be further from the truth. The real demographic of poeple playing 360's is 18-30's not little chavs, sure there's a few but they're most definately in the minority.


Average X360 user age is 21, which is mostly ramped up by some real old gamers. And I wouldn't call 18 years old adult by any means.


very limited(Nintendo have so many add ons...).


And only one add-on is mandatory, and even it is only for single game. So what's your point? Wiimote has 14 buttons, which is more than Dreamcast controller ever had, and only two less than Xbox controller has. Plus motion sensors to compensate some actions.

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S'funny. I could have sworn I knew what 'Adios' meant in English. Obviously I was mistaken. ;)


Everything you have described about users on these boards is symptomatic of message boards everywhere.


Have you ever seen a debate go like this:


DeathBox360 - The XBOX360 is the best choice simply because it has a great library of games, a fantastic online service and the ability to play HD-DVDs.

WiiMad4 - Now I think about it, everything you said is true. I recant my previous posts about the Wii being better and I now agree with you.

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S'funny. I could have sworn I knew what 'Adios' meant in English. Obviously I was mistaken. ;)


First of all, Adios isn't english word, and can't be found in any english dictionary. Secondly, I want to find the fucktard who posted goatse pic links to my PA box. If I ever manage track the IP to its owner, I will make life really, really bitchy for that person. One way or another.


Everything you have described about users on these boards is symptomatic of message boards everywhere.


Hardly. Other forums where I hang are far more nicer and friendly. I mean, we can argue rather intelligently about things instead of shouting and screaming.

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Says the guy who writes poorly structured english with multiple exclamation marks, has a "cool" avatar, email address with word "kickflip", playlist full of generic MTV pop shit, gamercard with few FPSs and driving games, has quote "owning the shit", and is sixteen years old. It does give certain image of you, don't you agree? Teenager gamer at its worst, yo. :indeed:


So now Skater = Chav?

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First of all, Adios isn't english word, and can't be found in any english dictionary. Secondly, I want to find the fucktard who posted goatse pic links to my PA box. If I ever manage track the IP to its owner, I will make life really, really bitchy for that person. One way or another.


Who is this absolute moron? XD


He clearly has no concept of the term 'chav' (how utterly thick does someone need to be to think chavs like skateboarding and MTV?), and even worse seems more like one himself. Making half-arsed threats towards people that he will never keep, as well as being a general asshole (as chavs are). Better yet, he is using the excuse of goatse spam as a reason to keep posting here - do you honestly think Joe Bloggs in the audience will confess to it? No, so go away and stop wasting our time.

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